Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear - Chapter 33 – Bear-san Helps Out With Moving

Chapter 33 – Bear-san Helps Out With Moving

Chapter 33 – Bear-san Helps Out With Moving

Author’s note: Thank you very much for reading.

It looked like the new house that Fina and the others would live in had been chosen.

The house was located near Gentz’s workplace, the Adventurer’s Guild.

That was a strong requirement for Gentz, apparently.

Finally, a property that matched the desired price, location, and size was found, or so I heard.

Today, I came to Fina’s old house in order to help them move.

「Bring everything that you want to take over here. For the smaller objects, place them all together in a box.」

I put the luggage that had already been packed into the Bear Box.

「Are you going to take this table too?」

「We don’t have the money to buy a new one, so please.」

「In that case, this chair as well?」


The luggage was swiftly brought out.

Fina and Shuri were frantically doing their best to place their limited number of belongings into a box.

The belongings that were brought out to me were stowed away.

「Big sis Yuna, can you take the bed too, please?」


We went to Fina’s room.

Her belongings had already been placed into a box, so only the bed remained.

「Just one bed?」

「Yes, because Shuri and I sleep together.」

「If that’s so, your new father should buy one for you next time.」

I put away Fina’s bed into the Bear Box.

While I was at it, I also went into Tirumina-san’s room and put away a similar bed.

「Still, Bear missy’s item bag is amazing. Normally, everything would have been moved by a horse-drawn cart.」

Well, that was because it was an item I received from the administrator (God).

After that, I headed to each room and stored the large pieces of furniture.

「Are we done moving all of the luggage?」

The room was splendidly empty.

The other rooms were the same.

「Un, thank you again, Yuna-san.」

Since we had finished packing the things in Fina’s house, we decided to head to Gentz-san’s house next.

I wonder why?

It has often been said that when a guy lives by himself, it’s disgusting.

Gentz-san also seemed to belong in that category.

Even though you knew beforehand that you would be moving, why didn’t you do any cleaning?

「It’s terrible.」

Tirumina murmured quietly after she saw the inside of the house.

「Sorry about that…」

Gentz lowered his head.

「Yuna-chan, sorry but could you take my daughters and go to the new house?」

「That’s fine with me.」



「Both of you, first set up your own belongings. I already explained the assignment of the rooms yesterday, so you understand, right? Also, the house has already been cleaned a bit beforehand, but not the most troublesome sections, so please take care of those areas. Prioritize cleaning the bedrooms, okay? Once you’re done with that, please tidy up the other rooms. I’ll also leave the arrangement of the luggage to you. Once I’m done cleaning up this house, I’ll head over to help as well.」

The house key was handed to Fina.

Next, she glanced in my direction.

「Yuna-chan, I’m sorry, but once you’ve unpacked the luggage, can you come over here again?」


「Then, I’m counting on the three of you.」

As expected of an adult woman and a wife who brought up two kids. She quickly gave out efficient instructions.

We headed towards the new house that Fina’s family would be living in.

It was located about halfway between the entrance of the guild and the inn that I had previously stayed at.

「Here it is.」

We stood in front of the large house.

We opened the door using the key that Tirumina-san handed over.

There probably wasn’t any dust because it had been cleaned in advance.

「Big sis Yuna, can you please take out the cleaning tools?」

I took out the cleaning tools.

Fina headed towards the kitchen, carrying a bucket.

She drew water out of a water magic stone.

「Big sis Yuna, can you come to the second floor?」

The three of us climbed up to the second floor.

The second floor had two rooms.

Fina entered the room on the right.

The room was roughly the size of six tatami mats.

From a Japanese person’s perspective, the room was a bit large.

Fina opened the window to let some fresh air in.

「Shuri, can you go open the window in mom’s room too? Once you’re done with that, please start cleaning.」

Shuri nodded and left the room.

Fina used a dust cloth to clean up the dirty areas.

「Big sis Yuna, can you please take out the luggage?」

I followed Fina’s instructions and went about placing the furniture and the bed.

I more or less utilized the power of the bear to move things around.

Finally, I placed the box with Fina and Shuri’s belongings inside on the floor.

Next, I headed into the room the parents would use and placed the bed and furniture.

I also placed Tirumina-san’s belongings on the floor.

I put off placing the more trivial belongings and returned to the first floor.

There, Shuri was trying her best to clean with her small body.

I took out the table, chair, utensils, and other