Legend of Swordsman - Chapter 5541: They're Being Targeted

Chapter 5541: They're Being Targeted

Chapter 5541: Theyre Being Targeted

Translator:EndlessFantasy TranslationEditor:EndlessFantasy Translation

In the span of an hour, a ma.s.sive aura swept through, drawing the attention of many Emperor powerhouses who were venturing into the Deep Wilderness.

Even from a considerable distance, these individuals could sense the formidable presence, and none dared to approach without careful consideration. Nevertheless, they promptly informed their respective clans or sects about the occurrence.

Most of these powerhouses were either affiliated with the Elder Palace or acquainted with the Emperors of the Elder Palace. News of the incident spread rapidly.

In the Deep Wilderness beyond Qinghe Niuzhou, a tier 6 Emperor was engaged in combat, facing off against a tier 6 Emperor-level desolate beast.

Zhong, the Vice Hall Master with the most accurate intelligence, quickly received the news.

It was not surprising for him to hear about it.

Qinghe Niuzhou? Zhong, the Vice Hall Master, wore a stern expression. He casually took out a jade slip and began studying the map of the entire northern region.

From Giant Gate City to Qinghe Niuzhou, pa.s.sing through the Deep Wilderness, it seems highly likely that its Jian Wushuang! A faint smile appeared on Zhongs face.

Leave immediately without alerting the Eight Gates Transmission Array. Head for Qinghe Niuzhou! Vice Hall Master Zhong, said coldly.

We must get there ahead of him. Upon arrival, everyone must conceal their aura. Whoever dares to expose even a trace of their presence will forfeit ten epochs of remuneration!


Vice Hall Master Zhong had guessed accurately. This wasnt difficult since there were only a handful of tier 6 Emperors. Asking around would reveal the truth.

Since it was an unfamiliar tier 6 Emperor, the probability of a recent breakthrough was minimal. Even if it were a tier 5 Emperor breaking through, news would have circulated.

The appearance of a tier 6 Emperor in the northern region was a significant event, requiring prior notification to the Elder Palace.

Such powerhouses needed comprehensive monitoring, if not full surveillance. Disclosing their detailed information and seeking verification was necessary. What if the individual turned out to be an infiltrator from the Shadow Sect?

Not only tier 6 Emperors, but even many tier 3 Emperors had their records in the archives of the Elder Palace.

Only through such measures could they achieve the oversight and control necessary to govern and secure the entire northern region. Otherwise, it would have long become a playground for Shen Ling.

Just like the Earthly Realm, apart from the central region controlled by the temple, the other four major regions were practically the backyard of the Kui Organization, visible almost everywhere.

Even in the Great Xia where Jian Wushuang once resided, almost all the top-tier powerhouses had some connection with the Kui Organization.

Across the entire Earthly Realm, in terms of overall strength, Kui even surpa.s.sed the influence of the White Tiger Temple.

In the Heavenly Realm, especially in the current northern region, it was rare to hear about any Shadow Sect forces similar to the Kui Organization.

It was mainly because the influence of the Kui Organization was deeply rooted in the mortal world, challenging to eradicate.

Beyond the realm of mortal affairs, anyone a.s.sociated was uprooted, and this extended to the top echelons.

For instance, if the Emperor of a certain sect had ties with the Shadow Sect, the entire sects Emperor would suffer.

The severe cases faced direct annihilation, and even peripheral figures needed to be suppressed in prison.

Those with no significant connections would be sent to mines for labor, only to be released after sufficient ore had been extracted.

It was a lengthy process.

It wasnt that the Enforcement Hall was too ruthless, but only through such iron-fisted suppression could they be effective.

Yet, despite these measures, some elements remained untouched.

The group that rescued Jian Wushuang consisted of Emperors planted by Shen Ling in the Elder Palace.

Even the headquarters of the Elder Palace could be infiltrated, showcasing the extreme methods of Shen Ling.

The Enforcement Halls methods towards rebels were always ruthless.

Especially Deputy Hall Master Zhong, one of the two Deputy Hall Masters.

He was eagerly awaiting Jian Wushuang to fall into their trap.

After arranging their strategy, they were directly transported to the supercontinent Dongzhou Continent in Qinghe Niu State.

Their figures were elusive, and on Dongzhou Continent, there was even an ultimate-level powerhouse, yet even that ultimate-level powerhouse failed to detect them.

After everything was set up, Vice Hall Master Zhong patiently waited for Jian Wushuang to arrive.

He also informed Wuzuo of this information.

Upon receiving the news, Wu Zuo expressed satisfaction. Good, make sure to wait for Jian Wushuangs arrival. I will secretly arrange forces to a.s.sist you. Remember, you must preserve your lives, and do not let anyone else know about this plan!

Yes! Vice Hall Master Zhong responded, equally excited.

He had long been impatient to capture Jian Wushuang.

Capturing Jian Wushuang wasnt for the universe crystals but to prove himself.

There was also the last shred of dignity as an elder.

However, he was unaware that right after informing Wu Zuo of this good news, Wu Zuo immediately notified Jian Wushuang.

In the Deep Wilderness.

Jian Wushuang stood on a ma.s.sive skeleton.

The Candle Dragon Claw penetrated the skull of the skeleton. Subsequently, an astonis.h.i.+ng force of devouring directly a.s.similated a certain power contained within the skeleton into Jian Wushuangs body.

Afterward, he sealed that force within a jade bottle.

Jian Wushuang spread his hands, revealing three jade bottles and a small box.

Within the jade bottles were the flesh, marrow, and divine body of an ancient desolate dragon, while the box contained the dragons inner core, equivalent to a cultivators Origin Source.

These items were treasures, priceless if sold, affordable only by supreme-peak experts.

This ancient desolate dragon was probably the only one in the entire Northern Region, and he happened to encounter it within the boundary.

Upon receiving news from Wu Zuo, he wasnt in such a hurry. Only after everything was arranged did he leave to pursue Gong Miaoyi in the north.

With his speed, he would catch up quickly.

Now, Vice Hall Master Zhong waited for him in the core area of Qinghe Niuzhou on the Eastern Continent, which was indeed troublesome.

Originally, he planned to go to the Eastern Continent to engage in mining, then infiltrate the mines to rescue Gong Miaoyis father. However, it seemed not so easy now.

Since that plan wouldnt work, he would try another approach.

If the Eastern Continent was not an option, he would go to the Qingzhou Continent.

However, he had already exposed his position and needed a way to deceive others.

Jian Wushuang pondered slightly. Two immense Life powers separated from his Origin Source and flew toward a particular direction.

During their flight, these two Life powers transformed into two figuresone was Jian Wushuang, and the other was Gong Miaoyi.

Both were clones.


He was a professional, after all.

Even if the supreme-peak emerged, it wouldnt matter; he could still escape.

After catching up with Gong Miaoyi, the original and Gong Miaoyi took out an ordinary flying treasure, disguising themselves as members of Qingniao Hall, heading towards the Qingzhou continent.

Meanwhile, the clone had already reached the Dongzhou continent at an astonis.h.i.+ng speed.

Were heading to Qingzhou!

Though there was a slight deviation from the initial plan, it didnt affect the overall situation.

Qingzhou continent.

It was an ancient and desolate land with few cultivators residing in it.

There were even fewer sects and families.

Despite being larger than Liuzhou, the entire Qingzhou continent had only one medium-sized city.