Legendary Armament Canon - Chapter 162 - Forging Technique Legacy

Chapter 162 - Forging Technique Legacy

Chapter 162 Forging Technique Legacy

Emperor Yuan Feng was very confident in Zhou Shus forging ability. Zhou Shu was also very confident in his forging ability.

The Flaming Sunset Saber, which made many Forging Masters feel helpless, was directly thrown aside by him. He was prepared to go to Yin Chengshan to retrieve his Great Destroyer Sword after the military parade.

He didnt know how many demonic beasts the Great Destroyer Sword could kill at that time. If Yin Chengshan worked hard, perhaps the Great Destroyer Sword could be upgraded.

However, this was unlikely.

Yin Chengshans strength was not very strong. In such a short period of time, it was simply impossible to use the Great Destroyer Sword to kill nearly a hundred demonic beasts.

Speaking of which, after using the Flaming Sunset Saber to exchange for the Great Destroyer Sword, should I start a new business?

Renting out the Great Destroyer Sword?

It seems like a good idea. This world doesnt have a sharing economy. In the Demon Executing Army, there are many warriors who cant afford to buy ranked weapons. But even if they cant afford them, they can rent them.

By renting out the Great Destroyer Sword, not only will I be able to earn some money, but I will also be able to make others work for me. Why not?

In any case, the Great Destroyer Sword doesnt have many chances to complete kills in my hands.

Moreover, when he revealed the Great Destroyer Sword, Zhou Shu had told Emperor Yuan Feng that this was a gift from the mysterious expert. Under these circ.u.mstances, giving the Great Destroyer Sword to someone else wasnt very appropriate.

Not many people would dare to accept it anyway.

After all, not many people dared to offend an expert who could sever Great Weis Imperial Preceptor Xiao Shunzhis arm.

Lending it to others would not be a problem.

Didnt Yin Chengshan accept it?

Not just the Great Destroyer Sword, I can do this for other weapons as well. Zhou Shu rubbed his chin as he seriously considered this question.

A ranked weapon could be regarded as a luxury item, and not just anyone could afford a ranked weapon.

This was especially true for people who had just entered the ranks but had yet to acc.u.mulate their wealth. They often had to use a standard weapon for many years before they could save up enough money for a ranked weapon. With Zhou Shus current status, he wasnt worried that he wouldnt be able to receive orders for ranked weapons.

But the number of ranked weapons he would be able to forge in the future wouldnt be too low. After all, the benefits from the Legendary Armament Canon required Zhou Shus personally forged weapons to complete kills. Even if it was for these rewards, Zhou Shu wouldnt stop forging weapons.

His forging speed was much faster than that of an ordinary Forging Master, and he would always have some ranked weapons in his possession. Of course, the more workers there are, the better. I can rent the ranked weapons to the new soldiers of the Demon Executing and Fiend Eradication armies. That way, they wont have to wait until they have enough money before buying ranked weapons. I can also get the benefits from the Legendary Armament Canon ahead of time.

Two birds with one stone.

The more Zhou Shu thought about it, the more pleased he became. There are many other ways to play this game. Instead of renting them out, I can get others to pay in installments to buy them

Thinking about this, Zhou Shu no longer felt sleepy. He got up and began to seriously plan in the study.

As the sun came up, a new day arrived.

On this day, the streets of Changan were abnormally lively. When the sun had just risen, carriages were already swaggering through the city.

Xuanwu Street, which was directly opposite the palace, had long been cordoned off.

The Great Xia military parade, whicht was held once every five years, was finally about to begin!

The parade began first, followed by the military performance.

The so-called military parade was actually Emperor Yuan Feng and Great Xias officials inspecting Great Xias weapons together.

For this part, the Forging Division was naturally the most important partic.i.p.ant.

According to the Forging Divisions existing weapons record, all the weapons that Great Xias Forging Division could forge were lined up on Xuanwu Street.

All the workshop superintendents behind the first 36 workshops stood in front of their standard weapons. If Emperor Yuan Feng asked, they would be responsible for answering

If Zhou Shu had been present, he would have exclaimed that this military parade was similar to a car exhibition in his previous life.

Each workshop had a stand that displayed the standard weapons of their respective workshops. The workshop superintendents were like car models. No, they should be called weapon models

In fact, the oth Workshop also partic.i.p.ated in the event. It was still called the oth Workshop.

And what they displayed were the Hundred Refinements Ring Pommel Saber, the Horse Slaying Saber, the Spring Embroidered Saber, the Autumn Anatidae Plume Saber, the Great Xia Dragon Sparrow Saber, and the Eight-Sided Han Sword!

The person standing at the side as a soldier model wasnt the oth Workshops superintendent, Zhou Shu, but Zhang Yibei.

From the beginning to the end, Zhou Shu didnt care about this matter at all. He left it all to Zhang Yibei.

