Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear - Chapter 320 Bear-san Gets the Crystal Plate.

Chapter 320 Bear-san Gets the Crystal Plate.

After getting out of the ground, I looked around.

[Um, here?] Yuna

When I looked behind me, there was the pyramid. But there’s no entrance. Apparently, I am at the backside of the pyramid.

Is everyone at that side?

I went through great lengths of killing the Scorpion, just to see that there’s nobody here to welcome me.

Using the Bear Detection Magic, I found multiple human reactions near the entrance of the pyramid.

I closed the hole where I climbed. I summoned Swaying Bear, climbed on his back and went to the entrance of the pyramid.

Swaying Bear, dashes in the desert with .

There were only 5 reactions picked-up by the Detection Magic. I can’t see Uragan when I searched.

Did he finished dismantling and returned to the city?

While riding around the pyramid on Swaying Bear, a white thing was coming from the front with a great speed.

It’s a Bear!

No, it’s Hugging Bear.

Hugging Bear who’s carrying Karina, was dashing in the desert with sand cloud behind him. There’s the figure of Karina, who’s doing her best to not fall off.

Well, you won’t fall even if you don’t cling to him, but it seems that Karina doesn’t look so good.

I got off Swaying Bear.

If this keeps up, Hugging bear and Swaying Bear will collide with each other.

[Hugging Bear. Stop, Stop! STOP!!] Yuna

Hugging Bear slows down and stops, then he rubs his face against me.

[Hugging Bear, I’m back.] Yuna

I stroke Hugging Bear’s head and scratch his chin. Hugging Bear is very happy.

[You’ve properly protected Karina. Thank you.] Yuna

While I was holding onto Hugging Bear, Karina looked at me while clinging onto Hugging Bear.

[Yuna-san!?] Karina

After she descends from Hugging Bear, Karina embraces me.

[Yuna-san, you were safe. I was so worried.] Karina

Hugging Bear rubs his face against me.

In addition, Karina hugs me as well.

[Both of you, calm down.] Yuna

[Yuna-san!] Karina

I can’t take it anymore and fall on my back. Of course, I could push them back if I really want to, but I can’t do that to Karina and Hugging Bear.

When I fall on my back, they fall on top of me.

Swaying Bear looks at me.

[Swaying Bear, sa~ve me~e.] Yuna

When I asked Swaying Bear for help, he just cried and doesn’t try to help me.

How awful.

In the meantime, I told the two of them to get up and help me stand up.

I seem to have caused a lot of worry.

[I am glad you’re safe.] Karina

Karina has tears in her eyes.

While I’m patting her head and comforting her, Jade-san and the others come riding on the Ragaroot.

[Yuna!?] Jade

[Hugging Bear-chan suddenly ran off, so I thought something must’ve happened.] Mel

[I was surprised when Hugging Bear started running.] Senia

Jade-san, Mel-san and Senia-san came.

However, Toya is not here.

[Etto, I just returned.] Yuna

[So why is Yuna here outside? We were waiting for you at the entrance.] Jade

[It’s a hassle to go back the way we came from, so I dug a hole with magic.] Yuna

[In just a short time.] Mel

Mel-san has an amazed expression.

I feel that I had a similar exchange before.

[So did you defeat the monster?] Jade

[Yeah, I already did.] Yuna

Everyone was surprised at my word.

[So then, Jade-san and the others, can I ask you to dismantle it? Of course, I’ll compensate you for it.] Yuna

I can’t dismantle it. But, I can’t take it back to Crimonia and ask Fina.

Though once we got back to the city, I can just ask Balima-san to hire someone to dismantle it. That is, until they see the Scorpion.

It’ll become troublesome in various ways. So I should just ask Jade-san and the others who already knew about the Scorpion.

[You don’t need to compensate us. It’s enough to have the experience of dismantling that monster.] Jade

[Even if we’ve experienced it, I don’t think we’re going to dismantle that kind of monster again in the future.] Mel

Jade-san and his party are willing to accept the dismantling job.

