[70] In the course of a few months, Pizarro ama.s.sed such immense wealth that, after deducting the _fifth_ for the king and a large sum for the reinforcements brought him by Almagro, he was still able to give 4000 to each of his foot-soldiers, and double that sum to each horseman. The calculation is made by Robertson, who estimates the _peso_ at a pound sterling. To obtain the equivalent purchasing power in our own times, these sums would have to be more than quadrupled!
[71] _Herrera_, Dec. v. Lib. viii. capp. i. sqq. (Vol. V. pp. 23 sqq. in Stevens's translation).
[72] See _Alcedo_, "Diccionario Geografico-Historico de las Indias Occidentales," &c.: Madrid, 1786-9: article _Chunchos_.
[73] See _Waitz_, Vol. IV. pp. 477-497; _Tschudi_, Vol. II. pp. 346-351; cf. _Castelnau_, "Expedition dans les Parties centrales de l'Amerique du Sud," &c.: Paris, 1850, &c., Part I. Vol. III. p. 282.
[74] _Tschudi_, ibid.
[75] Cf. Spanish MS. cited by _Prescott_, Bk. i. chap. iii.; _Velasco_, Lib. ii. -- 4, sec. 15.
[76] _Prescott_, Bk. i. chap. iii.
[77] Cf. _Garcila.s.so_, Lib. v. cap. xxi., where the current etymology of the word is rejected.
[78] See _Muller_, pp. 313 sqq., where all the views concerning him are collected and discussed.
[79] This hymn was found by _Garcila.s.so_ (see Lib. ii. cap. xvii., pp.
50, 51, in Rycaut's translation) among the papers of Father _Blas Valera_, and has been freed by _Tschudi_ from the misprints, &c., that disfigured it in the printed editions of Garcila.s.so and all subsequent reproductions. See _Tschudi_, Vol. II. p. 381.
[80] _Johannes de Laet_, Lib. x. cap. i. (p. 398, ll. 51, 52).
[81] _Prescott_, Bk. i. chap. i.; _Garcila.s.so_, Lib. vi. cap. x.x.x.
[82] _Gomara_, p. 233a; _Velasco_, Lib. ii. -- 2, sec. 4.
[83] _Garcila.s.so_, Lib. ii. capp. ii. iii.
[84] See _Montesinos_, pp. 3 sqq., whose version of the legend has been mainly followed in the text. Cf. however, for some of the details, _Garcila.s.so_, Lib. i. cap. xviii. (omitted by Rycaut); _Acosta_, Lib. i.
cap. xxv.; _Balboa_, pp. 4 sqq., &c.
[85] _Velasco_, Lib. ii. -- 4, sec. 17; _Ph. H. Kulb_ in _Widenmann_ and _Hauff's_ "Reisen u. Landerbeshreibungen," Lief, xxvii.: Stuttgart, 1843, pp. 186-7.
[86] _Acosta_, Lib. v. cap. iv.; _Velasco_, Lib. ii. -- 4, sec. 16; _Prescott_, Bk. i. chap. iii.; _Kulb_, ibid.
[87] _Prescott_, ibid. In cloudy weather they had recourse to the method of friction.
[88] _Prescott_, ibid.
[89] _Arriaga_, pp. 17, 32; _Kulb_, ibid.
[90] Cf. _Arriaga_, pp. 10-17, &c. (cf. _Ternaux-Compans_, Vol. XVII.
pp. 13, 14).
[91] _Acosta_, Lib. v. cap. v.; _Velasco_, Lib. ii. -- 3, sec. 2; _Arriaga_, ibid.
[92] _Tschudi_, Vol. II. pp. 396-7.
[93] _Arriaga_, p. 18 (cf. _Ternaux-Compans_, Vol. XVII. p. 15).
[94] Cf. _Arriaga_, pp. 10-17 (cf. _Ternaux-Compans_, Vol. XVII. pp. 13, 14); _Acosta_, Lib. v; cap. v.; _Montesinos_, pp. 161-2; _Velasco_, Lib.
ii. -- 3, sec. 1.
[95] On the priesthood, cf. _Arriaga_, pp. 17 sqq. (cf.
_Ternaux-Compans_, Vol. XVII. p. 15); _Prescott_, Bk. i. chap. iii.; _Balboa_, p. 29; _Velasco_, Lib. ii. -- 3, sec. 8; _Garcila.s.so_, Lib. v.
capp. viii. (ad fin.) xii. xiii.; _Muller_, p. 387; _Kulb_, l.c. p. 187.
[96] Cf. _Acosta_, Lib. v. cap. xv.; _Montesinos_, p. 56; _Velasco_, Lib. ii. -- 3, sec. 12, -- 9, sec. 10; _Prescott_, Bk. i. chap. iii. and elsewhere.
[97] Cf. _Prescott_, Bk. i. chap. iii.; _Garcila.s.so_, Lib. iii. capp.
xx.-xxiv.; _Paul Chaix_, Vol. I. pp. 249 sqq. On the temples of Pachacamac, which must have attained gigantic proportions before the time of the Incas, see _Hutchinson_, Vol. I. pp. 147-176.
[98] _Richard Inwards_, "The Temple of the Andes:" London, 1884.
[99] _Acosta_, Lib, v. cap. xviii.; _Garcila.s.so_, Lib. ii. cap. viii.
(p. 31 in Rycaut), Lib. vi. cap. xxi.; _Arriaga_, p. 77.
[100] _Acosta_, ibid.; _Arriaga_, pp. 24-27 (cf. _Ternaux-Compans_, Vol.
XVII. pp. 15, 16); _Prescott_, Bk. i. chap. iii.
[101] _Velasco_, Lib. ii. -- 4, sec. 20.
[102] _Acosta_, ibid.; _Arriaga_, ibid.
[103] _Garcila.s.so_, Lib. i. cap. xi., Lib. ii. cap. xviii., Lib. iv.
cap. xv., and elsewhere (pp. 6, &c., in Rycaut, who omits some of the pa.s.sages).
[104] _Montesinos_, p. 121; _Acosta_, Lib. v. capp. v. xix., Lib. vi.
cap. xxii.; _Prescott_, Bk. i. chaps, i. ii.; _Garcila.s.so_, Lib. vi.
cap. v.; _Acosta_, Lib. v. cap. vii.; _Velasco_, Lib. iii. -- 1, sec. 1.
[105] _Gomara_, p. 234 a. Cf. _Montesinos_, p. 68, and _Poppig_ in Ersch u. Gruber's "Encyklopadie," art. _Incas_, p. 287 b, note 35.
[106] _Garcila.s.so_, Lib. ii. capp. xxii, xxiii. (pp. 43, 44, in Rycaut); _Prescott_, Bk. i. chap. iv.; _Acosta_, Lib. vi. cap. iii.
[107] _Garcila.s.so_, Lib. v. cap. ii.; _Tschudi_, Vol. II. p. 382; _Rivero y Tschudi_: Antiguedades Peruanas: Viena, 1851. pp. 135-141. N.
B. An English translation of this work by F. L. Hawks appeared at New York in 1853.
[108] _Velasco_, Lib. ii. -- 5, secc. 4, 17 (Ternaux-Compans, Vol. XVIII.
pp. 137, 148-9); _Kulb_, l.c. p. 190.
[109] _Garcila.s.so_, Lib. vi. capp. xx.-xxii.; _Prescott_, Bk. i. chap.
[110] _Acosta_, Lib. v. cap. xxviii. [wrongly numbered xxvii. in the original edition]; _Garcila.s.so_, Lib. vii. capp. vi. vii.
[111] _Acosta_, ibid.