Legend of Swordsman - Chapter 1021 - The Scarlet Yang Sword Principle

Chapter 1021 - The Scarlet Yang Sword Principle

Chapter 1021: The Scarlet Yang Sword Principle





Jian Wushuang was indeed astonished.

He had studied the powerful Yang Sword Principle he acquired from Dao Yuanqi extensively.

From Dao Yuanzi’s instruction, he had developed the better part of the Sword Principle and had almost succeeded in completing it.

He had been stumped by the last step, however, Dao Master’s powerful strike just gave him inspiration.

“I must provoke him to draw out his attacks. The more techniques I see, the more I’ll be able to understand. ”

Jian Wushuang clenched his fists and called out, “Gu King!”

“Leave it to me! His ability is unfounded, but it will take but a second for me to heal you.” Gu King said seriously.

As a Plenilune Centipede, Gu King had mastered the skill of healing.

It was because of both his own great defensive power and Gu King’s healing skills that Jian Wushuang believed that he was invincible.


Jian Wushuang’s eyes flashed with renewed spirit, and with a roar, he lunged toward the Dao Master.


The Dao Master resolutely stared down his attacker.

The second round of the battle was even more ferocious.

Dao Master Dreamless was faster and more vicious, and Jian Wushuang strained to parry the brutal blows over and over again.

“Ultimate Dragon-killing!”

The Dao Master struck Jian Wushuang once again, and the latter was thrown back.

Within moments, however, Jian Wushuang came at him again.

“Again!” Jian Wushuang was provoking the Dao Master, regardless of his own injuries.


“Ultimate Dragon-killing!”

Dao Master Dreamless put his full might behind his more powerful maneuver. He hit Jian Wushuang again and again. If his opponent had been anyone else, they would have died on the spot. However, after being injured numerous times, Jian Wushuang continued to spring back, as determined as ever.

This might have been reasonable if the Dao Master had only struck once or twice, but his opponent had been hit at least 10 times and was still full of energy.

“How is this possible? How is he unharmed?” Dao Master Dreamless was in shock.

The crowd was also dumbfounded.

They had all failed to sense Gu King inside Jian Wushuang, healing him immediately each time a blow landed and sustaining his strength and stamina.

“There’s no other way, I have to use my secret weapon!”

Dao Master Dreamless’s eyes were purposeful. He drew out a