Legendary Armament Canon - Chapter 747 - 747 Offending Him Might Be The Xu Ling Grotto-Heaven's Greatest Mistake (2)

Chapter 747 - 747 Offending Him Might Be The Xu Ling Grotto-Heaven's Greatest Mistake (2)

Chapter 747 - 747 Offending Him Might Be The Xu Ling Grotto-Heavens Greatest Mistake (2)

747 Offending Him Might Be The Xu Ling Grotto-Heavens Greatest Mistake (2)

Who said I wanted to escape? Zhou Shu looked at Tang s.h.i.+yi, his eyes filled with killing intent.

I had no grudges with the Xu Ling Grotto-Heaven in the past. But you actually want to murder me for a Divine Stone! My daughter died in your hands, so Ill make everyone in your Tang family dies with her!

Zhou Shus expression was a little crazy. He was not a murderous person to begin with. Even when facing demonic beasts, he couldnt be bothered to kill them sometimes.

But this time, the Xu Ling Grotto-Heaven had touched his bottom line.

At the thought that Xiaoyuer might have already died at the hands of the people of the Xu Ling Grotto-Heaven, Zhou Shu felt a sharp pain in his heart and was about to go crazy.

This time, he would definitely not let this matter rest!

Even if the Xu Ling Grotto-Heaven was the main force resisting the demonic beasts, Zhou Shu wouldnt care!

Demonic beasts were enemies. No matter how much they fought, Zhou Shu wouldnt be so angry. But the Xu Ling Grotto-Heaven were humans. He had once fantasized about becoming allies with them!

Make my Tang family die with her? Kid, I advise you to know your place. Tang s.h.i.+yi sneered. Do you think you have the right to say such things just because you ambushed me?

You cant even walk out of this torture chamber, yet you still dare to boast so shamelessly! Do you really think my Xu Ling Grotto-Heavens Tang family is a pushover?

Youre the one boasting shamelessly. Zhou Shu sat cross-legged and felt the power in his body recede like a tide. The effect of the divine ability Total Annihilation had pa.s.sed, and he had entered a weakened state again.

But he wasnt in a hurry. Tang s.h.i.+yi was chained up, and no one else would come to this torture chamber except Tang s.h.i.+yi.

Simply put, this torture chamber was the safest place in the Xu Ling Grotto-Heaven for Zhou Shu.

Zhou Shu ignored Tang s.h.i.+yi and waited for his cultivation to recover.

Tang s.h.i.+yi seemed to notice Zhou Shus abnormality, but he was chained up by the Divine Lock Chain, and his cultivation was completely sealed. His entire body was so weak that he had no strength at all.

The Divine Lock Chain was a connate divine weapon of the Xu Ling Grotto-Heaven. It was specially used to lock up Grotto-Heaven experts.

Not only could it seal spiritual essence, but it could also seal the mental strength of Grotto-Heaven experts.

The current Tang s.h.i.+yi was weaker than an ordinary person. How could he hurt Zhou Shu?

The two of them, one sitting and the other lying, were deep in thought.

As time pa.s.sed, there was suddenly a knock on the door outside the torture chamber.

s.h.i.+yi, hows the interrogation going? Tang Qis voice came from outside the thick iron door.

Tang s.h.i.+yi was delighted. Just as he was about to shout, he saw Zhou Shu suddenly open his eyes, and a light landed on Tang s.h.i.+yi.

Then Tang s.h.i.+yi couldnt make another sound.

What happened next made Tang s.h.i.+yis eyes widen, and his heart was in turmoil.

If he could speak, he would have shouted, Thats impossible!

In front of him, the light enveloping Zhou Shu gradually disappeared, revealing an incomparably familiar face.

It was him, Tang s.h.i.+yi!

Seeing that not only had Zhou Shu transformed into him, but even his aura had become identical to his, Tang s.h.i.+yis eyes went from shock to panic and finally to fear.

This kid is very stubborn, but it doesnt matter. Ill pry his mouth open.

When Tang s.h.i.+yi heard Tang s.h.i.+yi speak in the exact same voice as his, the fear in his eyes intensified.

Give me half a day, and Ill make him talk, Tang s.h.i.+yi continued.

Alright! Tang Qis voice came, and then footsteps sounded, getting farther and farther away.

Tang s.h.i.+yi shouted in his head. Stop, stop!

