Legendary Armament Canon - Chapter 28

Chapter 28

Chapter 28: Open Conspiracy


Atlas Studios


Atlas Studios

Superintendent Zhou, Im sorry to have kept you waiting. Xiao Zongshui walked in from outside and spoke with a fake smile. There are hundreds of Forging Apprentices in the 97th Workshop, and there are issues to solve every day. Youve been in the 97th Workshop before, so you should know.

Zhou Shu knew that Xiao Zongshui was mocking him for not having anyone in the 0th Workshop. His expression didnt change as he said indifferently, Superintendent Xiao is busy.

Alright, Superintendent Zhou, I still have a lot of work to do. You didnt come to the 97th Workshop to reminisce about the old place, did you?

Theres no need to reminisce, Zhou Shu said. I dont have any good memories of the 97th Workshop.

Really? I thought I used to treat you well. Xiao Zongshui smiled spuriously.

Lets not talk about the past anymore, Zhou Shu said coldly. I came here to discuss something with you.

The grand minister has given me permission to select Forging Apprentices from various workshops to join the 0th Workshop

I dont recall the grand minister saying that, Xiao Zongshui interrupted.

They mean the same thing. As long as a Forging Apprentice is willing to come to the 0th Workshop, the superintendent of his current workshop cant stop him. This is the grand ministers intention. Superintendent Xiao, dont you remember? Zhou Shu said.

Of course. A cold glint flashed across Xiao Zongshuis eyes. Superintendent Zhou, are you interested in any Forging Apprentices in the 97th Workshop? As long as the Forging Apprentice agrees, I wont have any objections.

Zhou Shu was taken aback by Xiao Zongshuis att.i.tude. He had originally thought that Xiao Zongshui would find a way to make things difficult for him, but he hadnt expected him to agree so readily.

Thats good. It saves me the trouble of having to look for the grand minister again, Zhou Shu said.

Superintendent Zhou, you dont need to use the grand minister to pressure me. Xiao Zongshui sneered. I wouldnt dare to blatantly defy the orders of the grand minister.

Ive spoken to some of the apprentices, and theyve all agreed to come to the 0th Workshop. I hope that you wont stop them, Superintendent Xiao, Zhou Shu said.

Cut the c.r.a.p. Just tell me who they are, Xiao Zongshui said.

Zhang Yibei, Sixth Brother Wu Zhou Shu said a series of names. They were all the people who had forged the Huben Sabers with him.

Xiao Zongshui had a half-smile on his face, looking somewhat mocking.

He only spoke after Zhou Shu finished speaking. Is that all?

Thats all. There are hundreds of people in the 97th Workshop, so the impact of losing these dozens of people shouldnt be much, right? Superintendent Xiao, can you transfer their contracts to the 0th Workshop?

Id love to do that, but Xiao Zongshui spread his hands.

But what? Superintendent Xiao, do you have any conditions? Zhou Shu frowned.

No, I just cant help, Xiao Zongshui said.

The people you want are no longer in the 97th Workshop.

What? Zhou Shu exclaimed in shock.

Just this morning, a few workshops were short-handed and asked for help from the 97th Workshop. The Forging Divisions workshops have always been on the same side. Since they asked for help, I naturally couldnt ignore them, Xiao Zongshui explained in all seriousness.

Zhang Yibei and the rest are all experts in forging in the 97th Workshop, so I sent them to help out at the other workshops.

Superintendent Zhou, youre late. If you want these apprentices, you have to go look for the other superintendents.

What about their contracts? Zhou Shu frowned.

Naturally, theyve been transferred to the other workshops, Xiao Zongshui said.

Zhou Shu glared at Xiao Zongshui. He didnt believe that this was a coincidence!

Zhang Yibei and the others were all veterans of forging, and they were the only ones who could forge the Huben Sabers now. No rational workshop superintendent would let them go so easily.

Besides, before this, he had never heard of a workshop needing to borrow manpower.

But at this moment, Xiao Zongshui had sent out Zhang Yibei and the others!

No one would believe that he didnt do it on purpose.

Before Zhou Shu came, he had thought that Xiao Zongshui would give him some trouble, so he had been prepared to pay a certain price.

But he hadnt expected Xiao Zongshui to use such a method to stop him from poaching Zhang Yibei and the others.

Zhang Yibei and the group of thirty or so apprentices had been a.s.signed to more than ten workshops. In other words, if Zhou Shu wanted to gather all of them, he would have to talk to a dozen or so superintendents.

Although Yin Wuyou had given the order that superintendents were not to stop their apprentices from leaving, nothing was absolute in this world. Even if they didnt stop the apprentices on the surface, it was easy to play tricks.

A dozen or so workshop superintendents were equivalent to a dozen possible accidents.

Xiao Zongshui had good tactics!

He himself hadnt done anything, but he made dozens of superintendents be at odds with Zhou Shu!

Unless Zhou Shu gave up on recruiting Zhang Yibei and the others, he would definitely become enemies with the other superintendents.

After all, Zhang Yibei and the others had mastered the forging method of the Huben Saber. They were like money trees to the other superintendents, and blocking ones path to wealth was akin to killing their parents.

Zhou Shu didnt believe that these workshop superintendents would be so understanding and righteous as to let Zhou Shu have his way.

Superintendent Xiao, you have great tactics, Zhou Shu said coldly.

