Legacy: Finding Chrissten - Legacy: Finding Chrissten Part 22

Legacy: Finding Chrissten Part 22

Or maybe it was the man himself. Maybe Hank represented home to her. In his arms she'd found love and a sense of safety and belonging. It was a precious gift, one she'd treasure for the rest of her life.

He set her on her feet beside the bed and started to undress her. She went to work on his shirt, tugging the hem from his jeans and pulling it upward. The broad expanse of muscular chest distracted her and she contented herself with running her hands over it.

Hank had her bra undone in the blink of an eye and cupped her breasts in his hands. "We have to let go of one another to get our clothes off," he reminded her. His breathing became faster with each passing second.

"On the count of three. One. Two." She didn't get to three. Hank pulled back and yanked his shirt over his head, kicked off his sneakers and went to work on his jeans. She watched, spellbound as his magnificent body was revealed.

"You're not getting undressed," he reminded her. She shook herself out of her sensual stupor and hurriedly pulled off her top and bra. As she kicked off her shoes, she admired the jut of his erection coming up from its nest of dark blond curls. Hank was so male. So perfect.

"I can see I'm going to have to help you." Hank unbuttoned her jeans and stripped them down her legs, taking her panties at the same time. "Lift," he ordered and she lifted her right foot, then her left. He removed her clothing and socks, leaving her naked before him.

He stood, scooped her up once again and lay down on the mattress with her still in his arms. He shifted so she was lying on top of him, her breasts mashed against his chest and her pussy snuggling his cock. She wiggled around to get comfortable, drawing a pained moan from him.

He grabbed her butt and stilled her movements. "You're killing me, baby. I'm close to the edge here."

"Good." She folded her arms on his chest and stared down at him. The planes of his face were rough and rugged. His short hair only emphasized his square jaw. He was so masculine. "Tell me again."

He didn't even pretend not to understand her. He squeezed her ass. "I love you, Chrissten. Now and always."

"I love you too." It felt so strange, yet so freeing to say those words to him. After Brian, she'd thought she'd never be able to trust a man enough to have sex, let alone allow herself to fall in love.

But Hank had blown all her preconceived notions out of the water. In his own gentle and determined way, he'd stormed her protective walls and captured her heart. He was a warrior, but after he'd taken her heart he'd given it back to her when he'd given her his love.

He rolled and she let out a laugh. That was another thing he'd given her. Laughter. She'd never before laughed while making love and hadn't imagined she ever would. But Hank was different. Special.


The word echoed through her soul. Yes, he was hers.

He braced himself with his arms on either side of her body. "Let me make love to you." Even now she knew he would stop if she asked him to or if he sensed any unpleasant memories from the past creeping in. Was it any wonder she'd fallen in love with this man?

She leaned up and planted a quick kiss on his lips. "I'd like that." And it would really be making love now and not just having sex. They were both committed to making this relationship work.

Chapter Twenty.

Hank desperately wanted to make this moment perfect for Chrissten. He would love her so long and so well she'd never want to leave him. She loved him. The words grounded him, stilled the restlessness in his soul. He'd found his purpose in life-loving Chrissten. She belonged with him. He had a place with her. He no longer felt like an outsider.

If he still had a niggling of discontent picking at the back of his brain, he ignored it. She hadn't agreed to mate with him. Not yet. But this was a big step forward. Her trust and her love was more than enough to build on. He had to have faith that the rest would come in time.

Hell, he could even put up with Quinn if he had to. In actuality, he liked the other male. And Craig was easygoing. Wherever they went, whatever they did, it didn't matter to him as long as they were together. He was strong and smart. He had a small nest egg of his own. He should probably talk to Craig about investing it. The guy had brains and serious investing skills.

But all that was for later. Now was about Chrissten, about giving her pleasure. He wanted to make love to her until she was sated and exhausted. He wanted her to scream his name in passion and whisper it in love.

He left a trail of wet kisses over her collarbone and worked his way down to her breasts. She had such lovely breasts, firm and soft. He molded his hands around them, smiling when she moaned.

Lying beneath him with her golden hair spread over his pillow, Chrissten was everything he'd ever wanted but never dreamed he'd have. She was a gift, a treasure, and he was just the man to appreciate her.

He thumbed her nipples and was rewarded with a whimper of passion. His cock seeped and his balls ached, but he didn't care. He had to taste Chrissten. Pleasure her.

She watched him, her eyes soft with love. He leaned down and kissed her, unable to resist sealing their pact.

She opened to him and he didn't hold anything back. There was magic in her kiss. It was healing and arousing at the same time. He caressed her breasts, her slender ribcage and waist. Where he was all thick muscles and heavy bones, she was delicate, almost fragile. Infinitely precious.

He reluctantly left the haven of her mouth and kissed his way down her torso, pausing briefly at her breasts. They'd have to wait until later for more attention. His cock throbbed like a toothache, a constant reminder he was running out of time.

He settled between her thighs, lifted her legs over his shoulders and spread her pussy wide with his thumbs. "You're so beautiful." He stroked her slick folds. They were plump and juicy. So ready for him.

