Law of Space and Time - Chapter 108: Sharp Sword

Chapter 108: Sharp Sword

Seeing as he had finalized an agreement with Mackney, Lia naturally had to be clued in.

Furthermore, he felt like there was a need to tell Lia to begin worrying about his own personal safety. Of course, Erwin wasn't doing this out of the kindness of his heart. Instead, he was concerned that if the archbishop were to be assassinated at a time like this, that would be a very heavy blow to the City of Freedom.

Having said that, he knew that even though Lia always seemed like an unremarkable figure, he wasn't going to be killed off so easily. This was a man who had spent a significant portion of his life wandering throughout the Terarody Mountain Ranges, so there had to be something special about him, even though he wasn't a magician or a martial artist. If he were skilled in one of those disciplines, then there was no way that Erwin and Onean would've failed to detect it up to this point.

Upon arriving at the Holy Jade Cathedral, Erwin encountered Turan and Joe, but Lia was nowhere to be seen.

Turan's eyes instantly lit up at the sight of Erwin. He was on the verge of falling asleep from listening to Joe's sermon, and he was ecstatic that someone interesting had arrived to rescue him from this purgatory of boredom.
