Lady Boss, Please Spoil Your Husband! - 235 Chapter 235: I Can't Wait For It Too

235 Chapter 235: I Can't Wait For It Too

It's alright if it's only Lillie who visits, why invite this punk too? Does his wife want him to go to jail? Mr. Bai grumbles in his mind.

"En. I'll also bring Storm so that he'll see you guys too."

"Oh? Storm's back?" Last time Mr. Bai visited Tranquil Villa, Storm was coincidentally sleeping at his little cave in the forest behind the house.

Lillie nodded. "I got him back for a little while already. Sorry if I forgot to mention it."

"No worries, no worries. I'm sure you were busy," Mr. Bai waved his hand in dismissal. "I'll see you soon, okay?"

Lillie closes her eyes when her father went to kiss her forehead.

"Thank you for clearing my good friend's name, little flower." Mr. Bai hugged her. Words could not describe how thankful he is to have such filial daughter.

"If it weren't for you and your friends, I would've carried this grudge to my grave, ignorant of the truth." Mr. Bai pulled away and smiled, his face tranquilized.

"I'm so proud of you, my little flower."

Ethan observed their sweet interaction from the sidelines with a soft smile. In the near future, if he had a daughter with Lillie, he's certain that she'll be a precious gem in his eyes like his mother.

He would dote on her, pamper her with love, adore her, and give anything her heart desires. He'll also not forget to hunt some foolish punks who tries to court her, wring the neck of the boy who steps within 10 feet from her, torture those who make her let out a single tear, and make them eat bullets for breakfast as their final meal!

This dragon won't allow anyone hurt precious baby girl! He swore he will never let those who bully her see another daylight!

"Ethan?" Lillie snapped her fingers in front his face.

Ethan hummed, taking his attention back to Lillie.

"Let's go home?"

Ethan looked at where Mr. Bai was standing, but saw him nowhere.

"He went first." Lillie answered as they walked out of the hotel. "Were you listening to what we were discussing?"

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Ethan nodded honestly, "When would you like to visit?"

Although she's not expressing it openly, Ethan knows how much Lillie loves her family.

Lillie paused to think, humming as she did. "Tomorrow is a no go...are you free next Wednesday?"

"Sure." I'm always free whenever you want, is something he wants to say but his tongue held back. "I'll inform Ming Lian to arrange my schedule for it."

The two stood by the hotel's entrance, waiting for the valet to fetch their car.

"Oh wait, before we go home, could we stop at the donut shop from before? There's a branch of it along the way." Lillie only had wine in the party.

"Whatever you want." Ethan earnestly replied as he kissed her hand.

The two entered the car and drove off to Lillie's now favorite donut shop.

The sky is blanketed by darkness, glittering stars hang across the horizon like diamonds. Midnight had strike, very few cars drive along the quiet road.

While driving, Ethan stole a few glances at the woman beside him. His mind tracing back to his earlier thoughts.

"What would you prefer the most for our first born?"

Lillie's head tilted to his way, "Hm?"

"Do you wish for a boy or a girl?" He cleared.

Lillie looked up in thought. "Hmm...I have no particular preference...I'm content to whether our first born is a boy or a girl." She smiled.

"Why are you asking? Do you have a preference?"

"I actually want to have a baby girl first." He answered truthfully.

Lillie was intrigued, "Why?"

"I'm not really sure why...I wouldn't mind having a boy first too. I just thought that having a baby girl in my arms would be a really good sight to see." Ethan imagined himself cradling a baby girl.

Her head is covered by a few strands of Lillie's rare ash-blonde hair. And when she opens her eyes, it'll reveal a pair of doe, cerulean blue orbs...

A carbon copy of Lillie, her mother...

Ethan will not doubt that his daughter would place herself comfortably in his heart.

He really can't wait to have a family of his own with Lillie.

Beside him, Lillie can read his thoughts through his wishful smile. She can't help but smile longingly.

I can't wait for it too...