Legendary Armament Canon - Chapter 1217 - 1217 Invincible For Too Long (1)

Chapter 1217 - 1217 Invincible For Too Long (1)

Chapter 1217 - 1217 Invincible For Too Long (1)

1217 Invincible For Too Long (1)

What did you say? Great Chu hasnt been conquered yet?

In Great Liangs imperial palace, a strange shade of red flashed across Cao Chenyangs face.

His aura fluctuated for a moment before stabilizing.

The minister of wars eyelids twitched violently, and his heart almost jumped out of his throat.

This new Liang emperor was temperamental and could eat people at the drop of a hat. He was really afraid that he would be eaten if he said anything wrong.

As the saying goes, accompanying a ruler was like accompanying a tiger. Only now did the minister of war of Great Liang truly realize the meaning of this sentence.

Your Majesty, its not that the soldiers dont want to fight, but Great Chus strength suddenly increased. We really have no choice, the minister of war said bitterly.

It was unrealistic for Great Liang to attack Great Chu. If the new Liang emperor hadnt insisted, Great Liang wouldnt have mobilized troops so easily.

It wasnt surprising for Great Liang to be suffering setbacks now.

Great Chus strength suddenly increased? Didnt I already teach you a mystic technique to increase your strength? You cant even deal with a mere Great Chu. Youre really useless! Cao Chenyang said angrily.

The minister of war felt bitter. Thats right, Your Majesty, you did teach us a mystic technique, and that mystic technique is indeed useful. In the beginning, the Great Liang army was indeed unstoppable.

But Great Chu isnt useless. They can also think of a way to counterattack.

Your Majesty, Ive already sent people to investigate. The reason why Great Chus strength increased so quickly is because of this. The minister of war reluctantly took out a palm-sized metal token.

What is this? Cao Chenyang frowned.

This is called the Myriad Worlds Communication Token. The minister of war felt his heart bleed. I paid a huge price to obtain this.

While handing the Myriad Worlds Communication Token to Cao Chenyang, he explained, The Myriad Worlds Communication Token can transmit sound from tens of thousands of kilometers away and also replenish the spiritual essence consumed by martial artists. Most importantly, it can stimulate the potential of martial artists and allow them to erupt with powerful strength for a certain period of time.

He looked at his Myriad Worlds Communication Token with bated breath. If not for the fact that he was worried about his life, he really couldnt bear to give this token to Cao Chenyang.

After giving this to Cao Chenyang, he would definitely not get it back.

But he had to give it to him.

Alas The minister of war sighed in his heart. After giving this Myriad Worlds Communication Token away, he didnt know if he could get another one.

This Myriad Worlds Communication Token was too popular. It was hard to come by.

The soldiers of Great Chu rely on this to increase their strength? Is this thing more effective than the mystic technique I taught you? Cao Chenyang sized up the Myriad Worlds Communication Token. This thing looks like a crude token. How can it compare to my mystic technique?

Yes. The gaze of the minister of war had never left the Myriad Worlds Communication Token. He really wanted to s.n.a.t.c.h it back.

How do I use this thing? Where did it come from? Cao Chenyang asked casually.

You just need to inject spiritual essence. Its very easy to use, the minister of war explained. This is a divine weapon produced by the Huaxia Pavilion. It doesnt cost money, but if you want to use the functions attached to it, you have to pay the Huaxia Pavilion. But its still very worth it. The Huaxia Pavilions fees arent high

The minister of war was an important official of Great Liang. He didnt care about some mere fees.

The Huaxia Pavilion? Cao Chenyang snorted coldly, and a cold glint flashed across his eyes. Zhou Shus Huaxia Pavilion?

The minister of war s.h.i.+vered and said weakly, Yes.

He remembered that this emperor seemed to have a good relations.h.i.+p with King Zhou and the others in the past.

Why did he react in this manner?

But the minister of war was a smart person. He immediately realized that this emperor and King Zhou had probably turned against each other.

Hmph! As expected, hes the one behind this! Cao Chenyang said coldly. This b.a.s.t.a.r.d keeps ruining my plans. Sooner or later, Ill definitely devour him!

Although he was cursing Zhou Shu, his interest was also aroused by the Myriad Worlds Communication Token in his hand.

Although he was very unhappy with Zhou Shu, even he had to admit that Zhou Shu was an extremely powerful opponent.

Even he couldnt ignore Zhou Shus ability.

The things this b.a.s.t.a.r.d made were definitely not bad.

Cao Chenyang followed the instruction of the minister of war and injected a stream of spiritual essence into the Myriad Worlds Communication Token.


A faint white light appeared on the token.

A crisp mechanical voice said, Welcome back.

Cao Chenyang was shocked and almost crushed the Myriad Worlds Communication Token.

But he quickly reacted and coughed. Leave. Ill study this thing.

He chased the minister of war out.

The minister of war cursed in his heart. There was no hope of getting his Myriad Worlds Communication Token back.

Sigh, I can only think of a way to get another one.

He had become accustomed to the existence of the Myriad Worlds Communication Token. Now that it was suddenly gone, he felt uncomfortable all over.

Listening to Cao Chenyangs surprised sighs coming from the room behind him, the minister of war couldnt help quickening his pace.

d.a.m.n it. How did that b.a.s.t.a.r.d Zhou Shu think of this? Cao Chenyangs voice echoed in the room. This can actually allow people to discuss the Martial Dao. What nonsense Martial Dao theory is this? Let me teach you!

Cao Chenyang left large paragraphs of text on the Myriad World Communication Token and sent them out.

On the Myriad World Communication Token, there was already a forum for Martial Dao exchanges, and some good teachers had already posted a lot of information on it.