This might be the last time the oth Workshop would appear. After the military parade, the oth Workshop would no longer exist and would be replaced by the Huaxia Pavilion.

Zhang Yibei stood nervously in front of the weapons. There were the most people representing the oth Workshop. Emperor Yuan Feng even took a longer time at the oth Workshop.

This really frightened Zhang Yibei.

He was just a mere Forging Apprentice, and the person he met the most was the superintendent of the workshop.

Ever since he followed Zhou Shu, not only could he often see the Forging Divisions grand minister, but he could even see the emperor.

When he thought about how even the emperor had spoken to him, Zhang Yibei felt his heart race. He felt that his life was worth it.

When his son grew up, he had to tell him that his father had spoken to the emperor!

The inspection of standard weapons was actually just a formality. The true power of a weapon could only be displayed during the military performance.

It only took Emperor Yuan Feng and the officials one morning to inspect the standard weapons. In the afternoon, they arrived at the ranked weapons inspection venue.

In a s.p.a.ce that was similar to a stadium, on a high platform, there were rows of forging furnaces specially used by Forging Masters. Inside the furnaces, the True Fire seeds continued to burn like small candle flames.

When Zhou Shu walked in, his first reaction was that Great Xia was really rich!

Just these forging furnaces and True Fire seeds alone would cost an immense sum.

I wonder if I can take this furnace and True Fire seed away after this, Zhou Shu thought.

Marquis Zhou, long time no see.

Suddenly, Zhou Shu felt his vision darken as a figure appeared in front of him.

He looked up and saw a handsome young man cupping his hands and smiling.

The young man was handsome and had a standard smile on his face. His every move was flawless, and he exuded the aura of a rich young master.

So, its Brother s.h.i.+, Zhou Shu replied politely.

It was s.h.i.+ Songtao. Speaking of which, Zhou Shu didnt have any ill feelings toward s.h.i.+ Songtao other than the mutual compet.i.tiveness they had for each other.

After all, the two of them had no enmity between them. Back then, s.h.i.+ Songtao had even given him a Heavenly Mirror.

What works did you bring this time, Marquis? s.h.i.+ Songtaos gaze fell upon the large wooden box on Zhou Shus back with great curiosity. Brother s.h.i.+, you will know soon. Zhou Shu had no intention of explaining, so he smiled.

Are you interested in another bet, Marquis? s.h.i.+ Songtao said that he wanted to gamble, but there was no provocation in his tone, as if he was catching up with an old friend.

Zhou Shu looked curiously at s.h.i.+ Songtao with a strange expression. Marquis, please dont misunderstand. I dont have any other intentions. I just feel that the military parade is a bit boring. s.h.i.+ Songtao shrugged.

In the Standard Armament Manual, your Great Xia Dragon Sparrow Saber is ranked at the top. I admit that Im inferior.

In the Yellow-grade Armament Manual, my Songtao Sword has taken advantage of the time and ranks slightly higher than your Seven Star Dragon Abyss Sword. Thats why Im a bit curious. Whose weapon will rank higher this time?

What you dont know is that the Great Destroyer Sword is also a weapon I forged, Zhou Shu muttered in his heart.

You should already have the ability to forge a black-grade weapon, right? Zhou Shu said. Theres no way to compare between the Black-grade Armament Manual and the Yellow-grade Armament Manual.

Marquis, you have misunderstood. The weapon I brought this time is also a yellow-grade weapon.

Its not that Im boasting, but the weapon I brought this time was forged after many years of hard work. It might not even be inferior to the number one sword in the Yellow-grade Armament Manual, the Great Destroyer Sword, s.h.i.+ Songtao said confidently. The main reason why the Great Destroyer Sword could cut off Great Weis imperial preceptors arm is that the person who used it is strong enough. Its not that the Great Destroyer Sword cant be surpa.s.sed.

Zhou Shu nodded. s.h.i.+ Songtao was right. Although the Great Destroyer Sword was powerful, it didnt mean that it was the strongest among the yellow-grade weapons.

Using the same Great Destroyer Sword, Zhou Shu could use it to kill Xiao Shunzhi, but Yin Chengshan required effort even using it to kill a sixth-rank demonic beast.

However, the records for the rankings in the armament manuals were also a factor. It wouldnt be easy for s.h.i.+ Songtao to surpa.s.s the Great Destroyer Sword.

That was unless his weapon was much stronger than the Great Destroyer Sword.

But was that even possible?

If it was really much stronger than the Great Destroyer Sword, then it would at least be a black-grade weapon. Brother s.h.i.+, you want to make a bet with me on whose weapon can get first place in the Yellow-grade Armament Manual? Zhou Shu asked with a faint smile.

