Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear - Chapter 404 Bear-san, Goes To WatChapter The Trials

Chapter 404 Bear-san, Goes To WatChapter The Trials

Chapter 404 Bear-san, Goes To Watch The Trials

Afterward, we return to the Commercial Guild to pay for the purchase.

The guild receptionist was surprised when I paid the money in full, but as instructed by the Guildmaster, the procedure was completed without any unnecessary word from her.

Having successfully purchased the house, I returned to Fina and Ruimin, who was cleaning the house. It’s a long way to go without my bear gear, but since I’m not going to live there, it’s not a problem.

When I entered the house, I saw Fina and Ruimin cleaning the house with dustpans and brooms.

[Welcome home, Yuna-oneesan.] Fina

[Yuna-san, it’s a lot bigger than I thought it would be, so it’s going to be tough!] Ruimin

[I won’t live here, so you don’t have to take it too seriously.] Yuna

[But I’m bothered with dust and stuff.] Ruimin

Ruimin took a broom and swept a corner where there seemed to accumulate a lot and since I couldn’t let the two of them do it alone, I also started cleaning.

[Did you try upstairs?] Yuna

[No, not yet.] Fina

[It’s already difficult enough on just this floor.] Ruimin

[We’ll go upstairs then.] Yuna


Fina and Ruimin looked at each other.

[Swaying Bear and Hugging Bear.] Yuna

I summoned Swaying Bear and Hugging Bear, who had been transformed into bear cubs, to help me clean up. I asked Swaying Bear and Hugging Bear to clean the floor from back then. Well, they’re too small to do much more than sweeping the floor.

I opened the window and started cleaning.

Then, the five of us split up and finished the cleaning around dusk. We were able to clean up the accumulated dust and ventilated the place. We couldn’t finish everything in half a day, but it was enough since we weren’t going to live there.

I come to a warehouse on the first floor. There’s nothing in there yet. There are only empty shelves that were used by the previous occupants.

I will set up a bear gate at the far end of the wall.

[With this, now you can come to this city anytime you want. But it’s a pity that only Yuna-san can use it. If I could use it, I would be able to come to this town and see Fina and her sister whenever I want.] Ruimin

I sometimes wish anyone could use it, but if anyone could use it, it would be a pain in the ass, so this is fine.

[Yuna-oneesan, are we going to use this door on our way back?] Fina

[Hmmm, I guess it depends on Jade-san and the others. We’ll use it if we’re parting with them here, but we can’t use it if we’re going back together.] Yuna

[It’s nice to have an easy way home, but it’s also a shame we can’t ride Swaying Bear and Hugging Bear on our way back.] Ruimin

Well, at worst, we could send Ruimin back to the elven village and move separately. Well, it’s up to Jade-san and the others.

[Now then let’s take a bath and clean ourselves up before we go home.] Yuna

Both of them were sweating from cleaning and the heat. And even though they were wearing aprons to prevent their clothes from getting dirty, their hair and other parts of their bodies were covered with dust.

I opened the door of the bear gate in front of me and moved to the bear house in the elf village. Then the five of us, including Swaying Bear and Hugging Bear, took a bath, washed off our sweat, and cleaned our bodies before returning to the inn.

The next day. The official start of the Gate of Trials begins today. Jade-san doesn’t plan to join us today, but we decide to go and observe how it will be done.

[But why are you going so early in the morning?] Ruimin

The sun has just risen. Fina and Ruimin are looking sleepy.

[That’s because I want to get to the Gates of Trials before it gets too crowded.] Yuna

It’s because of my appearance.

I don’t know what the situation will be, but if people gather like at a festival, it will be a big problem. It would be dangerous if people gathered around me at the stairs.

Besides, according to Rojina-san, there are fewer people in the early morning. I thought there would be a lot of people who would be the first to arrive, but apparently, that’s not the case. Weaponsmiths have no problem waking up and going to work right away. But as the weapons handler, the adventurers, they’d be in better shape if they ate breakfast a little later in the day. Anyone who tries to use a weapon half-asleep will find that their brain is not awake and their body will not be ready. It’s almost impossible to get good results.

So I’m going to try to get to the entrance of the Gates of Trials before the crowd gathers.

Then, after checking on the products of a few blacksmiths, I plan to leave.

[But I’m still sleepy.] Ruimin

[You can go back to sleep if you want.] Yuna

[I’m going.] Ruimin

The Swaying Bear and Hugging Bear who woke me up were sent back, then we head out for the Gate of Trials venue.

As I had expected, there were still few people on the street. When I came to the front of the stairs, however, there were no people in sight.

[Fina, feel free to tell me when you’re tired. You won’t be embarrassed if no one is watching.] Yuna

[Yes. But I’ll do my best to climb.] Fina

[Yuna-san. Why are you not asking