Legendary Armament Canon - Chapter 43 - The Genius Approved By The Officials

Chapter 43 - The Genius Approved By The Officials

Chapter 43: The Genius Approved By The Officials

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Hardworking and uncomplaining? Highly meritorious and respectable?

An old steed in the stable still aspires to gallop a thousand miles?

What the h.e.l.l?

Xiao Zongshui, Li Hongyuan, and the others all turned their heads away, ignoring Zhou Shu.

After interacting with him for the past few days, they had long found it strange that Zhou Shu would spout strange words and phrases from time to time. But he had the upper hand.

Even if they were unhappy with him, they had to endure it.

Superintendent Xiao, bring Zhang Yibei and the others to the 97th Workshop.

Superintendent Li, Sixth Brother Wu is yours.

Superintendent Zhang, Ill leave these apprentices to you for now.

Zhou Shu a.s.signed the apprentices to the various superintendents. Everyone, follow the plan. If any of the superintendents dont cooperate, tell me. Ill settle it!

All the superintendents rolled their eyes. They had been working here for so many days. How could they possibly give up halfway?

They only had to endure it for another month at most. All they had to do was work hard. Anyone could do it.

When this mission is over, get as far away from me as you can, Zhou Shu. I never want to see you again!

Xiao Zongshui, Li Hongyuan, and the other superintendents left the 0th Workshop with the Forging Apprentices a.s.signed to them.

After everyone left, Zhou Shu returned to his smelting furnace and prepared to continue forging.

For the past few days, he had been guiding Zhang Yibei and the others, delaying his own forging progress.

He had only forged half the quota of the Horse Slaying Sabers, and he still had a long way to go to reach a hundred.

Just as he picked up his hammer and was about to start forging, he heard a loud voice outside the door.

Old Zhou, Im here to see you. Long time no see. Did you miss me? Sun Gongping entered the room. Oh, I havent seen you for a few days. Your place has really changed.

Why are you here? Zhou Shu said.

He hadnt seen Sun Gongping since he had forged the Horse Slaying Saber in public.

At first, he thought Sun Gongping felt guilty for not helping him invite Yin Wuyou and was too embarra.s.sed to come and find him.

But after he thought about it later, Sun Gongping probably wouldnt feel embarra.s.sed since he was so shameless.

You dont seem to welcome me here, Sun Gongping said. How sad. I treated you as a brother, but you

Are you trying to say that I cast my gaze toward the moon, yet the moon s.h.i.+nes on the gutter1? Zhou Shu said angrily.

Hehe, thats what I meant. Sun Gongping chuckled.

Old Zhou, you even have such literary talent?

I cast my gaze toward the moon, yet the moon s.h.i.+nes on the gutter. Not bad, Ill use it from now on!

Alright, stop talking nonsense. Tell me, what is it? Zhou Shu said. Dont look for me if you want to borrow money. I really dont have money now. Do you see this place? In order to build it, I still owe a huge debt!

Look at you! Sun Gongping rolled his eyes at him. Dont worry. I wont borrow money from you! Im here to ask you to forge a weapon for me!

I knew you wouldnt visit me for no reason! Zhou Shu said. You want me to forge a weapon? Are you kidding me? Im not a Forging Master yet. I cant forge weapons of quality.

Sun Gongping was already a ninth-rank martial artist. To martial artists who had just entered the ranks, standard weapons were not sufficient for them to display their strength. Thus, most weapons used by low-ranked martial artists were low-ranked weapons.

Of course, this was with the exception of those who didnt have the money to buy ranked weapons

Ive thought about it. Rather than using a mediocre ranked weapon, it would be better to use a premium standard weapon temporarily. Sun Gongping shook his head.

So, Ive decided that before I save enough money to hire someone to help me forge a suitable ranked weapon, Ill use a standard weapon first!

Isnt that easy? Doesnt your Divine Constable Bureau also have standard weapons? Zhou Shu said. I remember that the 56th Workshop specializes in supplying standard weapons to the Divine Constable Bureau, right? Sabers, spears, swords, halberds, they are all free for use.

I dont fancy any of those. They are not worthy of my status! Sun Gongping waved his hands.

Old Zhou, we have such a good relations.h.i.+p. Do you think you can help me forge a unique weapon?

It should be mighty and domineering, worthy of my ident.i.ty as a divine constable.

Look, you helped the Huben Troops forge the Huben Saber, you helped Great Xias cavalry forge the Hundred Refinements Ring Pommel Saber, and even the infantry has the Horse Slaying Saber

Our Divine Constable Bureau is much richer than them. If you help us forge a unique weapon, we will definitely be able to offer you suitable compensation.

Sun Gongping talked non-stop.

Zhou Shu was speechless. Say, Great Divine Constable Sun, do you think its that easy to develop a weapon? Just because you want it?

No, I cant do it! Zhou Shu decisively refused.

Dont do that. I came here to talk earnestly with you, Sun Gongping said. Right now, everyone is saying that you are a rare forging genius in Great Xia. Even His Majesty has acknowledged you. Isnt such a small matter easy for you?

Zhou Shu looked at Sun Gongping with a strange expression. His gaze made Sun Gongping uncomfortable.

Why are you looking at me like that?

Something is wrong! Something is very wrong! Zhou Shu mumbled.