No, no. s.h.i.+ Songtao shook his head. Im afraid that no weapon will be able to s.n.a.t.c.h the number one place in the Yellow-grade Armament Manual from the Great Destroyer Sword within a short period of time.

Im already satisfied to be second in the Yellow-grade Armament Manual.

Forging Masters continued to enter the venue. From afar, there was already a commotion. Emperor Yuan Feng and the other officials were already nearby. Zhou Shu and s.h.i.+ Songtao stood side by side under the high platform, surrounded by the Forging Masters who had come to partic.i.p.ate in the parade.

Seeing the two of them chatting like old friends, the other Forging Masters didnt come over to disturb them. Instead, they closed their eyes and rested, preparing to perform well on stage later.

Although most of the Forging Masters only had one star position left to fix in their weapons, this star position was also very important. If there was even the slightest mistake, all their previous efforts would be wasted.

Its just a small bet. I also feel that its a little boring to just have a military parade. Zhou Shu smiled. What does Brother s.h.i.+ want to wager with me?

Its merely to add to the fun. If the stakes are too high, the original intention will be lost. s.h.i.+ Songtao smiled. How about this? I happen to have some Heaven Refining Stone with me. Its not much, just three hundred grams. Ill use it as a wager. What do you think, Marquis?

Three hundred grams of Heaven Refining Stone?

Three hundred grams of Heaven Refining Stone, according to the price of the black market, was ten thousand taels of gold.

But to the two of them, it wasnt a big bet.

After all, with their status, it would only take them one to two years to acc.u.mulate 300 grams of Heaven Refining Stone.

Zhou Shu sized up s.h.i.+ Songtao, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

This s.h.i.+ Songtao was quite interesting. He clearly wants to suppress me every time and show off, but he is not annoying.

Perhaps its because hes here to give me benefits.

Ill accept your bet, Zhou Shu said with a smile.

s.h.i.+ Songtao was actually not a bad person. Although he wanted to suppress him and show off, he was not deliberately targeting him.

Whether it was last time or this time, he maintained his composure. Even if he challenged Zhou Shu, he wanted to use his true ability to defeat him.

Hes straightforward, but he has his own principles. Hes not a bad person.

But s.h.i.+ Songtao, its just your luck that you met me.

Zhou Shu sympathized with s.h.i.+ Songtao for three seconds.

Of course, sympathy was sympathy. He wouldnt let go of 300 grams of Heaven Refining Stone.

The more Heaven Refining Stones, the better.

The bet between the two had nothing to do with the overall situation, nor did it cause any waves.

s.h.i.+ Songtao was still standing next to Zhou Shu, speaking to Zhou Shu with his signature smile.

Thats Huang Suozhi from the Heavenly Water Pavilion. Hes been a Forging Master for ten years, and his North Star Fixing Technique is unrivaled.

Thats Zhang Keshang from the Wind Tower. Hes good at using the thirty-six notes to locate star positions.

And Chen Ziyun over there, he comes from the Flying Mysterious Pavilion, and his forging skills are not inferior to mine. Its said that his Nine Elements Star-Fixing Technique is able to pinpoint the position to fix the stars of a weapon forged by any material. He has never failed.

s.h.i.+ Songtao was experienced and knowledgeable. Zhou Shu didnt know whether it was because he wanted to show off or for some other reason, but he gave Zhou Shu a general introduction of all the Forging Masters he saw.

Zhou Shu, on the other hand, gained quite a bit of knowledge. He knew that to a Forging Master, the most important thing was the star positioning technique. The star positioning technique was something that couldnt be comprehended without a legacy. This was also a secret among the various forces. The superiority of a Forging Masters forging ability lay in the star positioning technique.

After all, the internal structures and meridians of weapons forged from different materials were vastly different. The difference between them could be as great as a thousand miles.

To accurately fix the position of the stars and star paths was like feng shui masters looking for treasured lands. One had to follow the meridians of the weapon.

Without superb techniques and a thorough understanding of weapons, it was impossible to pinpoint the location of the stars accurately.

Marquis, if I may be so bold as to ask what your legacy is? s.h.i.+ Songtao looked at Zhou Shu with a curious expression.

So, this is his intention. I was wondering why he was so kind as to introduce so many people to me. It turns out that he wants to find out more about me.

s.h.i.+ Songtao is really treating me as an imaginary compet.i.tor. Zhou Shu smiled, Me? I dont have any legacy.

If I must say that I do, then my legacy should come from Emperor Xuan.

Great Xia Xias founding emperor was Emperor Xuan. He was a powerful martial artist and also a forger.

Zhou Shu had learned Emperor Xuans Emperor Xuan Jade Book, but it was mainly the Martial Dao. Yin Wuyou didnt give him the legacy for forging Emperor Xuans legacy? The smile on s.h.i.+ Songtaos face became a bit stiff. Emperor Xuans legacy, isnt it something only the imperial family can learn?