Legendary Armament Canon - Chapter 1460: Skills to Live Off, Capturing Assassins (3)

Chapter 1460: Skills to Live Off, Capturing Assassins (3)

Chapter 1460: Skills to Live Off, Capturing a.s.sa.s.sins (3)

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Village Chief, these are the lords of the main family. Theyre looking for the a.s.sa.s.sin. I brought them back to capture the a.s.sa.s.sin! Dong Ergou said loudly.

What a.s.sa.s.sin?! How can there be an a.s.sa.s.sin in our village! the village chief said loudly.

Youre the village chief? The leading knight snorted. Its not up to you to decide if theres an a.s.sa.s.sin or not.

He didnt take the village chief seriously at all and said coldly, Dong Ergou, lead the way.

Lord, please. Dong Ergou nodded and bowed. Peng Jiuyuans house isnt far

Lord! The village chief took a step forward and said in a deep voice, Although

Peng Jiuyuan has a different surname, he has lived in our Boundary Bridge Village for decades. His background is clean. Its impossible for him to be an a.s.sa.s.sin.

He looked at the knights and felt a little afraid, but he still gathered his courage.

The knights face darkened. You didnt understand what I said, did you? Whether theres an a.s.sa.s.sin or not, we will see for ourselves. Its not up to you! Get lost!

He shouted, and a visible sound wave slammed into the village chiefs chest, sending him flying dozens of feet away.


The village chief opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood. He fell to the ground and couldnt get up for a while.

Village Chief Dong Ergou was shocked.

Lead the way! the leader shouted.

Dong Ergou s.h.i.+vered and looked at the village chief apologetically. Then he quickly walked toward Peng Jiuyuans house.

Dong Ergou! The village chief was anxious.

Boundary Bridge Village was not big to begin with. It was only a few kilometers from one end to the other.

The group of knights quickly arrived at Peng Jiuyuans house.

Is he the person youre talking about? The leader raised the spear in his hand and pointed it at Cao Yue, who was standing in the courtyard.

No. Dong Ergou shook his head. Hes a child Peng Jiuyuan picked up more than ten years ago. Im talking about his uncle. His uncles name is Cao Shu. He appeared here not long ago. He was seriously injured at the time

Your surname is Cao? the leading knight said coldly. Since hes an accomplice, take him down first.

Before he finished speaking, a knight darted out from behind him.

The strange beast soared into the air, flattened the wooden fence, and grabbed Cao Yue.

Cao Yue was just a young man from a mountain village. He had never seen such a scene before and was completely dumbfounded.

Little Yue!

With a cry of surprise, a black shadow suddenly rushed over and hugged Cao Yue. He fell to the ground and rolled dozens of feet away, barely dodging the knights grab.

The knights expression turned ugly when he missed. He stopped the strange beast and slowly turned around.

Are you an accomplice too? he said coldly.

Lord, I dont know what you mean. Were all ordinary mountain dwellers Peng Jiuyuan said with a terrified expression.

Ordinary mountain dwellers? The leading knight drove the strange beast forward and looked down at Peng Jiuyuan. He said slowly, Where is Cao Shu? Hand him over.

Peng Jiuyuan was stunned. I dont know who Cao Shu is.

Although he tried his best to hide it, he couldnt hide it from the knights eyes.

When Peng Jiuyuan was young, he had indeed traveled the world. But to put it bluntly, he was a martial artist at the lowest level. The so-called traveling was just taking a look around. The people and things he had experienced were very limited.

In addition, he had lived in Boundary Bridge Village for decades, so there was no need for him to fight with others. How could he learn to be shrewd?

It would have been better if he hadnt said so. But once he did, the knight became even more suspicious.

The knight sneered. Dong Ergou, tell me.

Dong Ergou said loudly, Peng Jiuyuan, quickly hand over Cao Shu. Dont let him implicate our entire village!

Dong Ergou, you! Peng Jiuyuan was shocked and furious. He didnt expect someone in the village to snitch!

Dong Ergou glanced at the knights, puffed out his chest, and said loudly, What?! Im telling the truth! Cao Shus origins are unknown, and hes seriously injured. How can it be so coincidental?!

He must be the a.s.sa.s.sin the lords are looking for! Hurry up and hand him over. Then you can atone for your crimes. Otherwise, youll only court death!

Dong Ergou was just a hooligan in the mountains. He didnt have much power to threaten people.

Peng Jiu was trembling with anger. Cao Yue, who was behind him, was so frightened that he couldnt say a word.

Search. The leading knights expression was cold as he pointed his spear forward.


The aura of the knight who wanted to capture Cao Yue exploded. The strange beast under him leaped out.

The spear beam was like a dragon as it shattered Peng Jiuyuans wooden house.

Peng Jiuyuans lips trembled. He protected Cao Yue behind him and stared at Dong Ergou angrily.

The knight turned to look at the leader. Theres no one inside.

The leading knight looked at Peng Jiuyuan and said coldly, Tell me, where is

Cao Shu?

Lord, I really dont knowI

Before he could finish speaking, the leading knights face revealed killing intent.

You dont know? Kill the brat behind him and see if he knows, the leading knight said coldly.

Yes! The knight who had shattered Peng Jiuyuans house revealed a sinister smile. He raised the spear in his hand and pointed it at Cao Yue.

Stop! Peng Jiuyuan was shocked. He turned around and hugged Cao Yue, desperately trying to dodge the knights spear.

But Peng Jiuyuan didnt have much strength to begin with, so how could he dodge the attack?

Just as the spear was about to skewer Peng Jiuyuan and Cao Yue together, the tip of the spear stopped only an inch away from Peng Jiuyuans back.

Ill give you one last chance, the leading knight said coldly. Tell me Cao Shus whereabouts. Otherwise, Boundary Bridge Village will be wiped out because of your concealment!

The leader of the knights instructed, Go get everyone in this village here.

The knights behind him seemed to have encountered something fun and smiled in response. Then they drove the mutated beasts under them in all directions.

Lord was scared silly. This wasnt what he imagined. He had originally thought that he would be able to receive a bounty if he brought people to capture Cao Shu. He didnt expect these people to attack the people in the village.

The people in the village were all his family.

The leading knight only looked at him coldly, as if he was looking at an ant.

You have fifteen minutes.. After fifteen minutes, if I cant find out where Cao

Shu is, Ill start killing..