Lake Effect Snow - Lake Effect Snow Part 25

Lake Effect Snow Part 25

Annie yelled "No!" and pulled the trigger, watching as the woman slammed into the opposite wall under the force of the bullet, blood spraying across the light colors. The noise was enormous, and Annie saw the woman's head turn, a surprised expression on her face, as she struggled back to her feet, fully facing Annie now, gun pointing at her.

Someone else shot and the woman fell. She stayed down. Annie heard more gunshots outside the house.

Several moments of dead silence followed, and Annie scrambled out of the closet on her hands and knees, peeking over the bed at the body lying in the hallway. The woman was breathing.

Sarah was calling her name, and she tried to answer, but nothing came out of her mouth. Annie cleared her throat and tried again. "Here,"

she called.

She could hear a man saying, "Shots fired," but she didn't move, a 217 a wouldn't move, until she saw Sarah. Sarah looked in the door at Annie kneeling on the other side of the bed. "Are you all right?" she said, holstering her gun and moving quickly to Annie.

Annie stood, handing Sarah the gun, and then fell into her. "She was going to shoot you," she said, wrapping her arms tightly around her. Annie's ears rang from the noise of the gun, and the smell still sizzled around them.

Don walked in the door. "What happened, Sarah? Annie?"

"I shot Nyalia's daughter," Annie said into Sarah's coat. "She was going to shoot Sarah." She stiffened. "Dammit, I shot someone."

Don turned and walked to the woman in the hall, pulling on latex gloves. Sarah took Annie to the kitchen and then went back to Don, squatting down beside him. "She's alive, and I have her gun," he said.

"Scott shot the brother, Hamel, on the deck, but he didn't survive. It's the man from the DuMont Hotel, Majer's nephew." He placed his fingers on the woman's neck. "Strong pulse."

"I came inside and the deck doors were open, so I called for Annie," Sarah said, handing Annie's gun to Don. "It all happened so fast. Just as I was starting to see the woman, Annie yelled something and shot. The woman fell against the wall and then straightened up and pointed the gun into the bedroom, so I shot too. Looks like Annie hit the right shoulder area and I got her here." Sarah pointed at the blood on the right side of the woman's chest.

Don just shook his head. "The man abandoned his sister and went out through the patio doors." Don leaned over the unconscious woman.

"There's an ambulance on the way. Locals and crime scene people will be here soon too." He looked up at Sarah. "Do you have any idea how fast you and that state trooper were going on the interstate?"

v After speaking to Scott for a few minutes, Sarah poured a cup of coffee, keeping an eye on Annie sitting at the table. Annie was watching the local police and the FBI go in and out of her house and someone was stretching crime scene tape around the deck. She had given her statement to the police in a clear, coherent voice, but she was quiet, sitting straight, and Sarah saw the professional mask cover her face.

Don followed the medical technicians with the wounded woman a 218 a down the hallway and held the kitchen door as they moved to the ambulance. He watched Annie's eyes follow the gurney and raised his eyebrows at Sarah.

Annie spoke to Don. "Where is Prince Abdel? Has he left yet?"

Don shook his head. "They're about to leave the hotel. I just spoke with surveillance. We need to talk with Abdel, but I don't know how we're going to hold him for very long. Customs will hold him for a while, and State is meeting me there, but-"

"Why do we need the prince now?" Sarah interrupted. "Hamel's dead and we have his sister."

"Because Abdel collaborated with the Majers, Sarah. That puts it back into my case."

"I have an idea," Annie said. "Let me get my local TV affiliate down there, at the airport. They can be there before him, and I'll interview him."

"No!" Don and Sarah said together.

"Why not? This is a perfect setup. He'll see it as an opportunity for publicity. The prince has the perfect mindset for this, and you know he won't give you or the State Department anything. Plus, he seems to want to talk with me."

"Booker," Sarah groaned.

"Listen to me. He's not only got the ego, but there isn't a man of the prince's position who would want to be embarrassed in a public place, especially by a woman." Annie was calm and confident. "I guarantee you that he'll talk to me. It's my job. Just brief me on what you want, the information you need. Actually, I can probably get him to stay for a while, and you can ask him what you need. How long do you need him?

I'll just front him with the interview."

Sarah and Don were quiet, thinking about what she had just said. It went against everything Sarah wanted. They'd just be putting Annie out there again. "I don't think I can let you walk in front of him again, Annie. You've done enough," she said, lacing her fingers with Annie's.

"Sarah, remember what I said? What's left? Death? Fear is worse.

This is the only chance we'll have to face him. Otherwise, he's back in his cave." Her eyes begged, but her face was the one from television, composed and unafraid.

Annie turned to Don. "The local producer was in Kosovo with me.

a 219 a He'll give me a hand, and this is a perfect moment for him to get in on the action."

