Legendary Armament Canon - Chapter 679 - 679 Borrowing Your Identity (2)

Chapter 679 - 679 Borrowing Your Identity (2)

Chapter 679 - 679 Borrowing Your Ident.i.ty (2)

679 Borrowing Your Ident.i.ty (2)

Hu Li!

On the other side, a flood dragon hundreds of feet long appeared. His huge eyes were full of anger, and flames even spewed from his mouth and nose.

There were a few shallow wounds on his body. Although he wasnt seriously injured, being injured by Hu Li made Demon King Ao extremely angry.

Who does Hu Li think he is? He was just a Great Demon under me, and he only broke through to the Demon King realm because of luck. He actually thinks that he can be on equal footing with me and dares to hurt me!

Simply unforgivable!

Hu Li! Since youre courting death, Ill fulfill your wis.h.!.+ Demon King Ao roared.

If you want to kill me, try my Heavenly Dragon Slayer first! Hu Li wasnt afraid at all. The shape of the Heavenly Dragon Slayer on his back changed, and it slashed at Demon King Ao.

The two Demon Kings fought again.

This battle had already lasted for many days. Demon King Ao didnt expect Hu Li to become so difficult to deal with.

Especially the wings on his back, they could attack or defend, giving Demon King Ao an incomparable headache.

With these wings, Hu Li came and went like the wind. There were several times when he wanted to defeat him, but Hu Li had used the speed of the wings to dodge the fatal blow and then attack back.

This made Demon King Ao extremely depressed.


In his anger, Demon King Ao erupted with 120% of his combat strength and struck Hu Li heavily.

Hu Lis Heavenly Dragon Slayer transformed into an eggsh.e.l.l to protect him in the middle. But the power of Demon King Aos attack was too great, and it still sent him flying several kilometers away. The Heavenly Dragon Slayer almost broke.

Gruu! Hu Li spat out a mouthful of blood. d.a.m.n, Demon King Ao, youre really strong.

Before he could finish speaking, Demon King Aos figure appeared in front of him again.

The wings on Hu Lis back flickered as he dodged repeatedly.

Demon King Ao was really angry. He didnt care about the consumption of spiritual essence at all and directly launched a large-scale attack, as if he wanted to vent all his anger today.

That mysterious pair of giant hands can defeat me. What makes you think you can defeat me, Hu Li?

Just because you got wings from somewhere?


In his anger, Demon King Aos strength vaguely broke through. For a moment, Hu Li fell into an absolute disadvantage.


With a loud bang, Hu Li was slammed to the ground.

His body twitched, and the Heavenly Dragon Slayer scattered to the side. If not for the Demon Kings powerful body, this attack would probably have killed him.

Demon King Ao panted heavily and laughed as he looked at Hu Li, who had already lost the ability to resist.

Who asked you to be so arrogant?! If I dont teach you a lesson, youll think that Im easy to bully! Demon King Ao shouted. Now you know who the number one Demon King of the Demon Realm is!

Dragon Binding Technique! A voice that seemed to come from the sky replied to Demon King Ao.

Demon King Ao was slightly dumbfounded. He subconsciously looked up at the sky and saw a white cloud descending.

He was about to dodge when the white cloud suddenly accelerated and entered his body.

Demon King Ao was stunned. Just as he was feeling strange, he suddenly felt the spiritual essence in his body recede like a tide. Then a rope seemed to appear around his body and tightly restrain him.

In just a breath, Demon King Ao felt that he could no longer move.

He was shocked. How is this possible?!

He wanted to roar, but he found that he couldnt even make a sound.

At this moment, a figure slowly descended from the sky.

If Demon King Ao could make a sound at this moment, he would definitely cry out, s.h.i.+ Changsheng!

The person who came was the sanctimonious s.h.i.+ Changsheng.

This s.h.i.+ Changsheng was naturally Zhou Shu in disguise.

In front of Demon King Ao and the other Demon Kings, Zhou Shu had always appeared as s.h.i.+ Changsheng. This time, he had no intention of changing.

Looking at Hu Li on the ground, Zhou Shu shook his head helplessly. Hu Li, how many times has it been? If this happens again, I wont save you.

