Lectures on the Origin and Growth of Religion - Part 6

Part 6

And now to the Eternal, the Invisible, to Him whose name we can but stammer, whose infinite perfections we can but feel after, be rendered all our homage and our hearts!


[1] The second, third and fourth despatches (the first is lost) from _Fernando Cortes_ to Charles V., written in 1520, 1522 and 1524 respectively. Original editions as follows: "Carta de relacio_n_ e_m_biada a su S. majestad del e_m_p_er_ador n_ues_tro senor ... por el capita_n_ general de la nueva spana: Llamado ferna_n_do cortes," &c.: Seville, 1522. "Carta tercera de relacio_n_: embiada por Ferna_n_do cortes," &c.: Seville, 1523. "La quarta relacion q_ue_ Ferna_n_do cortes gouernador y capitan general ... embio al muy alto ... rey de Espana,"

&c.: Toledo, 1525. Recent edition, with notes, &c.: "Cartas y Relaciones de Hernan Cortes al Emperador Carlos V. colegidas e il.u.s.tradas por Don Pascual de Gayangos," &c.: Paris, 1866. English translation: "The Despatches of Hernando Cortes," &c., translated by George Folsom: New York and London, 1843.--_Francisco Lopez de Gomara_ (Cortes' chaplain): "Hispania Victrix. Primera y segunda parte de la historia general de las Indias co_n_ todo el descubrimiento, y cosas notables que han acaescido dende que se ganaron hasta el ano de 1551. Con la conquista de Mexico y dela nueva Espana:" Modina del Campo, 1553. Also printed in Vol. XXII.

of the "Biblioteca de Autores Espanoles:" Madrid, 1852 (to the pagination of which references in future notes will be made). There is an old English translation of Part II. of this work, ent.i.tled, "The Pleasant Historie of the Conquest of the Weast India, now called new Spayne, Atchieved by the worthy Prince Hernando Cortes, Marques of the Valley of Huaxacac, most delectable to Reade: Translated out of the Spanishe tongue by T. N. [Thomas Nicholas], Anno 1578:" London.--_Bernal Diaz_: "Historia Verdadera de la Nueva Espana escrita por el Capitan Bernal Diaz del Castillo, Uno de sus Conquistadores. Sacada a luz por el P. M. Fr. Alonso Remon," &c.: Madrid, 1632. English translation: "The Memoirs of the Conquistador Bernal Diaz del Castillo, written by Himself," &c.: translated by John Ingram Lockhart, F.R.A.S. 2 vols.: London, 1844. There is also a good French translation: "Histoire Veridique de la conquete ... par le Capitaine Bernal Diaz del Castillo,"

&c., by Dr. Jourdanet. Second edition: Paris, 1877.--_Las Casas._ Numerous works collected by Llorente: "Collecion de las obras del Venerable Obispo de Chiapa, Don Bartolome de las Casas, Defensor de la Libertad de los Americanos." 2 vols.: Paris, 1822. Also translated into French, with some additional matter, by the same Llorente, and published in the same year at Paris. His "Historia de las Crueldades de los Espanoles," &c., was translated into English in 1655 by J. Phillips, under the t.i.tle of "The Tears of the Indians," &c., and dedicated to Oliver Cromwell. [N.B. Translations in full or epitomized of several of the above works, together with others, may be found in Vols. III. and IV. of "Purchas his Pilgimes," &c.: London, 1625-26.]--_Sahagun's_ history of New Spain, a work of the utmost importance for the religious history of Mexico, remained unpublished till the present century, and appeared almost simultaneously in Mexico and London: "Historia General de las Cosas de Nueva Espana ... escribio el R. P. Fr. Bernardino de Sahagun ... uno de los primeros predicadores del santo evangelio en aquellas regiones," &c. 3 vols.: Mexico, 1829-30. The same work appeared in Vols. V. and VII. of Lord Kingsborough's collection. Vid. infr. A French translation by Jourdanet appeared in 1880.--_Acosta_: "Historia Natural y Moral de las Indias ... compuesta por el Padre Joseph de Acosta Religioso de la Campania de Jesus," &c.: Seville, 1590. English translation: "The Naturall and Morall Historie of the East and West Indies," &c.: translated by E. G.: London, 1604. E[dward] G[rimstone]'s translation was edited, with notes, for the Hakluyt Society, by Clements R. Markham, in 1880.--_Torquemada_: "Los veynte y un libros Rituales y Monarchia Yndiana ... Compuesto por Fray Ivan de Torquemada," &c. 3 vols.: Seville, 1615. Printed again at Madrid in 1723.--_Herrera_ (official historiographer of Philip II.): "Historia General de los Hechos de los Castellanos en las Islas i Tierra Firme del mar Oceano,"

&c., by Antonio de Herrera; to which is prefixed, "Descripcion de las Indias Ocidentales," &c., by the same. 4 vols.: Madrid, 1601. English translation in epitome by Capt. John Stevens, "The General History of the vast Continent and Islands of America," &c. 6 vols.: London, 1725-26.