"That might work," Don said, just as Sarah had known he would.

a 220 a


Sarah and Annie made the familiar drive to the airport in silence. The afternoon sun outlined Annie's profile. Sarah's heart clenched as it had at the airport when Annie had left for New York City. She exhaled slowly and reached across the seat, taking Annie's hand into hers and rubbing it with her thumb. Annie seemed focused on a faraway place, but she squeezed Sarah's hand and finally spoke as they pulled into the parking ramp at the airport.

"Can you find out if my local guys have arrived?"

Sarah called Don. "We're in the parking enclosure. Where is everyone?" She looked across at Annie. "They're all in place. Are you ready?"

"Yes." Annie looked down, searching through her coat and pulling out a notebook and a pen. She held them up for Sarah to see. "Told you.

I always have them on me, somewhere." She put her hand on the door, than turned back to Sarah. "Is today Thursday?"

Sarah nodded and raised her eyebrows in a question.

"It was a little over three weeks ago when you picked me up here at the airport." She laid her hand on Sarah's cheek, tracing it with her fingers. They lingered on her lips, and then she turned, opening the car door. In the elevator, Sarah wordlessly pulled her into her arms for a moment and Annie leaned in with a sigh. The doors to the international terminal opened, and they walked toward the local TV producer and cameramen waiting beside their equipment. Annie flipped her notebook open, writing as she and the producer talked. Don, Mike Easton, and two men were sitting in the waiting area. They got up when they saw Sarah and Annie.

a 221 a The prince had his back to her. He turned to look at Annie, frowned for a moment, and then smiled when he saw the TV cameras. Annie had been right.

Sarah walked past the group while Don and Mike stayed behind Annie and the television equipment. Annie said something to the prince that made him turn and look at Sarah with a smile. Annie gestured at the cameras and tossed her coat over a seat, composed and confident. Sarah looked at the other men, sitting in the concourse chairs. They seemed relaxed but were watching the prince and the cameras closely. Annie's eyes raked over them and then came back to Sarah's.

Why does this feel so dangerous, Sarah wondered, checking the area. The terminal was quiet with only a few people in the comfortable seats. Annie had said this was just an interview, and she'd done thousands of them. Sarah looked back at her, at her apparent ease and comfort.

The prince had his head slightly cocked, listening closely to Annie as she fixed a microphone on his clothing and then one on hers. She nodded at him, then turned to face the camera and began to speak, her back to the prince's men. Sarah was riveted onto the group as Don and Mike walked casually to stand closer to Annie as she spoke. Sarah slid her hand inside her coat, touching her gun.

The prince answered Annie's questions, smiling easily, and she said something to him. He stopped smiling and said, "No," very loudly, dropping his hands into fists at his side. Annie, still smiling, tucked her hair behind her ear. She spoke again, and Sarah wished she were close enough to hear. The young prince was clearly angry. Annie said something to the cameraman and the prince, gesturing at the seats.

Sarah walked toward them as Annie folded down into a seat with Prince Abdel next to her.

Abdel let his head drop, staring at the floor. Finally, he looked at Annie. "I wanted to tell you that night at Majer's. This truly was not my doing, but I had no choice."

Annie frowned at him just as Don leaned over, saying something to him in his own language. He turned to the men from the State Department and Prince Abdel agreed to talk with them.

v a 222 a Pinks and reds from the setting sun shimmered around Annie and Sarah as they walked from Sarah's office. Annie took Sarah's hand for a moment. "Your hands are cold again."

"I'm just tired, and yours are always so warm." Sarah opened the door to the conference room where Don and the State Department officials were talking with Prince Abdel.

Don looked at Sarah. "Abdel has a problem. Hamel had his sisters."

"Sarah, you were right," Annie said softly. She sat down, smiling at the prince. "Abdel, talk with us. I just want to know that I'm safe now. That's all. If you can help me in any way, I'll be satisfied for my part. Perhaps these men can help you find your sisters."

The prince looked at her for several moments and then sat across from her. "I really didn't come here to hurt you, Ms. Booker. I didn't even know you would be here until Dr. Majer told us you were back.

Hamel and his sister followed you."

"Your sisters?" Annie asked. "Were you perhaps related to Hamel in some way?" She never took her eyes from him.

"My sister married him in Paris," he said, leaning on his elbows on the table. "My family, of course, has never accepted the marriage, but my sister was rebellious, refused to come home. Then she lured my youngest sister to stay with her. My family has forbidden any contact, but my brothers and I have never given up."

Sarah asked what would happen to his sisters now.

"I don't even know how to find them. Hamel's sister coordinated the communications. They ran the business together, and you say she is dead."

"No," Don said, "she's not dead. She's at the hospital, but I'm afraid Hamel didn't make it."