This was an accident. There wont be a next time. Hu Lis voice was weak, but his tone was still quite arrogant.

He wasnt surprised that Zhou Shu had changed his appearance. Hu Li wasnt too bright, and he still thought that Zhou Shus real name was s.h.i.+ Changsheng.

Hu Li struggled to get up and asked with a puzzled expression, What did you do to Demon King Ao? How can you be so strong? You defeated Demon King Ao in one move?

Its not that Im strong but that hes too weak. Zhou Shu smiled. He raised his hand and used the Dragon Binding Technique. White clouds landed on Hu Li.

Hu Lis expression changed slightly. His body shook, and the white cloud qi was already dispersed.

How is it? You can easily suppress this divine ability, but Demon King Ao got caught in it. Isnt it because hes too weak? Zhou Shu said casually.

Hu Lis eyes widened. Did the battle just now allow my cultivation to break through again?

Or was Demon King Ao too exhausted?

Hu Lis mind was in a mess.

Demon King Ao could only move with his eyes. If looks could kill, Zhou Shu would have died countless times.

He glared at Zhou Shu. What is that about me being too weak and Hu Li being stronger than me? Its all nonsense!

He had already knocked Hu Li down just now.

s.h.i.+ Changsheng! Hu Li suddenly said. Let go of Demon King Ao.

Zhou Shu and Demon King Ao were both stunned. Hu Li is still on Demon King Aos side?

Demon King Ao was touched. Did I wrong Hu Li?

I still want to fight him again. Ive thought of how to break that move just now! Hu Lis next words made Demon King Aos touched expression disappear.

Right now, he wished he could bite Hu Li and skin him alive!

No. Zhou Shu shook his head. Hes my captive now. It has nothing to do with you. Dont forget that Im the one who saved you now. You have no right to order me to do things.

Hu Li: I

He was speechless.

Zhou Shu walked up to Demon King Ao. You dont have to look at me like that. Isnt the law of the jungle the rule of the Demon Realm? Since Im stronger than you, you have to suffer.

Of course, you dont have to be afraid. I wont kill you yet. But I need to borrow something from you.

Zhou Shu reached out and took out a mirror from Demon King Aos body. He chuckled. Not bad. You bring the Demon Mirror with you.

Demon King Aos eyes widened. Just as he was wondering what Zhou Shu wanted to do, the scene in front of him almost made his eyeb.a.l.l.s fall out.

The old Daoist priest in front of him lit up. Then then he became him!

Lend me your Demon Mirror and ident.i.ty. Zhou Shu chuckled. I dont think you have any objections, Demon King Ao. If you dont say anything, Ill take it as a yes.

Demon King Aos red eyes were br.i.m.m.i.n.g with tears of blood. Theres no way Im agreeing!

I wish I could cut you into pieces!

d.a.m.n it. What are you going to do with my ident.i.ty?!

Demon King Ao was full of fear. He really couldnt think of what this person wanted to do with his ident.i.ty.

If this person did something big, would he be able to survive in the Demon Realm in the future?

Demon King Ao had forgotten that he was now a prisoner. It was still uncertain if he could survive.

Hu Li also widened his eyes. He rubbed his eyes, but no matter how he looked, he couldnt see any flaws.

If he hadnt seen it with his own eyes, he would definitely have thought that this was the real Demon King Ao!

s.h.i.+ Changsheng, what kind of divine ability is this? Hu Li asked.

Zhou Shu glanced at him. Do you really expect me to answer this kind of question?

Hu Li, I just saved your life again. I dont need you to repay me. Do me a favor. From now on, disappear from the Demon Realm for a while. How about that? Zhou Shu said.

Disappear for a while? What do you mean? Hu Li asked.

From now on, dont let any demonic beasts see you for three months. Do you understand?

Simple. Ill just find a place to sleep for three months, Hu Li said casually. It just so happened that he needed to recuperate.

Zhou Shu nodded. He turned around, raised his hand, and pointed at Demon King Aos glabella.

With a flash of light, Demon King Ao turned into Hu Li. Hu Li fell to the ground in shock.