Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear - Chapter 446

Chapter 446

Chapter 446

Bear-san, Listens To Shinobus Story Part 2

I got the gist of it.

In a prophetic dream, a woman named Sakura-sama saw a beacon of hope riding on a beast. That would be me. So, she contacted me, the aforementioned beacon of hope.

I now understand that its an act. Possibly everything from when we met. (Yuna)

I had already decided before I met Yuna. Thats why I was so confused at first, because Yuna is such a pretty girl. (Shinobu)

Well, cute or not, I looked like a stuffed bear, so no wonder shes confused.

And why does Shinobu have to fight your master? Why didnt you just ask me from the beginning? (Yuna)

Then Shinobu wouldnt have gotten hurt.

That wasnt actually sufficient. I needed to make you believe that I was very serious about capturing my fathers killer in order to increase the probability of you placing your trust in me. (Shinobu)

Hmmm, would I say no to that?

I tried to imagine what it would be like if Shinobu asked me to help her avenge her father.

Yeah, I think Ill turn it down because it smelled fishy.

After all, the Shinobu I met for the first time was suspicious.

But when I saw how intense the two of them were fighting, I knew they were serious. I didnt want Shinobu to die. Thats why I decided to step in.

Im really sorry about all of this Yuna. (Shinobu)

Besides, I wonder if she had the option to honestly ask for my help.

She wants me to save the country. She wants me to meet the king. She wants me to meet Sakura-sama just because somebody made a prophecy revealing that I am their beacon of hope.

I might refuse any of that. Or rather, its highly possible that Ill run away instead so as not to get involved because it will be annoying.

Come to think of it, my strategic route is unlikely to be easy to find.

In the first place, I think it was a mistake on their part when they thought about confirming my battle abilities.

But I understand that you cant ask someone without knowing how good they are. A match is out of the question. Thats why they staged this elaborate act.

I understand why, but it doesnt feel good to be at the receiving end.

So, who is this Sakura-sama, youre talking about? (Yuna)

Sakura-sama is the shrine maiden of this country. (Shinobu)

Could it be that all shrine maidens have special powers? (Yuna)

Only Sakura-sama has special powers.

The precognitive dream. There are people with such abilities, arent there?

I cant help but feel sorry for that Sakura-sama.

Even though its just a dream, its heartbreaking to watch people die over and over again. Maybe even witnessing someone she knew or loved die over and over again. If it was a scene from the future, it must have been a nightmare. It would not be strange if her mind goes crazy at some point.

If I had a dream where I saw Swaying Bear, Hugging Bear, and Fina die over and over again, I might go crazy. And shes been experiencing it for almost a month now. I can only feel sympathy for her.

If there is a glimmer of hope in the midst of all this, I can understand the desire to latch on to that one ray of hope.

But I wonder if she could have done anything more.

So, will you meet Sakura-sama and the king? (Shinobu)

Do you really believe I can fight those monsters, Shinobu? (Yuna)

Sakura-sama said that youre the beacon of hope. Even though its virtually impossible, you did parry Masters attacks with just a knife and even used powerful magic. No one will complain. I wont let them! (Shinobu)

Shinobu looked at me seriously.

No matter how many times you and the others say it, Shinobu, I dont think anyone will believe that a girl dressed as a bear like me is strong to them. (Yuna)

If thats the case, its fine. There was someone else who was witnessing our battle somewhere out there. If that person reports back, no one will dare to raise a complaint. Its part of the agreed compromise. (Shinobu)

Someone else was witnessing the battle? (Yuna)

There are three of them in fact. (Shinobu)

They were watching us.

If its true, then I want to adamantly refuse.

However, it is difficult to refuse when she said that the fate of the country is at stake.

I looked at Shinobu, whos now badly injured.

Her body is a wreck. Her face is dirty, her clothes are torn, and she has lacerations and abrasions all over. Even the parts that cant be seen must have suffered some form of damage. She was risking her life in this act. When I thought about it, I couldnt ignore it.

Ha~a Yuna

I can only sigh.


All right, fine. Ill go and see this Sakura-sama person, but I cant promise that Ill take it. (Yuna)

Lets start by just listening.

I cant proceed with negotiations without hearing the full details, besides, I cant get rid of my unsorted bewildered feelings.

It will all start when I meet the one named Sakura-sama.

Thank you. (Shinobu)

Shinobu stood up and hugged me.

All right, all right, now get away from me. I need to tend to your wounds. (Yuna)

Sorry. (Shinobu)

Shinobu obediently let go of me.

I prepared a wet towel and wiped Shinobus face with it.

How are your wounds? (Yuna)

Its okay. As I said before, I was wearing a mithril chainmail, so I wasnt fatally wounded. (Shinobu)

Still, there are lacerations in places where shes not covered by protective gear.

