Legendary Armament Canon - Chapter 223 - Imperial Cauldron, The Country Exists with the Cauldron, If The Cauldron Is Gone, The Country Will Perish (1)

Chapter 223 - Imperial Cauldron, The Country Exists with the Cauldron, If The Cauldron Is Gone, The Country Will Perish (1)

Chapter 223 Imperial Cauldron, The Country Exists with the Cauldron, If The Cauldron Is Gone, The Country Will Perish (1)

Great General.

When he saw Meng Bai, Zhou Shu was shocked.

After not seeing Meng Bai for a few days, Meng Bai looked even older than before.

He looked like he was on the verge of death, as if a gust of wind could take him away.

you last time? Zhou Shu asked.

Im fine. Meng Bai shook his head. Medicinal pills were already completely ineffective for his injuries. He understood Zhou Shus intentions, but he didnt believe that the medicinal pill Zhou Shu gave him would be useful to him.

Over the years, in order to treat his injuries, Emperor Yuan Feng had invited countless doctors.

In the end, his injuries continued to worsen.

Great General, Zhou Shu said. You should really try the pill.

Meng Bai nodded. I will take it later. You Marquis, I didnt call you over because of me.

Great General, is it because of the incident that happened in Great Qins capital?

Even though Meng Bai didnt leave the house, he definitely could sense the great disturbance from before.

Exactly. Meng Bai nodded and said solemnly, Leave Great Qin right now. Leave right after our meeting!

Meng Bais expression was grave. Bring Her Highness and Lu Wenshuang. Ill get Chen Ji to cover you. Go now!

Zhou Shu was slightly stunned. He didnt expect Meng Bai to call him over because he wanted him to return to Changan.

Great General, the matter has already been settled, Zhou Shu said curiously.

Meng Bai shook his head. Great Qin is already a place of trouble, so you shouldnt stay for long. I wont stay for long, Zhou Shu said. Grand General, you still dont know, right? Weve already won the right to hold the next Ten Nations Martial Arts Tournament. After the diplomatic mission and the Great Qin handover is over, it wont be too late for me to leave

Dont worry about these things. Meng Bai didnt have the slightest bit of joy on his face. He said with a deep voice, You leave first. I will deal with the matters of the diplomatic mission.

Zhou Shu looked at Meng Bai and suddenly understood something.

Great General Meng Meng Bai had insisted on following the diplomatic mission to Great Qin. Along the way, he didnt have any presence at all, and he said that he came to Great Qin to visit friends and seek medical treatment. After he arrived in Great Qin, he didnt go anywhere as well.

Now, he suddenly stood out and said that he would handle the matters regarding the Great Xia diplomatic mission.

Zhou Shu wasnt worried that Meng Bai would steal the credit.

Because there was no need.

Great General Meng Bai had been an extremely influential official in Great Xia and the commander-in-chief of Great Xias three armies. He had already retired. Would he care about such a small contribution?

Since he stood out now, he probably felt that there was danger here.

His goal in following the diplomatic mission was likely to wait until there was danger before he stood out to take care of matters and let Zhou Shu leave first.

When he thought of this, Zhou Shu felt somewhat moved.

Who was Great General Meng Bai?

He came with the diplomatic mission just to cover his retreat?

Great General, theres no need for this, Zhou Shu said. Im not afraid of danger.

Whatever happened in Great Qin had nothing to do with him.


Zhou Shu was really not afraid of any danger.

With his current cultivation, there were not many situations that could make him feel fear.

You Marquis, its not a matter of whether youre afraid of danger or not. Its just that a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall. The reason why His Majesty sent you to Great Qin isnt to put you in danger but to allow you to gain experience and grow.

We have achieved our goal along the way. Theres no need for you to stay here and take the risk.

Have Her Highness and Lu Wenshuang protect you as you leave Great Qin. There will be people waiting for you at the border of Great Xia.

Meng Bai said with a sunken voice, Just treat this as the dying words of an elder. Trust me this once and go.

Great General, I can leave, but you have to tell me why. Zhou Shu smiled bitterly. Do you know what will happen in Great Qin?

Meng Bai looked at Zhou Shu and suddenly began to cough violently. After coughing for a while, his entire body began to sway.

Return to Changan. His Majesty will give you an explanation. He waved his hand, indicating that he couldnt hold on any longer.

Marquis, the carriage driver and guard whispered to Zhou Shu and made an inviting gesture.

Zhou Shu left Meng Bais room and raised his head to glance at the skies of Great Qin.

It was already late at night. The sky was as black as ink, without a single star in sight.

An extremely oppressive atmosphere seemed to pervade the air, making it difficult to breathe.

Zhou Shu returned to his residence. As soon as he entered, Yin Wuyou rushed over.

Zhou Shu, I remember now! Yin Wuyou said softly as she looked around.

Zhou Shu was still thinking about Meng Bais actions and momentarily unable to react, so he subconsciously said, What did you remember?

Yin Wuyou glanced at Lu Wenshuang and pulled Zhou Shu into the inner room.

After entering the inner room, she still felt that it was not safe. She pulled Zhou Shu onto the bed and lowered the curtain.

Zhou Shu:

He involuntarily glanced at Yin Wuyous body and secretly gulped.

Grand Minister, arent you being too direct? Zhou Shu hesitated.

Whats too direct? Yin Wuyou looked puzzled.

She shook her head. Little Senior Sister Lu wont mind. Shes not interested in these things.

Lu Wenshuang isnt interested?

Even so, we cant do this in front of her

Shes just a few steps away, and theres only this curtain. Do you think she cant hear anything?