Legendary Armament Canon - Chapter 24

Chapter 24

Chapter 24: The 0th Workshop


Atlas Studios


Atlas Studios

Do I have any questions? Do I?

Zhou Shu didnt know if he should reply with a yes or a no.

He only wanted a bowl of water, but the heavens gave him a West Lake.

Workshop superintendent? Sounds interesting But I wanted to keep a low profile

Xiao Zongshui only managed to become a workshop superintendent after working for more than ten years. Why does it feel a little good that I can reach the same level as him in a single leap?

Grand Minister, theres a small problem. Zhou Shu wasnt blinded by this sudden gift. How many tasks does this 0th Workshop have to take on?

Every workshop in the Forging Division had to undertake forging tasks.

Take the 97th Workshop for example. To complete the forging tasks every month, all the Forging Apprentices had to work tirelessly day and night.

According to Yin Wuyou, apart from him, there wasnt even a single Forging Apprentice in this so-called 0th Workshop.

Under such circ.u.mstances, if he still had to take on forging tasks, would it make a difference whether he was the superintendent or not?

Even if he was in charge, he would have to work day and night like an apprentice.

The corners of Yin Wuyous lips turned up as a crafty glint flashed across her eyes.

Since it is a workshop of the Forging Division, there naturally cant be an exception, Yin Wuyou said. You are the one who created the Hundred Refinements Ring Pommel Saber, so the forging of the Hundred Refinements Ring Pommel Saber will be handed over to your 0th Workshop.

Due to the importance of the Hundred Refinements Ring Pommel Saber, the 0th Workshop only needs to take on this sole task. You can arrange the rest of your time. If you can develop other new weapons, His Majesty and I will definitely not let you suffer.

Only need? Rest of your time?

There are at least tens of thousands of soldiers in the cavalry camp of Great Xia. If tens of thousands of soldiers are equipped with a Hundred Refinements Ring Pommel Saber each, how many weapons will I need to forge?

I may not be able to do it even if I work myself to death. What other time will I have? This little girl looks pretty, but her heart is black.

Grand Minister, its impossible for me to complete the forging task of the Hundred Refinements Ring Pommel Saber by myself. You saw it yourself just now. It takes at least four hours for me to forge a Hundred Refinements Ring Pommel Saber. Furthermore, I will need to rest for two hours after forging one. Forging three sabers per day is my limit.

Even if I work day and night, how many can I forge in a year? This is insignificant to the Great Xia cavalry.

Didnt I say it already? You can recruit people, Yin Wuyou said. The Forging Apprentices of the 0th Workshop enjoy the same treatment as the other Forging Apprentices in the Forging Division. Feel free to report the costs. Not a single cent will be unpaid. The more apprentices you can recruit, the easier it will be for you.

Its easy for you to say!

Zhou Shu really wanted to tell her:

Youre the grand minister of the Forging Division. Do you even understand?

Forging Apprentices arent people that can be easily recruited from the streets. Forging is a skill, and most of the Forging Apprentices in the Forging Divisions workshops inherited their skills from their families. Even the few recruits had to train for months before they could get started.

Those Forging Apprentices who inherited their family skills are already in other workshops. Am I supposed to poach them over? Theyre doing well in their workshops, and I cant offer them more benefits than what theyre already receiving. Why would they be willing to come? As for grooming new Forging Apprentices, I dont have the time!

Grand Minister, I have another question. Does the 0th Workshop have its own territory? Zhou Shu took a deep breath.

If Yin Wuyou gave him a negative answer, he would also give her a negative answer.

Theres no one and no land. Whoever wants to be the superintendent of the 0th Workshop can do it. In any case, I wont!

Of course, Yin Wuyou said. Theres still an unused piece of land that belongs to the Forging Division. It can be handed over to the 0th Workshop. Dont worry. The division will provide the money needed for construction.

This is probably good news. At least theres a piece of territory.

Moreover, if Yin can do everything she says, then money wont be a problem.

Zhou Shu had money and land. Even though he had no manpower, it wasnt like he couldnt try to complete the tasks.

Zhou Shu was a person of many secrets. If he stayed in a workshop, he had to be careful everywhere he went. If he became the superintendent of a workshop, then he would be the king of the workshop, and he could do whatever he wanted.

This way, the chances of his secrets being discovered were much lower.

Furthermore, as the superintendent of a workshop, he naturally didnt need to live in a kennel like the other Forging Apprentices. Xiao Zongshuis residence was very luxurious.

Other than having to bear some pressure from the forging tasks, being a superintendent seems pretty good. Pressure from the forging tasks? Is there no pressure if Im a Forging Apprentice? In the end, wont those tasks be pinned on the heads of the Forging Apprentices?

Grand Minister, one last question! Zhou Shu said in a low voice. If the Forging Apprentices from other workshops are willing to join my workshop, but their superintendents arent willing to let them go, what should we do?

A workshop wasnt something a single person could hold up by themselves.

Even if Zhou Shu was made of iron, how many nails could he endure?

Therefore, poaching was inevitable.

If he tried to poach apprentices, he would definitely have conflicts with the other superintendents. Thus, Zhou Shu had to get himself an imperial sword!

If an apprentice is willing to join you, no one can stop him. I will tell the other workshop superintendents about this, Yin Wuyou said.