You didnt wear that during the hunt for the Kamaitachi, did you? (Yuna)

I wasnt prepared at that time. But if Im going to fight for my life against my master, I need to be fully prepared. (Shinobu)

When Shinobu looked at the man, the man opened his mouth apologetically.

Im sorry about that, but I think its time for you to remove these bears. (Jubei)

Oh, I completely forgot about the guy.

I removed the chibi bears that were still piling up on that man, who happened to be Shinobus master.

The man stood up after feeling lighter.

I want to thank you again. Thank you for saving Shinobu. You stopped me from stabbing Shinobu. (Jubei)

I think you could have done more with the way youre acting. (Yuna)

Im sorry. We couldnt have taken the wrong step like Shinobu said earlier. There might have been another way. Yes, there may have been another way, but we couldnt find it in time. I deeply apologize for making you uncomfortable, young miss. (Jubei)

The man bowed his head deeply as he said that.

Perhaps he was weighing between the future of his country and Shinobus life. Normally, no one would want to kill a girl whos also his disciple.

And I apologize for attacking your precious bear, young miss. If I havent hit me hard enough, then please, hit me. If you want to cut off my arm, go ahead and do it. If you desire my life, I shall give it to you. So (Jubei)

The man has a stern expression on his face. Hes not joking, Hes extremely serious about it.

I dont need such a thing. Like I said, Ill meet this Sakura-sama person, but whether or not I accept the request is another story altogether. (Yuna)

I have sympathy for Sakura-sama, but if shes someone who doesnt think of people as people, Im not going to take her request even if Shinobu asked me to. If I just want to escape, I can do so by setting up a bear gate.

Moreover, its very easy to escape by running on the sea.

Master, Ill patch you up. (Shinobu)

Sorry about that. (Jubei)

The man also seemed to have equipped a chainmail, so he was able to withstand the bear punches because of it.

I was wondering if youre going to the trouble of telling me that your chainmail was also made of mithril. (Yuna)

Yeah, I was instructed to get you to launch a real attack, after all. (Jubei)

Shinobu started to take care of her master, while I demolished the bear statue with destruction magic. I cant leave it like that, you know.


Then, after cleaning up, we had to head to the adventurers guild to prove the identity of the man and Shinobu.

The mans name was Jubei. It was his real name, apparently.

Ara, Jubei-san, Shinobu-san. What makes you come to the Adventurers Guild? And the bear lady is also with you too. Receptionist

The guild lady casually talks to the duo.

Shes the same guild lady from the other day.

But, Jubei-san and Shinobu-san, arent you guys dirty? And you even have battle damage all over. Receptionist

By the way, the bear gear cant get dirty, so Im the only one whos clean.

Were just finishing up some work. Shinobu

Shinobu replied with a deceptive laughter.

Well, shes not lying though.

It was my job to fight Jubei-san.

But its rare for Jubei-san to come here. Dont tell me, Shinobu-san, did you do something wrong? (Receptionist)

Thats so terrible of you. I didnt do anything like that. Im just working properly. (Shinobu)

Is that so? Dont trouble Jubei-san too much. (Receptionist)

The receptionist struck up a friendly conversation.

Now that I think about it, she probably didnt show the sketch to anyone else because Jubei-san was a well known figure.

If I had known that, I wonder what would I have done?

So whats the deal? (Receptionist)

No, I just need you to explain about me and Shinobu to this bear lady. (Jubei)

An explanation, you say? Ah, I knew it, Shinobu-san, you did something after all, didnt you? Thats why Jubei-san was so angry as your guardian. (Receptionist)

N, no, thats not it! (Shinobu)

Really? (Receptionist)

Really! (Shinobu)

The receptionist looked at Shinobu with suspicion.

So, do you want me to clarify the identity for both of you? (Receptionist)

Im counting on you. (Jubei)

Jubei-san bowed to the receptionist.

Jubei-san is the warlord of this country. (Receptionist)

A warlord. He seems to have a very high-ranking position.

Shinobu-san is an adventurer, but shes also Jubei-sans apprentice? A subordinate? Something like that? (Receptionist)

The receptionist tilted her head slightly.

Both are correct, though. (Shinobu)

You really were Shinobus master, werent you? (Yuna)

But she looks more comfortable with being a subordinate than an apprentice.

You didnt believe us, it seems. (Jubei)

Because your way of fighting seems completely different. (Yuna)

Shinobu fights with a short katana like a ninja, while Jubei-san is a warlord and handles different weapons.

My father taught me the basics, but I learned how to fight from my master. (Shinobu)

Because the base was already properly molded and solidified, so there was no need to change it. (Jubei)

Jubei-san added.

So her fathers a ninja then?

Then, after inspecting the guild card and so on, Jubei-san proved his identity.

That night, we finished our conversation.

The next day, I went to where Sakura-sama is? Omiyako?() Miyako Miyako?() The royal capital.


Authors Note:

Next time, we will get to see Sakura-sama.