Legendary Armament Canon - Chapter 808 - 808 Since There's Mo Ye, Is There Gan Jiang? (1)

Chapter 808 - 808 Since There's Mo Ye, Is There Gan Jiang? (1)

Chapter 808 - 808 Since There's Mo Ye, Is There Gan Jiang? (1)

808 Since Theres Mo Ye, Is There Gan Jiang? (1)

Yao Buqi was dumbfounded. Can Two Region Mountain be used like this?

Im not a fake owner of the Two Region Mountain, right?

If Zhou Shu hadnt told him how to use divine weapons, he wouldnt have known that the Two Region Mountain was a divine weapon.

Later, under Zhou Shus guidance, he had indeed mastered some usages of the Two Region Mountain.

But it was only limited to moving the Two Region Mountain.

But his method of flying in the sky was incomparable to direct teleportation.

Who is this woman?

How does she know how to use the Two Region Mountain?

She wont take my Two Region Mountain, will she?

Yao Buqi became a little nervous. He knew his strength very well. He was definitely not their match. If they really wanted to take his Two Region Mountain, should he just give it up to them?

The woman turned around and looked at Yao Buqi lightly. The Two Region Mountain is a very good connate divine weapon. Make good use of it. Dont waste the efforts of our predecessors.

Hearing this, Yao Buqi heaved a sigh of relief. In that case, she probably wont take my Two Region Mountain.

Yes, Yao Buqi said respectfully.

He didnt know this womans ident.i.ty, but the instantaneous teleportation of the Two Region Mountain made him not dare to be impudent.

They were all experts, and he couldnt afford to offend them.

[The Zhanlu Sword you forged effectively completed a kill. The second move of the Seven Swords of Heaven Interception Technique, Indescribable Dao, has reached perfection!]

Just as Zhou Shu was about to speak, a message suddenly flashed before his eyes.

Then there seemed to be countless sword lights flickering in his pupils, as well as countless profound rays of light lingering.

The woman in whites expression changed slightly as she looked at Zhou Shu with a solemn expression.

She didnt know why Zhou Shu was exuding a sword intent that made her heart skip a beat, but she could sense that the sword intent was very strong, so strong that it made her feel as if her life was being threatened.

The changes in Zhou Shus body lasted for a few breaths of time before the shocking sword intent disappeared.

Zhou Shu regained his senses and looked at the woman in white with an awkward smile. My apologies.

Xuanyi said that youre an interesting person. As expected, the woman said.

At this moment, w.a.n.g Xuanyi had already descended from the sky.

There was a smile on his face, and his entire body was br.i.m.m.i.n.g with joy. He was completely different from the first time Zhou Shu had seen him.

It seemed that he was in a good mood because the woman in front of him had reconstructed her body.

Senior w.a.n.g, have you already killed that demonic beast? Zhou Shu asked in surprise.

The demonic beast that had torn open the barrier between the two worlds had only lost half by a move when he fought Ji Lutian.

In Zhou Shus eyes, Ji Lutian was already a hidden mighty figure. Their cultivation far exceeded the current Zhou Shus.

w.a.n.g Xuanyi was actually able to kill him. What kind of strength was this?

With an expert like him, why would the human race be afraid of the invasion of the Demon Realm?

Hes not very strong. Its nothing surprising that Ive killed him, w.a.n.g Xuanyi said indifferently, revealing his aura as a powerhouse. Young friend, you are my benefactor. If anyone dares to hurt you, I, w.a.n.g Xuanyi, will definitely kill them.

w.a.n.g Xuanyis domineeringness made Yao Buqi envious.

Zhou Shu was very calm. He was only more certain of w.a.n.g Xuanyis strength.

The stronger w.a.n.g Xuanyi was, the better it was for him. He was the strongest worker under him.

Look at his efficiency. The Zhanlu Sword had only been in his hands for a short while, but he had already obtained two moves of the Seven Swords of Heaven Interception.

w.a.n.g Xuanyi was definitely the most efficient among all of Zhou Shus workers.

Senior w.a.n.g, youre being too serious. Im just doing what I can. I dont deserve to be called your benefactor, Zhou Shu said politely.

Its nothing to you, but to us husband and wife, its a new lease on life, the woman in white said with a smile. We should repay your great kindness generously.

Only then did Zhou Shu realize that the woman in white was w.a.n.g Xuanyis wife.

He cupped his hands. Madam, youre too polite. You are both pillars of our human race. As long as you are here, the demonic beasts of the Demon Realm wont dare to be arrogant. Its my honor to be able to help you.

How is it? I told you this little friend was a young hero who cared about the human race. w.a.n.g Xuanyi looked at his wife with a smile.

The woman in white smiled. Unfortunately, he thinks too highly of us.

Little Brother. w.a.n.g Xuanyi looked at Zhou Shu. We cant be considered pillars. To fight demonic beasts, the strength of one or two people is a drop in the bucket.

Zhou Shu frowned. He looked at w.a.n.g Xuanyi and saw that he didnt seem to be joking.

Even with your strength, we cant avoid this calamity? Zhou Shu asked.

In just a moment, w.a.n.g Xuanyi had killed a Demon King who could tear open the barrier between the two worlds.

If he was willing, he could probably kill Demon King Ao, Tiangou, and the other Demon Kings with one strike.

Its easy to kill a few demonic beasts, but theres no end to them. w.a.n.g Xuanyi shook his head with a bitter smile.

But Little Brother, dont worry. As long as were still around, we can definitely protect you through this calamity.

Im not worried about my own safety, Zhou Shu said. Senior w.a.n.g, what do you mean by endless demonic beasts?