The prince asked Don for a drink before he continued. He looked at Annie. "Hamel has been working with Amer al-Sadr, operating a trade with women from several countries since his father was killed, and you just happened to be there." He stopped. "You argued with them at the party at my home, and then you came back into Iraq, as if nothing had happened. He was furious. Your friend, Jack Keegan, had photos of Hamel with Amer and some of his men. They killed your associate, but your soldiers were too quick. They didn't want you, Ms. Booker.

a 223 a They wanted the photos. Jack Keegan was going to give them to the new Iraqi government to shut Hamel out of the country and prove that Amer was profiting off the war."

Annie became very still, looking at him as silence gathered around them. She finally dropped her head. "That's why I couldn't draw his face. Something in my mind remembered."

"The hospital says the sister's going to survive? Do you think we could negotiate?" Don said to the men from the State Department. "Or will you want to hold the sister on other charges? They both collaborated with known terrorists at the very least, not to mention the sex trade with the women here." He looked at Abdel. "As did you, sir."

One of the men from the State Department said, "Perhaps we can negotiate the whereabouts of your sisters, Abdel, in return for deportation, including her mother and sisters. I'm certain our counterparts over there would welcome the information. Don, let's go to the hospital and see if Majer's niece is awake. The prince can go with us. He's not under arrest."

Don nodded, and everyone stood. "Sarah, you and Annie go on home. It's been a hell of a day. I'm not sure you'll want to go to your house, Annie."

She was silent for a moment, "No, I don't think so."

Sarah got up. "We'll stay at my place. Let's go home, Annie."

v They picked up Thai food on the way to Sarah's apartment, and Annie called her parents, then left Rebecca a message. As they got out of the car, Annie pointed up into one of the trees.

"Will you look at that? A crow."

"At this time of night? That's unusual. They're usually nested by now."

"They waited for us, Sarah." The crow called out just as she spoke.

It lifted its huge wings to fly.

Annie laughed as she turned in Sarah's living room. "This is wonderful. Look at the colors and the artwork. My heavens, where did you get all this?" She picked up a large wood carving of a bird sitting in the corner. "What is this?"

"It's a roadrunner, a bird common to the Southwest. Kind of a a 224 a quirky bird. You'd like it. Especially the male with its colors." Sarah put the food out on her kitchen table, then closed the blinds on the windows. "Come on. Food's out, and I even have a beer or two." She set two bottles on the table and then looked at Annie. "Wait, did you take any of those pills today?"

"Oh God, are we going to go through that again?"


"Well then, the answer is no," Annie said, smiling sweetly and grabbing the bottle before Sarah could get a hand on it. "I'm hungry, as usual. Let's eat."

"By the way, what did you ask the prince at the airport? Whatever it was, you got his attention."

"I asked him why he attacked me. His apology at Majer's party just wouldn't leave my mind, and my thick head finally realized he was trying to tell me something."

Sarah frowned. "Why?"

"Abdel is young but not stupid, and it looks like he cares about his sisters. Or maybe it's gotten to be a matter of pride. I'd bet anything it was Hamel who was doing the assaulting in France, wouldn't you?"

"Wasn't he a piece of work? What did you say to Abdel that made him smile at me before the interview?"

"I said you were the most attractive woman I'd ever known."

Sarah blushed, totally at a loss for words.

Annie grinned at Sarah's red face and changed the subject. "Where did you get the Indian rugs on the walls? Your grandmother?"

"Some of the blankets are from Grandmother, but I've just picked up what I liked through the years. We share a love of colors, don't we?"

"It's our eyes, Sarah. We probably see colors much the same."

Sarah watched Annie look at her living room, hoping they saw more than colors the same way. After they ate, Sarah led Annie through the apartment and stopped in her bedroom. "My bed's kind of small.

I'll sleep on the couch."

Annie looked at her. "You must be kidding." She walked out of the room, her voice trailing behind her. "Have anything I could wear to sleep in?"

Sarah nodded, but Annie was gone. She shook her head and yelled after her, "I'm going to shower. Make yourself at home." She a 225 a grabbed some flannel boxers, a T-shirt, and warm socks, heading for the bathroom. "Damn," she said softly, "I'm tired."

v After the shower Sarah walked into her office just as Annie picked up a photo off her desk.

"Who's this?" Annie asked and turned to see Sarah in the boxers, T-shirt, and socks. The sight silenced her, and she missed Sarah's response. "I'm sorry, what did you say?"

"I said, my family." Sarah looked over Annie's shoulder, putting her hands on Annie's hips and leaned into her. "That's Mom, Dad, my sister, her husband, two kids, and our dog." Annie smelled the lavender soap, felt Sarah's body against her, and quickly set the frame on the desk before she dropped it.

Sarah leaned into her again and picked up another photograph.