Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear - Chapter 315 Bear-san Fights the Scorpion.

Chapter 315 Bear-san Fights the Scorpion.

As the worms swell downstairs, we crossed the bridge.

[Even so, it’s bigger than I thought.] Yuna

This is the norm when it comes to games. I wonder if it’s real or not.

If they say there are 100 floors underground, I’ll just have to beat it. To do so, I will definitely dig a hole.

[But, were almost there. We’re getting closer.] Karina

Whenever the path splits once in a while, we follow Kalina’s instructions. We descended a considerable distance.

[This is?] Yuna

It’s sandy. Even though we are deep underground, the sand is falling.

When I look at the Bear Map, it seems like the pyramid is not right above us. It’s slightly off.

Is it falling from the desert?

[I think there’s something wrong with this.] Jade

Jade-san looks at the sand.

I agree with Jade-san’s words. I use my Bear Detection Magic to check. Then, the name of the monster I’ve seen for the first time came out.

The name was Scorpion.

In a word, it will be a monster like scorpion.

[Yuna-chan, did you found something?] Mel

Mel-san asks.

….Not to me exactly, but to Swaying Bear.

She think it’s because of Swaying bear, that I can find the monster.

That’s why I’m behaving like that, too.

[Swaying Bear, did you find anything?] Yuna

Swaying Bear, who is good at acting, responded so.

I shot an air bullet to where the Scorpion’s reaction is. Then, a Scorpion as big as a wolf which had a dark color, came out from the sand.

This must be why this is a fantasy.

Why is there such a big Scorpion?

Jade-san quickly pulled out his weapon, but the Scorpion burrowed into the sand.

[Yuna’s Bears are really great.] Jade

[But the Scorpion is a nuisance.] Mel

[What are we going do now? Do you want to run?] Toya

[No, that’ll be dangerous as well.] Jade

Jade-san shakes his head to Toya’s opinion.

The Scorpion is hiding in the sand. I don’t know in this world, but the ones in games are more intelligent than worms and they often sizzle until they come close.

When a prey come