The following native writers may also be consulted. _Ixlilxochitl_ (Fernando de Alva): "Historia Chichimeca" and "Relaciones," in Lord Kingsborough's "Mexican Antiquities," Vol. IX. (vid. infr.). French translations in Vols. VIII. XII. and XIII. of H. Ternaux-Compans'

collection: "Voyages, Relations et Memoires originaux pour servir a l'histoire de la Decouverte de l'Amerique:" Paris, 1837-41.--_Camargo_: "Histoire de la Republique de Tlaxcallan, par Domingo Munoz Camargo, Indien, natif de cette ville," translated from the Spanish MS. in Vols.

XCVIII. and XCIX. of the "Nouvelles Annales des Voyages," &c.: Paris, 1843.--_Pomar (J. B. de)_: "Relacion de las Antiquedades de los Indios."

Pomar was a descendant of the royal house of Tezcuco, and his memoirs were made use of in MS. by Torquemada.

Amongst later authorities may be mentioned (in addition to Prescott's well-known work, and those cited in the following notes): _W.

Robertson_: "History of America."--_Alx. von Humboldt_: "Vues des Cordillieres et Monuments des peuples de l'Amerique:" Paris, 1810; forming the "Atlas Pittoresque" of Part III. of "Voyage de Humboldt et Bonpland."--_Francesco Saverio Clavigero_: "Storia antica del Messico,"

&c. 4 vols.: Cesena, 1780-81. English translation by Charles Cullen: "The History of Mexico," &c. 2 vols.: London, 1787.--_Th. Waitz_: "Anthropologie der Naturvolker," Vol. IV.: Leipzig, 1864.--_Bra.s.seur de Bourbourg_: "Histoire des Nations civilisees du Mexique et de L'Amerique-centrale," &c. 4 vols: Paris, 1857-59.--_Muller (Joh.

George)_, Professor at Bale: "Geschichte der Amerikanischen Urreligionen." Second edition: Basel, 1867.--To these should be added the narratives and works of M. _D. Charnay_, still in the course of publication.

References will be given to the originals, but in such a form, wherever possible, as to serve equally well for the English and French translations. Where, as is not unfrequently the case, the chapters or sections of the translations do not correspond to the originals, a note of the vol. and page of the former will generally be added.

[2] The original collection is in seven magnificent folio volumes.

"Antiquities of Mexico: comprising Facsimiles of Ancient Mexican Paintings and Hieroglyphics ... together with The Monuments of New Spain, by M. Dupaix ... the whole ill.u.s.trated by many valuable inedited Ma.n.u.scripts by Augustine Aglio:" London, 1830. Two supplementary volumes, on the t.i.tle-page of which Lord Kingsborough's own name appears, were added in 1848, and a tenth volume was projected, but only a small portion of it (appended to Vol. IX.) was printed.

[3] Five volumes: New York, 1875-76.

[4] See _Bancroft_, Vol. II. pp. 311, 312.

[5] See _Sahagun_, Tom. I. p. 201, Appendix to Lib. ii. (Vol. II. p.

174, in Jourdanet's translation).

[6] The story is given by _Bancroft_, Vol. III. p. 471, on the authority of _Lopez Medel_.

[7] See _Torquemada_, Lib. viii. cap. xx. at the end. On the Mexican temples in general, see _Muller_, pp. 644-646.

[8] On the great temple of Mexico and its annexes, see _Waitz_, IV. 148 sqq., where the scattered data of Sahagun, Acosta, Gomara, Bernal Diaz, Ixtlilxochitl, Clavigero, &c., are drawn together. See also _Bancroft_, II. 577-587, III. 430 sq.

[9] Op. cit. cap. xcii.

[10] Compare the German "Schlangenberg" and the old French "Guivremont."

[11] See the legend in _Clavigero_, Lib. vi. -- 6.

[12] See _Muller_, pp. 602 sqq., and _Sahagun_, Tom. I. pp. 1, 237, sqq., Lib. i. cap. i., and Lib. iii. cap. i., &c.

[13] See _Clavigero_, Lib. vi. -- 2. _Acosta_, pp. 324 sqq., Lib. v. cap.

ix. (pp. 353 sq. in E. G.'s translation); _Sahagun_, Tom. I. pp. 2 sq., 241 sq., Lib. i. cap. iii., Lib. iii. cap. ii. See also _Ternaux-Compans_, Vol. XII. p. 18.

[14] On Quetzalcoatl, see _Muller_, pp. 577-590; _Bancroft_, Vol. III.

pp. 239-287; _Torquemada_, Lib. vi. cap. xxiv., Lib. iii. cap. vii.; _Clavigero_, Lib. vi. -- 4; _Ixtlilxochitl_ in _Ternaux-Compans_, Vol.