Youve asked enough questions. Now give me a clear answer. Will you take up this offer, or will you not? If you dont, I wont force you. The Hundred Refinements Ring Pommel Saber will still belong to you. However, you have to hand over the weapon forging formula to me. Ill arrange for another workshop to forge it.

The Hundred Refinements Ring Pommel Saber had strategic significance to Great Xia. Although Yin Wuyou had promised Zhou Shu that it would belong to him, it didnt mean that she would allow the Hundred Refinements Ring Pommel Saber to remain idle and unused.

At most, the Forging Division would give Zhou Shu a sum of money for every forged Hundred Refinements Ring Pommel Saber.

Are you a man or not? Dont be so wishy-washy! Sun Gongping couldnt help interrupting.

Zhou Shu and Yin Wuyou glared at him at the same time.

If you dont know how to speak, then dont speak!

Yes, why not? Zhou Shu said. Man struggles upward; water flows downward. If I can be a superintendent, why will I choose to remain an apprentice? But Grand Minister, I have a request.

Speak. Im in a good mood today. If its not too much, I might agree. Yin Wuyou was still carrying the Hundred Refinements Ring Pommel Saber, and her heart had already flown back to the palace. She could even imagine how happy her father would be when he saw this saber.

I want the construction of the 0th Workshop to go my way, Zhou Shu said.

Up to you, Yin Wuyou said indifferently. But I have something to say first. There is a limit to the construction cost of the workshop. You can construct the workshop according to your own wishes. As long as you dont violate the rules, no one will care. However, you have to bear the excess costs yourself.

The superintendent of a workshop had a lot of autonomy in their workshop. But under normal circ.u.mstances, no one would spend money on construction.

Spending their own money on the construction for the state If they were transferred away, wouldnt that be being the cats paw?

But Zhou Shu didnt care. It was already an accident for him to become the superintendent of a workshop. For the time being, he probably wouldnt be transferred.

Besides, although he didnt have much money now, he would be rich soon.

The owners.h.i.+p of the Hundred Refinements Ring Pommel Saber was a money tree.

Then, theres no problem! Zhou Shu said. Ill be the superintendent of the 0th Workshop!

Grand Minister, dont worry. I will improve actively and study diligently. I will create more new weapons and add to Great Xias strength!

Yin Wuyou nodded in satisfaction. Remember what you said. I will return to the palace now. Your letter of appointment will arrive soon. Someone will then bring you to the address of the 0th Workshop.

After speaking, she left with the Hundred Refinements Ring Pommel Saber.

As soon as she left, Xiao Zongshui felt a bit embarra.s.sed. He glared at Zhou Shu, then flicked his sleeve and left.

Exploiter Xiao has the guts to glare at me!

Zhou Shu laughed in anger.

Superintendent Zhou, please forgive me for offending you today. I will definitely offer a humble apology in the future. Farewell. Cheng Yong cupped his hands together.

With that, he led his Huben Troops and quickly left.

It took Zhou Shu a while to react before realizing that Cheng Yong was referring to him as Superintendent Zhou.

Alright, stop daydreaming. Hes already gone.

Zhou Shu suddenly felt someone pat his shoulder. It was Sun Gongping. Sun Gongping put his arm around Zhou Shus shoulder and spoke as if they were very close.

Youre now the superintendent of a workshop of the Forging Division. Although your status is not high, Cheng Yong doesnt dare offend you, Sun Gongping said.

Tomorrow at the latest, the Huben Troops will send you a big gift. Furthermore, who knows how many generals will come after the news of the Hundred Refinements Ring Pommel Saber spreads. At that time, your threshold will probably be broken.

Look, we know each other, so we can be considered friends, right? As the saying goes, friends share weal and woe. Since youve struck it rich, shouldnt you help out a brother? Brother, Im looking for a Forging Master to forge a suitable ranked weapon. Im a little short on money. Lend me some first. Ill pay you back double later.

I have no money, and I wont lend you any! Zhou Shu said straightforwardly.

Where does Sun Gongpings confidence come from? Am I very familiar with him?

You dont have money right now, but youll have money soon enough. Im not in a hurry. Ill wait a few days. Sun Gongping chuckled. As a ranked martial artist, he didnt put on any airs.

Im a ninth-rank martial artist. Its not impossible for me to surpa.s.s Old Ma in the future and become a Grandmaster. If you lend me now, you will have the friends.h.i.+p of a future Grandmaster. This is a profitable business. I find you pleasing to the eye. I wouldnt even give others this chance.

No. I wont lend you money even if I have any, Zhou Shu said firmly. If you continue to follow me, Im going to call for help!

There must have been too many things that happened today that made you lose your mind. Think about it again tonight. The friends.h.i.+p of a Grandmaster, its now or never. Ill come find you tomorrow. Sun Gongping jumped and disappeared over the roof.

Zhou Shu rolled his eyes and looked at Li Ergou, who was still unconscious on the ground.

Qi Shan had been killed by Sun Gongping. Li Ergou was seriously injured, but no one paid attention to him.

In the eyes of those big shots, the life and death of a Forging Apprentice were unimportant.

Zhou Shu sighed.

This is the truth of this world. If you arent strong enough, you can fall to such a state at any time. Be careful, be careful.

Those big shots can turn their backs on Li Ergou, but I cant stand by and do nothing