But he couldnt make a sound at all. It was impossible for Tang Qi to hear the voice in his head.

Tang s.h.i.+yi turned to look at Tang s.h.i.+yi and said, Tang s.h.i.+yi, do you think Tang Qi and Tang San will recognize me if I walk out now?

Tang San and Tang Qi should be your brothers. If Tang s.h.i.+yi suddenly attacks them, how confident do you think they are in avoiding it?

Tang s.h.i.+yi was furious. The fake Tang s.h.i.+yi had ulterior motives and planned to cause trouble. The consequences were unimaginable!

I forgot. You cant talk, Zhou Shu said coldly. Dont worry. I wont kill you yet.

Ill execute the leader first. Didnt you say that your Tang family isnt to be trifled with? Ill let you see how Ill make your Tang family disappear from this world!

Wuwu Tang s.h.i.+yi struggled with all his might, but his cultivation was sealed by the Divine Lock Chain, and his voice was sealed by Zhou Shu. Not only could he not move, but he couldnt even make a sound.

Oh yes, I almost forgot. Zhou Shu suddenly reached out his hand. His fingertip lit up and pointed at Tang s.h.i.+yi.

Just as Tang s.h.i.+yi was wondering what he was doing, he saw Zhou Shu reach out and circle his hand. A light screen appeared in front of him like a mirror.

Seeing the scene on the light screen, Tang s.h.i.+yi felt like he was going crazy.

What he saw was not his own appearance but Zhou Shus!

Not only did this b.a.s.t.a.r.d turn into me, but he even turned me into him! What kind of divine ability is this?! Tang s.h.i.+yi roared in his heart. He suddenly thought that if his brothers treated him as Zhou Shu, then

Tang s.h.i.+yi panicked at the thought that he might die at the hands of his brothers one day.

He would rather die at Zhou Shus hands than be treated as Zhou Shu by his brothers and killed.

Under Tang s.h.i.+yis terrified gaze, Zhou Shu raised his head and pulled a strand of hair from his head.

Then the hair instantly turned into a white light that enveloped Zhou Shu.

Looking at Zhou Shu, Tang s.h.i.+yi felt even more fl.u.s.tered.

He even felt his hair stand on end. He suddenly felt that it was a huge mistake for them to provoke Zhou Shu.

But it was too late to regret now.

Zhou Shus body was enveloped by the white light. He was using the Zhuang Zhou b.u.t.terfly Dream Technique again.

The news that Xiaoyuer might have been killed by the Tang family of the Xuling Grotto-Heaven agitated Zhou Shu greatly.

He didnt even hesitate to use the Zhuang Zhou b.u.t.terfly Dream Technique on Tang s.h.i.+yi!

Zhou Shu knew very well that with his current strength, he couldnt sweep through the Xu Ling Grotto-Heaven.

But he had to take revenge for Xiaoyuer. Moreover, he couldnt wait. He wanted to take revenge immediately!

Tang s.h.i.+yi was his chance!

Under Tang s.h.i.+yis bewildered and uneasy gaze, the white light on Zhou Shus body gradually disappeared.

Then Zhou Shu opened his eyes. Countless scenes flashed through his pupils. At this moment, Zhou Shu suddenly slapped Tang s.h.i.+yis face.


Tang s.h.i.+yi, who was unable to fight back, was sent flying more than ten feet away and hit the wall of the torture chamber again.

Blood flowed out of Tang s.h.i.+yis mouth, and even tears appeared in his eyes.

Tang s.h.i.+yi had never been so humiliated since he was born.


Zhou Shu waved his arm. A clear five-fingered mark instantly appeared on both sides of Tang s.h.i.+yis face and began to swell.

Tears finally flowed from Tang s.h.i.+yis eyes. A gentleman could be killed but not humiliated!

Kill me if you want. You cant insult me like this!

Zhou Shu punched and kicked Tang s.h.i.+yi until his face was swollen. He only stopped when even he couldnt recognize him.

Tang s.h.i.+yi, youre really a beast. Zhou Shu snorted in confusion. Do you think Tang Qi will kill you if he finds out that you slept with his favorite concubine?

You think youre better than others, and you dont take the lives of ordinary martial artists seriously. You yourself are full of nonsense! People like you are simply a waste of food!

If not for the fact that he was still useful, Zhou Shu would have stomped him to death!

Tang s.h.i.+yi, who was already crying from the beating, widened his eyes. How does he know about this?!