XII. pp. 5-8 (further, pp. 9-27 of the same volume on the Toltecs); _Prescott_, Bk. i. chap, iii., Bk. iv. chap, v., and elsewhere; _Sahagun_, Tom. I. pp. 3-4, 245-6, 255-259, Lib. i, cap. v., Lib. iii.

cap p. iv. xii.-xiv.

[15] See _Clavigero_, Lib. iv. ---- 4, 15, Lib. vii. -- 42; _Humboldt_, pp.

319-20, cf. p. 95; _Prescott_, Bk. i. chap. i. and elsewhere; _Bancroft_, Vol. V. pp. 427-429; _Muller_, pp. 526 sq.

[16] _Clavigero_, Lib. vi. ---- 5, 15, 34; _Sahagun_, Tom. I. pp. 16-19, Lib. i. cap. xiii.; _Bancroft_, Vol. III. p. 385.

[17] See _Sahagun_, Tom. I. pp. 10-16, Lib. i. cap. xii.

[18] See _Boturini_, "Idea de una nueva historia general de la America Septentrional," &c.: Madrid, 1746, pp. 63-65.

[19] _Bancroft_, Vol. III. pp. 403-417; _Sahagun_, Tom. I. pp. 22-25, 29-33, Lib. i. capp. xv. xvi. xix.

[20] _Bancroft_, Vol. III. pp. 396-402; _Clavigero_, Lib. vi. ---- 1, 5.

[21] _Sahagun_, Tom. I. p. 86 (cf. p. 88), Lib. ii. cap. xx.

[22] _Sahagun_, Tom. I. p. 50, Lib. ii. cap. i.

[23] Compare the detailed description of the festivals of the ancient religion of Mexico in _Bancroft_, Vol. II. pp. 302-341, Vol. III. pp.

297-300, 330-348, 354-362, 385-396.

[24] Amongst all the indigenous races of North America, prolonged fasting is regarded as the means _par excellence_ of securing supernatural inspiration. The Red-skin to become a sorcerer or to secure a revelation from his _totem_, or the Eskimo to become _Angekok_, will endure the most appalling fasts.

[25] _Torquemada_, Lib. vi. cap. x.x.xviii.; cf. _Sahagun_, Tom. I. p.

174, Lib. ii. cap. xxiv.

[26] _Sahagun_, Tom. I. pp. 35--39, Lib. i. cap. xxi.

[27] _Sahagun_, Tom. I. pp. 11-16, Tom. II. pp. 57-64, Lib. i. cap.

xii., Lib. vi. cap. vii.

[28] Elements were not wanting for the formation of a dualistic system a.n.a.logous to Mazdeism. The _Tzitzimitles_ nearly corresponded to the Iranian _Devas_. They were a kind of demon servants of Mictlan, who delighted in springing upon men to devour them, and the protection of the celestial G.o.ds was needed to escape from their attacks. _Sahagun_, Tom. II. p. 67, Lib. vi. cap. viii. (in the middle of a prayer to Tlaloc). Cf. also Tom. II. pp. 14 sqq., Lib. v. capp. xi.-xiii.

[29] On the Mexican priesthood, see _Bancroft_, Vol. II. pp. 200-207, Vol. III. pp. 430-441; _Clavigero_, Lib. vi. ---- 13--17; cf. Lib. iv. -- 4; _Humboldt_, pp. 98, 194, 290; _Prescott_, Bk. i. chap. iii.; _Torquemada_, Lib. ix. capp. i.-x.x.xiv.

[30] _Camargo_ (in Nouv. An. d. Voy. xcix.), pp. 134-5.

[31] _Bancroft_, Vol. II. pp. 204-206, Vol. III. pp. 435-436; _Torquemada_, Lib. ix. capp. xiv. xv.; _Sahagun_, Tom. I. pp. 227-8 (last section of Appendix to Lib. ii.); _Acosta_, Lib. v. cap. xvi.; _Clavigero_, Lib. vi. capp. xvi. xxii.

[32] See the "Cuadro historico-geroglifico," &c., contributed by Don _Jose Fernando Ramirez_ (curator of the national Museum at Mexico) to _Garcia y Cubas_, "Altas geographico, estadistico e historico de la Republica Mexicana," Entrega 29a (1858).

[33] On all that concerns the Mexican cosmogonies, see _Muller_, pp. 477 sq., 509--519; _Bancroft_, Vol. III. pp. 57--65; _Ixtlilxochitl_, "Historia Chichimeca," capp. i. ii.; _Kingsborough_, "Mexican Antiquities," Vol. V. pp. 164-167; _Humboldt_, pp. 202--211.

[34] See _Sahagun_, Tom. II. pp. 281--283, Lib. viii. cap. vi.