Whats wrong? Sun Gongping asked bewilderedly.

This isnt your style! Zhou Shu rubbed his chin. When have you, Great Divine Constable Sun, ever complimented me like this? If you praise me, the sun will rise from the west!

Sun Gongping had always prided himself on being a genius. Since when did he ever praise others of being a genius?

Old Zhou, youre really heartless. Sun Gongping was aggrieved.

Ive always thought that you were very good at forging. Otherwise, why would I treat you as a brother?

How can my brother be just an ordinary person?

Stop! Zhou Shu hurriedly said. Hes still the same Sun Gongping!

Tell me what happened first! What do you mean His Majesty has acknowledged me? Why did you suddenly come to me to help you forge a weapon?

Sun Gongping was a proud and arrogant person. When Zhou Shu suggested that he would help Sun Gongping forge weapons after he became a Forging Master, Sun Gongping had never agreed.

To put it bluntly, this was because he didnt really believe in Zhou Shu.

Now that he had inexplicably come to find Zhou Shu to forge a weapon, there was no way Zhou Shu would believe that there was nothing going on!

With Sun Gongpings vision, he didnt even think highly of ordinary Forging Masters. At the very least, only High-level Forging Masters were worthy of his attention. Why would he take the initiative to look for Zhou Shu to forge a weapon?

Old Zhou, this isnt a good habit. Sun Gongping said. Im here to deliver business to you. Why are you doubting me?

Thank you so much, Zhou Shu said. But right now, Im too busy to take the Divine Constable Bureaus order. Why dont you hire someone else?

d.a.m.n it! Sun Gongping muttered.

I knew it wouldnt be that easy. Old Ma insisted that I come.

Alright, Ill tell you. Youll find out soon anyway!

His Majesty has already given you special permission to partic.i.p.ate in next years Great Xia military parade!

You are the first Forging Apprentice allowed to partic.i.p.ate in the military parade since the founding of Great Xia!

If His Majesty didnt think you were a rare forging genius, he wouldnt have made such a decision?

I know what Old Ma is thinking. He wants to build a good relations.h.i.+p with you before you make a name for yourself. I told him that it was unnecessary. We are brothers. Is there a need to build a relations.h.i.+p?

While Sun Gongping spoke on and on, Zhou Shu was stunned.

He had also heard of Great Xias military parade before. This was a grand occasion for Great Xia, and it was also a prelude to the Ten Nations Martial Arts Tournament.

The Ten Nations Martial Arts Tournament was held once every ten years, while Great Xias military parade was held once every five years. This was a system that the Great Xia Imperial Court had set up in order to preserve Great Xias martial arts.

Next year was the year Great Xias military parade and the Ten Nations Martial Arts Tournament would be held.

Great Xias military parade was divided into two parts. One was a military parade, and the other was a martial arts demonstration.

The so-called military parade was the inspection of the weapons and equipment by the Great Xia Imperial Court.

And the martial arts demonstration was for the three military forces of Great Xia to display their strength.

It was similar to the military parades in Zhou Shus previous life.

Im from the Forging Division. Isnt it normal for me to partic.i.p.ate in the military parade? Zhou Shu asked curiously.

Normal my a.s.s! Sun Gongping said. When have you ever heard of a Forging Apprentice being able to partic.i.p.ate in the military parade?

Ive heard of it. I even heard that there was an apprentice who developed a new weapon during the military parade. His Majesty later rewarded him with the secret forging formula of a ranked weapon

Where did you hear this from? Sun Gongping rolled his eyes.

How could a Forging Apprentice forge a weapon on the spot?

Let me tell you. Although standard weapons are inspected during the military parade, those were all forged in advance by the Forging Division. Forging Apprentices are not qualified to partic.i.p.ate in the parade!

Only Forging Masters, High-level Forging Masters, and Grand Craftsmen are qualified to forge weapons during the parade!

Do you now know how rare it is for His Majesty to allow a Forging Apprentice to partic.i.p.ate in the military parade?

Zhou Shus eyebrows twitched. He had only heard rumors about the military parade in the past, so he really didnt know the details.

Is it really rare? Zhou Shu didnt care that much. With his ability, wasnt it normal to allow him to partic.i.p.ate in the military parade?

You Sun Gongping gave him a thumbs up. Youre really impressive!

Cut the c.r.a.p, Old Zhou. Will you help me or not?! Sun Gongping said indignantly, Youre looking down on me now that youve managed to get close to His Majesty?

Can we talk properly? Zhou Shu rolled his eyes.

Its not that I dont want to help, but I cant!

Its not that easy to develop a new standard weapon. Even though Im a genius, I cant forge one just because I want to.

Besides, theres still General Mengs mission. I dont have time for the next month.

At most, I promise that when a suitable opportunity arises in the future, I will help the Divine Constable Bureau develop a unique weapon, okay?

Ill hold you to it! Sun Gongping thought for a while and realized that it was indeed the case. How could it be so easy to develop a new standard weapon? Even Forging Masters hadnt produced new weapons for many years.

A promise is a promise made! Zhou Shu said.

You are my good brother indeed! Sun Gongping laughed heartily. Lets go. Ill treat you to a drink!

No Zhou Shu was just about to refuse when he suddenly froze.

A barrage of messages flashed in front of his eyes.