Legendary Armament Canon - Chapter 563 - Forgers Who Do Not Want to Forge Connate Divine Weapons Are Not Qualified Forgers (2)

Chapter 563 - Forgers Who Do Not Want to Forge Connate Divine Weapons Are Not Qualified Forgers (2)

Chapter 563: Forgers Who Do Not Want to Forge Connate Divine Weapons Are Not Qualified Forgers (2)


Atlas Studios


Atlas Studios

Ill start from the bottom!

Zhou Shu thought. He raised his voice and shouted, Someone, invite Yao Aotian over!

Zhou Shu was fully in charge of the construction of the Demon King Palace, and he had absolute authority in Hu Lis territory. With a single order, a demonic beast quickly went to find Yao Aotian.

Yao Aotian, who was Yin Chengshan, poured out his grievances the moment he saw Zhou Shu.

Yin Chengshan looked around and confirmed that there were no demonic beasts before speaking. Your Highness, I cant take it anymore. Who exactly did you arrange to put on an act with me? That brother is working too hard. In the past few days, Ive been a.s.sa.s.sinated no less than five times!

Your Highness, Im not a Great Demon. I cant take it anymore! If this continues, Im afraid Ill really be killed by that brother.

Yin Chengshan had a bitter expression.

Didnt I tell you to hide? Zhou Shu was somewhat surprised. He had arranged for Zhang San to a.s.sa.s.sinate Yao Aotian, but he had also told Yin Chengshan not to show his face for the time being.

I hid. Theres no need for me to show my face recently. But as you know, Your Highness, I still have to arrange for Yao Aotians demonic beasts to mine, Yin Chengshan said. I wonder how that brother does it. Every time I show up, he will definitely shoot an arrow at me. It would be fine if I really had the cultivation of a Great Demon, but the problem is that I dont

Yin Chengshans cultivation level was not high. In a head-on confrontation, he wasnt Zhang Sans match, not to mention that Zhang San even used the Great Destroyer Heavenly Bow to launch a sneak attack.

To be honest, if not for the countless demonic beasts surrounding him, he might have already been successfully a.s.sa.s.sinated by Zhang San.

Zhou Shu laughed. He hadnt expected Zhang San to be able to achieve this step.

He didnt expect Zhang San to be such a talent.

Although Zhang San had the Great Destroyer Heavenly Bow, his true cultivation was only at the second rank of the Martial Dao.

He had tried to a.s.sa.s.sinate a Great Demon in the territory of the demonic beasts. Although the Great Demon was fake, he hadnt been captured by the demonic beasts and was still attacking. This ability was probably unique among the Ten Nations Alliance.

Also equipped with a connate divine weapon, Yang Hong was already considered quick-witted, but he had still been captured by demonic beasts.

Alright, stop complaining, Zhou Shu said. When I get the chance, Ill get Zhang San to withdraw. But I cant find him now.

Your Highness, Im not afraid of death. Its fine for me to fight to the death with demonic beasts, but its too aggrieving to die under the a.s.sa.s.sination of our own people, Yin Chengshan cried.

You wont die so easily, Zhou Shu said angrily. I called you over to help you increase your strength.

Yin Chengshan was stunned, and the bitterness on his face instantly disappeared. He said happily, Doesnt the Breakthrough Pill only work once?

Who said youre using a pill? Zhou Shu rolled his eyes at him. Im talking about a divine weapon. I intend to forge you a connate divine weapon

Your Highness! Yin Chengshan fell to his knees with a thud, his eyes filled with tears.

His reaction shocked Zhou Shu. What are you doing?

I will never forget your kindness! Yin Chengshan said loudly.

He swore, From now on, Your Highness, you are my second parent. Be it going through mountains of blades or seas of fire, as long as Your Highness gives the order, Ill be at your beck and call!

Zhou Shu was speechless. Where did you learn all this nonsense?!

What good will it do for me to let you go through mountains of blades and seas of fire? Its enough to be able to use it to kill a few more demonic beasts and live up to your status.

Yin Chengshan scratched his head in embarra.s.sment and said seriously, Of course. Im from the Demon Executing Army.

He was a little excited just now, but he couldnt help it. It was a connate divine weapon!

When Yin Chengshan was in the camp, he had also heard s.h.i.+ Songtao and the others talk about connate divine weapons.

Connate divine weapons were stronger than heaven-grade weapons!

It was said that in the entire world, there were only a handful of connate divine weapons. What right did he, Yin Chengshan, have to be bestowed with a connate divine weapon by the king?!

To a martial artist, a weapon was a second life!

A connate divine weapon was equivalent to giving him another life on the battlefield.

It was not an exaggeration to say that he would be reborn.

Yin Chengshan even decided that when he returned to the Ten Nations Continent in the future, he would wors.h.i.+p Zhou Shu for generations and treat him as a great benefactor of the Yin family.

And this connate divine weapon would be the Yin familys heirloom!

Before he obtained the connate divine weapon, Yin Chengshan had already thought of the glorious scene of his son and grandson dominating the battlefield with this family heirloom.

The forging of a connate divine weapon depends on the unity of man and weapon. You will stay by my side until the connate divine weapon is forged, Zhou Shu continued. Here, you dont have to worry about being a.s.sa.s.sinated by Zhang San again.

Is that brother called Zhang San? Yin Chengshan muttered. His name was so ordinary, but his methods were impressive. He had to get to know him properly later.

Your Highness, may I ask what kind of weapon you will be giving me? Yin Chengshan asked excitedly.

In the future, he would also own a connate divine weapon. He wouldnt be afraid of encountering Zhang San again.