Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear - Chapter 426 - 426 Bear

Chapter 426 - 426 Bear

Chapter 426 - 426 Bear

426 Bear-san Gets Caught By The Student Group

Since Noa and I got back after seeing the bears, I’ve been taking it easy and living in seclusion.

But the isolation won’t last long in a room with no TV, no games, no computer, no manga, no novels, or any form of entertainment.

I decided to go out and end my reclusive life early. I didn’t even last more than three days. But I wondered if being isolated for three days would be a good thing.

I made some things in the kitchen and put them in the bear box.

[Swaying Bear, Hugging Bear, I’m going out.] Yuna

I called out to Swaying Bear and Hugging Bear, who looked lazier than I was. They say they take after their owners, but they didn’t take after me, did they?

I returned Swaying Bear and Hugging Bear in the bear puppets and moved to the room with the bear gate. I opened the door and moved to the bear house in the royal capital.


I was wondering what’s happening to Rikka-san and Ghazal-san right now, but today I’m heading to the castle to see Flora-san.

[Yuna-dono, you’re here. It’s been a long time. Have you come to meet Princess Flora?] Gatekeeper

I was approached by the gatekeeper. At first, he was surprised for a moment, but then he started calling me by name. I don’t know his name, though.

[That’s right. Is it okay to go see her?] Yuna

[Yes, that’s fine. I think Flora-sama is also waiting for you. After all, she’s always carrying a stuffed black bear with her all the time.] Gatekeeper

A black stuffed bear, which means it’s a Swaying Bear plushie. According to Anju-san, whenever she goes out, she carries her black bear plushie, so that she doesn’t need to worry about it getting dirty. And in her room, she hugs her Hugging Bear plushie on the bed.

I’m glad to know that she’s using the stuffed animals I gave her. If the stuffed animals got dirty, they can just wash them, and when they get tattered, I can give her new ones.

Rather than being left on display and neglected, the stuffed animals will be happier if they are hugged until they fall apart.

But please don’t throw it around, or take its arms or legs apart, or swing it around.

Only once in the orphanage did I see