Legendary Armament Canon - Chapter 950 - Chapter 950 This Sword Is Named True Martial! (1)

Chapter 950 - Chapter 950 This Sword Is Named True Martial! (1)

Chapter 950 - Chapter 950 This Sword Is Named True Martial! (1)

Chapter 950 This Sword Is Named True Martial! (1)

Ji Lutian followed Cang Huan and the others to set off again.

Zhou Shu didnt pay much attention to the Giant Spirit King and the others expedition.

The ox-horse race only ranked 72nd among the myriad races in the world. If they couldnt even deal with them, what right did the giant spirit race have to stand at the top of the myriad races in the future?

Moreover, Ji Lutian was helping them.

Although Ji Lutian was sometimes more narcissistic, it had to be said that he had the right to be narcissistic. In a sense, Zhou Shu felt at ease with him around.

As for Zhou Shu himself, after a short rest, he entered the Lingxiao Treasure Palace again and threw himself into forging.

In the Lingxiao Treasure Palace, there were a few Forging Apprentices from the giant spirit race with outstanding forging talent that he had selected.

After a period of training, these Forging Apprentices were already quite proficient in smelting forging materials.

With immense strength and complete obedience, these Forging Apprentices were definitely a forgers favorite helpers.

Zhou Shu was naturally no exception. In a good mood, he naturally taught them more forging techniques.

The learning speed of these Forging Apprentices wasnt too slow. But compared to one person, they were much slower.


Or rather, Huo Linger!

She was the only surviving little princess of the fire race. Her forging talent surprised Zhou Shu.

In just a short period of time, Linger had already mastered the forging methods of standard weapons. She could even occasionally forge yellow-grade weapons.

Especially since she had awakened the Fire Phoenix True Spirit, her control of flames even surpa.s.sed Zhou Shus.

If the talents of the ancient races were used in the right place, they were truly incomparably impressive.

The fire race was clearly quite talented in controlling fire. This talent combined with the art of forging was really an extraordinary match.

Zhou Shu didnt know about the other fire race members, but with some training and Lingers forging talent, she would become an extremely outstanding forger.

While Zhou Shu was forging, he also began to nurture Linger.

To Zhou Shu, being a forger was a relatively safe profession. He couldnt bear to let Linger fight and kill with others, so letting her develop on the path of a forger wasnt a bad choice.

If not for the arrival of the bai ze race, he would probably have to nurture Linger into a forger who could forge connate divine weapons before coming out of seclusion.

Sir The Bai Ze King, Bai Yue, still didnt know Zhou Shus name, so he could only say awkwardly, My bai ze race has a total of 8,197 people, and we have all moved here. We await your instructions.

Your bai ze race only has so few people? Zhou Shu had heard from Cang Huan that the bai ze race didnt have many people, but he didnt expect there to be less than 10,000 people in the bai ze race.

With just 8,000 people, they actually ranked 11th among all the races in the world. The bai ze race was really abnormal.

Yes, everyone in the race is here, Bai Yue said. Everyone in the bai ze race can become warriors, and their strength is similar to each other. If you have any instructions

Bai Yue introduced the bai ze race.

Listening to Bai Yues introduction, Zhou Shu finally realized how big the difference was between the giant spirit race and the top races in ancient times.

There were more than 8,000 people in the entire bai ze race, but not a single one was weak. Even the weakest was similar to Cang Huan before he cultivated the Eight-Nine Arcane Art!

There were more than 8,000 Giant Spirit Kings.

No wonder they could rank eleventh among the myriad races in the world.

But how did they reproduce with so few people?

Zhou Shu was a little puzzled. According to his shallow biological knowledge from his previous life, it was very difficult for such a race with a small population to reproduce.

Of course, ordinary biological knowledge couldnt be used to judge this ancient race.

Bai Ze King, since youre here, you dont have to worry anymore. Youre a smart person. As Ive said, from now on, youre responsible for protecting her. Zhou Shu pointed at Linger beside him. I dont want her to be hurt in any way. Can you do it?

I dare not say that I can protect her from harm, but I can guarantee that she wont be harmed as long as Im alive, Bai Yue said cleverly. He didnt make any promise on behalf of the bai ze race. He only spoke for himself. He could die in battle to protect the girl, but the bai ze race wouldnt sacrifice their entire race for anyone.

Zhou Shu could naturally tell what Bai Yue meant, but he couldnt be bothered to argue with him. Since he was here, how could he let him do anything he wanted? Linger, stay nearby and find a place for them to settle down, Zhou Shu said. Linger agreed happily.

Bai Ze King, wait. Zhou Shu stopped Bai Yue.

Bai Yue instructed the bai ze race to follow Linger to settle down. He turned around and returned to Zhou Shu. What other orders do you have?

Bai Ze King, Ive long heard that your bai ze race knows everything in the world. Im very curious. Your bai ze race has never liked fighting. Why did you suddenly destroy the entire fire race? Zhou Shu looked at Bai Yue with a faint smile.