We will move to the entrance of the pyramid to do the dismantling. When I try to ride Swaying Bear, Hugging Bear sadly cried .

Hugging Bear doesn’t want to let go of me.

It looks like he wants me to ride him.

[Hugging Bear-chan. It was fine if it was at the beginning, but I’ll be lonely if you leave me half way.] Karina

Today I asked Hugging Bear to escort Karina, so I didn’t ride him.

[Karina, can you ride on Swaying Bear this time?] Yuna

[Y-yes. I understand. Swaying Bear-chan, please.] Karina

Swaying Bear gladly obeyed. Karina climbed on him.

Yeah, I’m glad Swaying Bear wasn’t selfish.

Even though they both want me to ride them, I only have one body.

Swaying Bear and Hugging Bear were also saving me from trouble. When I ride on Hugging Bear, he runs happily.

Karina is riding on Swaying Bear.

[Wai, please wait.] Jade

Jade-san and the others followed.

When we arrived at the entrance of the pyramid, Toya stood there alone.

[You guys are so cruel. Leaving me behind.] Toya

[Because Hugging Bear-chan suddenly started running.] Mel

[You were sleeping.] Senia

Mel-san and Senia-san gave Toya a cold treatment .

But he was sleeping while people were fighting?

However, I can’t really say that myself because I was sleeping until a while ago.

[I can’t help it. I’m tired of dismantling.] Toya

[Well, everyone feels the same.] Senia

[Jade~.] Toya

Toya looks at Jade-san for help.

[Ah sorry, I forgot.] Jade

[Jade~~~~~~.] Toya

Toya’s cry echoed throughout the desert.

Well, I left Toya alone and decided to look around.

[Um, what about Uragan and his party?] Yuna

They didn’t show in my Detection Magic earlier, so I asked them.

[They’ve finished dismantling, so they went back to the city. At first I said something like wait for Yuna-chan, but it seems like they’re too tired from dismantling.] Mel

[We helped with the dismantling as well.] Toya

So Toya got tired and went to sleep.

Well, before that, he might have been tired from fighting monsters or being on high alert all the time.

When you think about it, Jade-san and the others are amazing.

[So Yuna, where do you want to dismantle it? You have it, don’t you?] Jade

I nod to Jade-san’s words. They already know that I have a high capacity item bag that can fit the Black Viper and big worm inside.

[If we’re outside, the sand will stick to it, is it better inside that pyramid?] Jade

[That’s right. We have to make sure that it’s safe and wide enough.] Mel

I don’t have a problem with that.

Nodding to Jade-san’s proposal, the dismantling site was moved to the area near the entrance of the labyrinth.

When we arrived at the entrance of the labyrinth, I took out the big Scorpion from the Bear Box.

[You really killed it.] Jade

[Uwah, it’s so big.] Toya

Everyone goes around the Scorpion.

[It doesn’t have a tail. Did you cut it?] Mel

[There’s a knife in it’s back.] Senia

Senia-san, who was searching the back of the Scorpion, noticed.

But it didn’t do much damage.

[But where’s the fatal wound?] Senia

[It’s the tail, isn’t it?] Toya

[If you can kill it with just cutting the tail off, no one will have a hard time.] Senia

[Then how did she kill it?] Mel

Everyone’s eyes turned to me.

[That’s a little bit…] Yuna


Everyone’s gaze hurts.

I can’t really say that I drowned it in seawater using the Bear Gates.

When it entered the Bear Box, the seawater seems to have been excluded and the Scorpion was not wet either. However, there is a possibility that the seawater is in its body.

I didn’t think of it too much.

I hope the sea water doesn’t come out from it.

I prayed to God.

The Bear God who seemed to have brought me to this world came to mind.

Very unlikely to be reliable.

[But Yuna-san, this really is such a big monster…] Karina

Karina tried to touch the Scorpion with her frightened little hands.

Looking at such figure, a mischievous mind springs up.

I gently and quietly move behind Karina and close in at her ear, then…