Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear - Chapter 333 Bear-san, Makes a Vehicle.

Chapter 333 Bear-san, Makes a Vehicle.

The day after Tirumina-san came to my home, I went outside the city with Fina and Shuri to find a way to get a carriage.

[Where are we going, Yuna-oneesan?] Fina

Fina asked me while riding on Swaying Bear.

[I don’t want people to see me, so we’ll go just a little further away from the city.] Yuna

As I explained to Fina, we came to a place a bit far from the highway. No one should see us here because it’s far from the road and there are lots of trees.

I get off from Hugging Bear, Fina, and Shuri get off from Swaying Bear.

[Yuna-oneesan, what are you making?] Fina

[A ride for everyone.] Yuna

I’ll make a vehicle for them, so I’ll let them watch. Originally, I brought them to check the ride’s comfortability.

There are 27 children in the orphanage. Then Liz-san, the director, Tirumina-san, Fina, Shuri, and Genz-san. That’s 33 people. And then Morin-san, Karin-san, Elena, and Noa, plus a group of 5 people going to Mereera. That makes a total of 42 people.

There are a lot of people, but most of them are children, so it should be okay if I adjust the chair considering the sitting space. So in order to confirm the comfortability, I asked Fina and Shuri to do an experiment…. err, do the confirmation.

[Are we riding a carriage? But can you make a big carriage?] Fina

[I can make it. However, I didn’t know how will the ride’s comfort turn out, so I had both of you come to try it.] Yuna

I don’t know if the ride is going to be a little uncomfortable because I have the Bear Equipment. This is where Fina and Shuri will do the experiment… I mean the test ride. I asked them to check the ride’s comfort.

First of all, I use earth magic to make the part of the flatbed on which the people will ride. It has a width and size of two carriages. In this case, it should be fine for about 40 people to ride in it. In the worst case, there is also a way to make it connected to another one.

[Huge….] Shuri

[Yuna-oneesan, isn’t it too big?] Fina

[But we have no horse. Are you planning to make Swaying Bear-chan and Hugging Bear-chan pull it?] Shuri

Shuri got scared. Swaying Bear and Hugging Bear appealed to me with sad eyes. They don’t want to pull it.

[Swaying Bear and Hugging Bear will not pull it.] Yuna

To my words, Swaying Bear and Hugging Bear cried happily.

Next, I made a big Bear Golem, the same one that I made when I first went to the royal capital.

[Bear-san! ~] Shuri

[Yuna-oneesan. This was the bear from that time.] Fina

Fina seemed to remember it. The bear that pulled a mobile cage with a group of bandits in it.

For the time being, I’ll attach the large flatbed to the Bear Golem.

[Yuna-oneechan, it’s too big?] Shuri

[Yeah, it’s too big after all.] Yuna

Looking at the Shuri, she’s struggling to try to climb on the loading platform.

[Yuna-oneechan, will it move?] Shuri

[Let’s make it move for a little while.] Yuna

[I did it~] Fina

Shuri raised her hands and rejoiced.

Fina was tired just by getting on the flatbed.

I jumped in and ride on it. Swaying Bear and Hugging Bear followed me and jumped in as well.

When I saw everyone was on board, I made my magic flow to the Bear Golem and ordered it to move. The Bear Golem began to walk slowly.

[Wow, it moved.] Shuri

Well, it works, doesn’t it?

Gatagata. (rattling sfx.)


Let’s speed it up a little.


[It’s shaking.] Yuna

This was also one of the reasons why we moved away from the highway. Well, I’ll just use my detection magic to make sure there were no people on the highway and order the Bear Golem to use