What Monarch, then, has n.o.bler recreations Than mine? Or where the great and cla.s.sic Land Whose wealth of Art delights the gathered nations That owns a Picture Gallery half as grand?
I had a Message to send her, To her whom my soul loved best; But I had my task to finish.
And she was gone home to rest.
To rest in the far bright heaven: Oh, so far away from here, It was vain to speak to my darling, For I knew she could not hear!
I had a message to send her.
So tender, and true, and sweet, I longed for an Angel to bear it, And lay it down at her feet.
I placed it, one summer evening, On a Cloudlet's fleecy breast; But it faded in golden splendour, And died in the crimson west.
I gave it the Lark next morning, And I watched it soar and soar; But its pinions grew faint and weary, And it fluttered to earth once more.
To the heart of a Rose I told it; And the perfume, sweet and rare, Growing faint on the blue bright ether, Was lost in the balmy air.
I laid it upon a Censer, And I saw the incense rise; But its clouds of rolling silver Could not reach the far blue skies.
I cried, in my pa.s.sionate longing:- "Has the earth no Angel-friend Who will carry my love the message That my heart desires to send?"
Then I heard a strain of music, So mighty, so pure, so clear, That my very sorrow was silent, And my heart stood still to hear.
And I felt, in my soul's deep yearning, At last the sure answer stir:- "The music will go up to Heaven, And carry my thought to her."
It rose in harmonious rushing Of mingled voices and strings.
And I tenderly laid my message On the Music's outspread wings.
I heard it float farther and farther, In sound more perfect than speech; Farther than sight can follow.
Farther than soul can reach.
And I know that at last my message Has pa.s.sed through the golden gate: So my heart is no longer restless, And I am content to wait.
"Never again!" vow hearts when reunited, "Never again shall Love be cast aside; For ever now the shadow has departed; Nor bitter sorrow, veiled in scornful pride, Shall feign indifference, or affect disdain,-- Never, oh Love, again, never again!"
"Never again!" so sobs, in broken accents, A soul laid prostrate at a holy shrine,-- "Once more, once more forgive, oh Lord, and pardon, My wayward life shall bend to love divine; And never more shall sin its whiteness stain,-- Never, oh G.o.d, again, never again!"
"Never again!" so speaketh one forsaken, In the blank desolate pa.s.sion of despair,-- "Never again shall the bright dream I cherished Delude my heart, for bitter truth is there,-- The angel, Hope, shall still thy cruel pain Never again, my heart, never again!"
"Never again!" so speaks the sudden silence, When round the hearth gathers each well-known face,-- But one is missing, and no future presence, However dear, can fill that vacant place; For ever shall the burning thought remain,-- "Never, beloved, again! never again!"
"Never again!" so--but beyond our hearing-- Ring out far voices fading up the sky; Never again shall earthly care and sorrow Weigh down the wings that bear those souls on high; Listen, oh earth, and hear that glorious strain,-- "Never, never again! never again!"
Blue against the bluer Heavens Stood the mountain, calm and still, Two white Angels, bending earthward, Leant upon the hill.
Listening leant those silent Angels, And I also longed to hear What sweet strain of earthly music Thus could charm their ear.
I heard the sound of many trumpets In a warlike march draw nigh; Solemnly a mighty army Pa.s.sed in order by.
But the clang had ceased; the echoes Soon had faded from the hill; While the Angels, calm and earnest, Leant and listened still.
Then I heard a fainter clamour, Forge and wheel were clashing near And the Reapers in the meadow Singing loud and clear.
When the sunset came in glory, And the toil of day was o'er, Still the Angels leant in silence, Listening as before.
Then, as daylight slowly vanished, And the evening mists grew dim, Solemnly from distant voices Rose a vesper hymn.
When the chant was done, and lingering Died upon the evening air, From the hill the radiant Angels Still were listening there.
Silent came the gathering darkness, Bringing with it sleep and rest; Save a little bird was singing Near her leafy nest.
Through the sounds of war and labour She had warbled all day long, While the Angels leant and listened Only to her song.
But the starry night was coming; When she ceased her little lay From the mountain top the Angels Slowly pa.s.sed away.
Golden days--where are they?
Pilgrims east and west Cry; if we could find them We would pause and rest: We would pause and rest a little From our long and weary ways:- Where are they, then, where are they-- Golden days?
Golden days--where are they?
Ask of childhood's years, Still untouched by sorrow, Still undimmed by tears: Ah, they seek a phantom Future, Crowned with brighter, starry rays;-- Where are they, then, where are they-- Golden days?
Golden days--where are they?
Has Love learnt the spell That will charm them hither, Near our hearth to dwell?
Insecure are all her treasures, Restless is her anxious gaze:- Where are they, then, where are they-- Golden days?
Golden days--where are they?