She gave a strained laugh. "Thank you."

He glanced up and grinned at her. "Tasty too." With that, he lowered his head and devoured her.

Chrissten discovered breathing was overrated. Who needed to breathe when they were being filled with such exquisite sensations? Hank was sprawled between her thighs with her legs resting on his back, his face buried against her. It was an incredibly erotic picture.

The scruff of his beard gently abraded her sensitive flesh, pushing her arousal higher. He lapped and sucked and licked at her pussy in obvious delight. There was no room for embarrassment between them. There was only loving and sharing.

He found her clit and flicked it with his clever tongue. Her hips came off the bed, automatically seeking more of that wonderful touch. Hank laughed and did it again. She gripped his skull and held him to her. Maybe she could convince him to grow his hair a little longer. She needed something to grip on to at times like this. Plus, she thought he'd look hot with longer hair. Not that he wasn't already smoking hot.

He inserted one long, thick finger into her sheath and her core tightened around it. He swore and she groaned when he slowly withdrew it to the edge, almost but not quite removing it.

"I can't wait much longer, baby." He worked his finger in again before slowly pulling it out.

Chrissten arched her hips, trying to keep him inside her. "Don't wait," she managed to gasp. She didn't want to wait any longer either. She wanted to feel him pulsing hard and hot in her slick channel, stretching her, filling her.

He gave her clit one final lick, which had starbursts of color exploding behind her eyes, before sliding up her body and sheathing himself deep in one swift motion. It was startling, and almost frightening, how fast he moved.

She held herself still, letting her body adjust to the sensation. She wanted Hank, but he was a big male, a strong werewolf. For a brief second, a frisson of fear flickered in her brain, but she shoved it aside. This wasn't Brian. This was Hank. And he wasn't hurting her but loving her.

He supported the bulk of his weight on his arms, staring down at her, studying her face. "Okay?"

She nodded. She wanted this. Wanted to feel normal. Tears pricked her eyes and one escaped and slid down her temple.

"Hey." He swiped it away with the pad of his thumb. "We don't have to do this right now." As if to disagree with him, she felt his cock pulse and throb deep in her core.

"I want to." How could she explain it to him? "I don't know why I'm crying. I want to make love with you. I love you." She stared up at him, imploring him with her eyes to believe her.

He brushed a lock of her hair away from her forehead. "I love you too. That's why we can wait if the time isn't right for you. You've been through so much, baby. Give yourself a break."

He started to pull out but she wrapped her legs around his flanks and held him to her. "No. Don't leave me."

He leaned down until his forehead was touching hers. "I'll never leave you."

Such simple words, but they had a huge impact. For Hank it was as simple as that. He'd never leave her. He'd never hurt her either. Not intentionally. He wasn't like Brian. She didn't need to fear his strength. He'd use it to protect her, to love her.

She owed him the truth. "When you moved, it was so fast it frightened me."

He kissed the tip of her nose, her lips and her chin. "I'm sorry, Chrissten."

She shook her head in denial. "No. I don't want you to be sorry. I need you to understand that I'll do things sometimes that will seem irrational. Heck, they are irrational, but I can't seem to stop them."

"It's okay. As long as you talk to me we can work it out. Would you rather be on top?"

She knew he'd roll over on his back and let her be in control if she said the word. But she didn't want that. She wanted him to know she trusted him with her life, with her body, with everything she was.

"I want this." She rolled her hips and he closed his eyes, hissing out a deep breath. He wasn't as in control as he'd like her to believe. Good. She wanted him as involved, as out of control as she was.

"Are you sure?"

She nodded.

He slid one hand beneath her butt and began to move. He flexed his powerful body, shifting and moving, sliding his thick, hot cock in and out of her core. It was beautiful. He was beautiful. All fluid muscle, thick sinew and bone. And sexy. The man exuded pheromones that pushed past all her inhibitions and bad memories. If she could bottle it she'd make a fortune.

She wrapped her arms around him, clinging to his shoulders. There was no hesitation now. He gave her everything. His strokes went from slow and deep to quick and shallow. She was sucking in air, clinging to him, reaching for completion.

It was so close. It was just out of reach.

Their bodies moved as one. She rose to meet him, their skin slapping together in an erotic dance. He reached between their bodies and found her clit with his thumb. He pressed on the sensitive nub of nerves, setting off a chain reaction of explosions that culminated in a wave of pleasure. It washed over her, sucking her down into the dark abyss. But she wasn't alone.

Hank yelled her name and she felt the warm rush of fluid inside her, the heavy pulse of his cock as her pussy squeezed him tight and the weight of his limbs as he collapsed on top of her.

She had a brief bad moment when his full weight fell on her. Brian had done that all the time. As if sensing her discomfort, Hank immediately raised himself up. Chrissten was amazed. Even in the midst of his orgasm he was totally tuned into her, her wants, her needs.

The dark memories faded away, replaced by the beauty of the here and now. She smiled at him and he smiled back. "I love you." She wanted to remind him of that.