The feeling is mutual. Xiao Zongshui laughed heartily. Superintendent Zhou, you are the first Forging Apprentice who forged his own weapon and ascended to become a superintendent in a single bound. As someone who has experience, I will give you a word of advice: not everyone can be the superintendent of a workshop!

By the way, I heard that from next month onward, the 0th Workshop will have to hand over a thousand Hundred Refinements Ring Pommel Sabers every month.

I wonder if a forging genius like you, Superintendent Zhou, can complete this mission alone without cooperation?

Xiao Zongshui burst into laughter.

If a workshop couldnt complete the forging tasks of the Forging Division, the superintendent would definitely be punished!

Without Zhang Yibei and the rest, whom he had experience working with, it would take time for Zhou Shu to get another batch of Forging Apprentices to work together cooperatively.

If he wanted to gather Zhang Yibei and the others, he would also need time.

Even if he managed to gather enough manpower in the end, it would be impossible for him to complete the task.

Xiao Zongshui was conspiring openly. Zhou Shu had to accept it no matter what!

Superintendent Xiao, you dont need to worry about whether or not I can complete the mission, Zhou Shu said coldly.

Superintendent Zhou, I didnt realize that you were so arrogant before, Xiao Zongshui said with a smile. Then lets wait and see. You are a forging genius. A mere thousand Hundred Refinements Ring Pommel Sabers will definitely not stump you.

Its good that you know. I wont disappoint you, Zhou Shu said coldly.

Zhou Shu left the 97th Workshop. Even from afar, he could still hear Xiao Zongshuis loud laughter.

Xiao Zongshui, oh Xiao Zongshui, you want to see me get punished? Thats not possible in this lifetime.

Zhou Shu snorted coldly and walked towards the 81st Workshop. Zhang Yibei had been sent here.

After staying at the 81st Workshop for a while, Zhou Shu went to the 84th, 86th, 89th, 92nd, 93rd workshops

He stayed at every workshop for ten minutes. Every time he left a workshop, his expression would become a bit uglier.

Zhang Yibei and the others had worked together with Zhou Shu before, and he had verified their forging skills.

If he brought them over to the 0th Workshop, the workshop could immediately start forging the Hundred Refinements Ring Pommel Sabers.

If it were any other Forging Apprentices, even if their skill levels were higher than those of Zhang Yibei and the others, Zhou Shu would have to train them again to work cooperatively.

This would be troublesome and a waste of time. The training might not even work.

Xiao Zongshui was well aware of this, so he had taken drastic measures and sent Zhang Yibei and the others to different workshops!

Undeniably, Xiao Zongshui had indeed made a brilliant move.

Zhou Shu couldnt bear to give up on Zhang Yibei and the others, and he wanted to guide and support these people who had worked well with him in the past. Thus, he couldnt avoid provoking the other workshop superintendents.

Even if Zhou Shu had the backing of Yin Wuyou in the Forging Division, he wouldnt have a good life in the future if he offended too many workshop superintendents.

He looked at the door of the 78th Workshop. This was the last workshop. If he still couldnt get anyone, then he would have wasted all his efforts today.

After a moment of silence, Zhou Shu pushed open the door.

Superintendent Zhou, you wish to get Sixth Brother Wu from me? The superintendent of the 78th Workshop, Li Hongyuan, looked at Zhou Shu. No problem.

But I have a condition.

Please speak, Superintendent Li, Zhou Shu said happily.

Its very simple. Li Hongyuan took a sip of tea before continuing, Superintendent Zhou, I heard that you are a rare weapon forging genius. As a result, you rose from an apprentice to superintendent in a single bound.

I have been in the Forging Division for almost thirty years, and I have seen a lot of weapon forging geniuses, Li Hongyuan said indifferently. But most of them are just sailing under false colors.

Ive always disdained in a.s.sociating with people like this.

Zhou Shu narrowed his eyes. Li Hongyuans words seemed to have a deeper meaning.

What exactly do you mean, Superintendent Li? Please speak clearly. Zhou Shu cupped his hands.

I believe in the differences between people, and I believe in the existence of geniuses, Li Hongyuan said calmly. However, I dont think you could have developed the Hundred Refinements Ring Pommel Saber alone.

So? Zhou Shu said. After being rejected with all sorts of excuses, his temper was triggered.

He wanted to keep a low profile and not be in conflict with others, but this didnt mean he was easy to bully!

So what if they were superintendents?

He was also a superintendent!

There is also a forging genius in my 78th Workshop.

Li Hongyuan sneered. Superintendent Zhou, if you want to take an apprentice away, you just need to compete with the forging genius of the 78th Workshop.

If you win, you can take an apprentice away.

If you lose, then Im sorry. I wont allow anyone skilled to fall into the hands of a liar.

Li Hongyuan stared at Zhou Shu, his eyes flas.h.i.+ng.

Superintendent Li, do you want to defy the orders of the grand minister? She has ordered that as long as a Forging Apprentice is willing to join my 0th Workshop, no one can stop him!

What if the Forging Apprentice is unwilling? Li Hongyuan was indifferent.

Zhou Shu narrowed his eyes and looked at Li Hongyuan. It was obvious that these superintendents were in cahoots with Xiao Zongshui. Their purpose was to put on airs right at the beginning of Zhou Shus office.

I have no problem with competing, Zhou Shu said coldly. But I have a rule: the judge must be someone qualified!

And I have to change the terms!

If I win, not only will I take away Sixth Brother Wu, I will also take the other apprentices away!

All the workshops can send as many people as you want. I, Zhou Shu, will compete with them all!