"Love you too," he answered. Then she squeezed her inner muscles intentionally, sending a ripple up his cock. He groaned and his head fell forward. His lungs heaved and a light sheen of sweat covered his tanned skin.

Chrissten reveled in her newfound sense of womanly passion even as she enjoyed the aftershocks of pleasure that shook her and made her limbs quiver. She'd never really made love before. Not when both parties had confessed their love.

Hank carefully withdrew and sank down on to the bed beside her, pulling her into his arms. She could hear the comforting beat of his heart and smell the warm musk of their arousal, twined together to make an entirely new perfume.

She sniffed and could smell him on her skin. Because they weren't mated it would fade as soon as she showered.

He pulled her closer in his embrace and kissed her temple. "That was amazing." He nuzzled her hair, her temple and her ear, taking leisurely nips of her lobe. His cock pulsed against her side, getting harder instead of softer. Werewolves weren't like human males and could make love several times in a row with little or no recovery time.

But Hank wasn't pushing for more. He played with her hair, combing his fingers through several thick strands. She watched, almost mesmerized, as his broad fingers slid through her hair, the contrast between the light blonde and his darker skin accentuating the differences between them, between male and female.

She felt no need to talk. The silence between them was a comfortable one. She sensed no frustration from Hank, no sense that he wanted to be doing anything more than he was.

The moment was perfect.

But it wasn't. They weren't mated. Another male could still claim her. There were plenty of rogue males out there in the world. Granted, the chance of being abducted twice was probably slim to none. But why take chances when she knew what she wanted.

Her instincts were screaming at her to tie herself to Hank, to mate with him, to strengthen the already strong bond between them. Her wolf recognized his. And she loved him. Knew him in a way she'd never known another living being.

"You okay?"

Once again he was in tune with her moods, sensing her growing unease. "No. I'm not okay."

He stilled and gently untangled his fingers from her hair. Hank cupped her face in his hand. "What's wrong?"

"This." She waved her hand to encompass the entire bed. "Us."

He frowned and his body coiled as tight as a spring, ready to launch itself at an unseen enemy. He kept his tone low and calm. "What exactly is wrong with us?"

She knew what he was thinking. He feared she'd changed her mind, she could see it in his eyes no matter how hard he was trying to reflect a calm demeanor. It would always be like this unless she did something about it. He would always be uncertain of her. And that wasn't fair to him.

And deep in her heart, Chrissten knew he'd never ask her. It would be up to her to make the first move.

She pulled away from him and came up on her hands and knees in the bed. Her breath came fast and hard and her heart raced. She was afraid but determined.

"Oh, Chrissten." Hank sounded sad, not happy. She turned her head to find him staring at her with a frown on his face. "You don't have to do this."

Now she felt like an idiot. "You don't want to?"

His expression grew fierce and his eyes glowed red. "I want it more than I want my next breath. Never doubt that."

"Then why?" She stayed as she was, not willing to back down.

"I don't want to rush you. I want you to be absolutely sure. Because once we do this I won't let you go. Ever. You'll be mine for the rest of our lives." He tried to smile but it didn't quite work. "I told you I was possessive."

And so it seemed was she. She didn't want to risk some other female werewolf finding him and claiming him. "You're mine," she told him. "I don't want to lose you. Ever."

"You won't lose me, baby." He ran his hand over her spine and she arched into his touch. She licked her lips and watched his eyes glaze over and his cock twitch. Oh yeah, he wasn't unaffected by this at all. He wanted her.

"Mate with me, Hank. Love me forever."

He caught her face in his hands and kissed her. It was tender and passionate at the same time and made her head spin. "You do me great honor. I've seen war and death and destruction. I know how valuable love and family is. I promise to love and cherish you for our entire lives and beyond."

"Oh, Hank." She began to cry in spite of her best intentions. His words moved her deeply. "That was so beautiful."

He lapped one of her tears away and went to kneel behind her. This was really going to happen. She was excited and scared all at once. Her first experience with mating hadn't been a good one.

But this was Hank, a man who understood her to the core, who knew she'd be having dark thoughts and rushed to reassure her. "I'll take it slow," he promised and suited his actions to his words. He fitted his cock to her slick opening and slowly pushed inside. She was wet from her earlier orgasm and he went in easily.

She took a deep breath. Then another.

Hank gripped her hips in his hands but didn't move. His fingertips dug in slightly and he was breathing heavily but he wasn't falling on her like a crazed maniac. Chrissten relaxed and his cock slid another inch deeper.

"That's it," he crooned. "Relax for me. Take me inside. This is the way it's meant to be when a couple mates. Safe and happy and filled with pleasure."

Her worries bled away and were replaced by the wonderful sensations flooding her senses. Hank slid his hands over her sides, around her ribcage and up to cup her breasts. She moaned when he rubbed her distended nipples. Her body remembered his touch and longed for more.

"Just like that," he murmured. He didn't thrust but began a slight rocking motion. That, combined with his hands on her breasts, pushed everything else away until there was only her and Hank and the passion that existed between them.