Chapter 22. Entering a new faith.
“Dammit! If I knew it going to be like this I would’ve collect even more lottery tickets before coming here!” The man said it with a frustrated looks as he exit from the lottery room.
Collecting more lottery tickets he say… he meant that he’s going to collect more than 100 pieces.
….. Just what exactly will he do to collect that huge amount of lottery ticket? In the first place how exactly did he managed to collect 100 lottery tickets?
As I thought, I’ll ask him the next time I see him again.
“This is your lottery’s fourth prize, 50% discount card.” The Staff pulled out a golden-colored card.
It looked like a golden credit card. I felt a little bit weird when I feel the texture of the card.
“If you show this card when you’re making a purchase to the seller, no matter what item it would be you will get a 50% discount. It has unlimited number of use, however it is only limited to the person who received this card in the first place.”
“It’s the same with the wings. Understood.”
I put the 50% discount card away.
For the remaining 10 lottery draws I gave it to Eleanor, in the end what Eleanor managed to draw out were only magic b.a.l.l.s.
Now that doing shopping with 50% discount has been made possible. There is one that I’d like to try. I want to know just how much shopping that I need to do before I get a lottery ticket. Previously, it was 300 silver coins for a lottery ticket.
With 50% discount rate, I wonder if 150 silver coins would be enough for me to get one lottery ticket.
I completely exhausted my money the last time I went to shopping, so for now I will earn 300 silver coins first.
Why 300 silver coins? I want to know if 300 silver coins would get me 2 lottery tickets. Because if it’s doesn’t, I will not have my 150 wasted without getting any lottery ticket.
While I was thinking about that, I who have returned to my mansion back from the lottery room was going to teleport to the plain where the mountain cows are.
“Good morning.” Io greeted me.
Io, with her usual magician ‘esque’ looks stood before me.
“Ki, are you going somewhere today?”
“Yeah, I’m going to hunt some mountain cows, do you want to go along?”
As I remembered that I have formed a party with Io, I asked her along.
“Hai!” She nodded with a big smile. I see, she came here with that intention.
“Well then let’s go. Come here.”
“Eh? Hai…”
With a curious looks on Io’s face, she came closer to me. I pulled out the Warp Wings and teleported to where the mountain cows are.
As expected, she was greatly surprised.
“Where is this place? We were at the town until a few second ago right?.”
“This is where the mountain cow usually make their appearance. We teleported here in a blink of an eye using magic.”
In reality what I use was a magic item, but I told her it was a magic anyway.
“In a blink of an eye… That magic, I’ve never heard of a magic like that before.”
“It’s a magic that is limited to only me.”
“Amazing… to think that you can do such magic.”
“Well, the only place that I can teleport to are places that I have gone at least once.”
“Even so that is amazing!”
I started looking for the mountain cow along with Io who was deeply amazed with me.
Now that I think about it, though we had formed a party what exactly the things that we need to do?
“Io, what are things that you are capable of?”
“I can use offensive magic. My speciality is lightning magic. Though it would be a little bit troublesome as it will be taking quite a while to activate it.”
“That means it would take a while for the vanguard to withstand to protect you.Inexchange, how powerful is your lightning magic attack?”
“The strength of the magic is in mid range, however as it is a lightning attack it can ignore the opponent defence capabilities.”
“In short it’s electricity.”
I was able to understand. Lightning magic huh, next time I’ll try receiving one of the lightning attack so that I can use it.”
TLN : Maso anyone?
In this world, as long as you can survive a magic attack there are chances that you can learn the magic.
While we were having our chit and chat, we finally found one mountain cow.
“Yos.h.!.+ For starter 100 pieces.”
I unsheathed Eleanor… however, the condition of the mountain cow was a little bit weird. When it laid it eyes at me, slowly it turn around and retreated.
I was puzzled. It ran away?
I immediately pull myself together and pulled out the warp wing and bring down the mountain cow.
“Just now, what had just happened?”
I murmured as I looked at the defeated mountain cow.
From my experience, for them to run away; they must be from a different species variant that the normal mountain cow that I’ve hunted.
The mountain cow that I usually hunt down would be reckless and ferocious. Though they are just a mountain cow they are indeed reckless.
That’s why I was surprised when they ran away. While I was thinking so, Io had finally caught up.
“Amazing, for a mountain cow to run away from human, this is the first time I’ve seen it happened.”
“I was surprised too. Now then, let us turn this mountain cow into money.”
Using the warp wing to teleport, I went to Andrew Firm along with Io and the defeated mountain cow. I handed over the mountain cow over to Andrew who becoming more and more modest when dealing with me and get myself a pouch filled with my payment.
I exited the premise and re-grouped with Io.
Now then let us go— as I was going to say that I was called out to.
When I turned around, there was Helena.
Helena was not wearing her royal outfit, instead she’s wearing a lightweight equipment with her long hair tied into pony tail.
To be honest. The atmosphere around her was completely different than usual. It was a little bit disguised.
“Helena, what’s up with that look?”
“I really want to see Kakeru so I sneaked out from the castle.”
“I see…. Un.”
I looked at Helena intently. She looks really beautiful in her ‘Princess esque’ looks but her plain commoner looks is beautiful in its own way too.
…..To be frank, I was a little bit fascinated.
“…Eh. Is it weird? This is the first time I dressed like this so I’m not really sure…”
I took Helena’s hand who was looking down embarra.s.sed and embrace her.
“It doesn’t look weird at all, in fact it looks good.”
“Thank you very much.”
With Helena who was looking quite bashful in my embrace, I had become even more fascinated.
“I’m going to go hunting in a few more minutes, do you want to come along?”
“I would like to go together with you.” Helena replied immediately.
Io was speechless when me and Helena walk towards her.
“Io? What’s wrong?”
“Ka..Kakeru-san. Is it possible that the person on your side…. is Helena-sama?”
“Do you and Helena-sama perhaps in that sort of….”
“Yeah, you can say so…”
Io was even more surprised when I answered so.
On the other hand, Helena was being even more bashful.
“Ohime-sama and Kakeru-san… Amazing…”
“Yes, Kakeru-sama is really amazing. In any case he managed to subdue the cursed sword Eleanor without being possessed and his heart being swallowed. As far as I know, Kakeru-sama is the first in history.”
“Eh? Eleanor?” Io was sounding astonished.
“Yeah, this fellow.” I unsheathed Eleanor.
(Don’t say this fellow!)
Eleanor tell her words of objection, however I brushed it off lightly.
Io said in a loud voice sounding very surprised.
TLN: How many times are you going to be surprised?
As she becoming the center of attention from the surrounding people, she closed her mouth hurriedly.
“Th-that sword was E-Eleanor?”
“Ah, you’re right.”
….Eleanor, is it really that great of a sword?
“Eleanor, it has been said in history that every time Eleanor made an appearance, it’s Undead Army would craze upon empire and lead them to destruction.”
The legendary cursed sword, Eleanor. It was said that whoever hold the cursed sword in their possession, their heart would be swallowed by darkness to exhaustion in exchange for power without exception.
“It’s changed to ghost instead of Undead Army now.”
Using Eleanor I summoned forth Tania.
“h.e.l.lo, I am Tania Chiakisu.”
A see-through maid ghost made an appearance before the two girls in a quiet manner.
As it was in front of people I quickly pulled her back in.
“Kakeru-san is so amazing! You’re so strong, you even have a relations.h.i.+p with the princess and you can even use the cursed sword normally without being possessed by it. You’re just amazing!”
Io said those words repeatedly. Regarding how amazing I am, I got the feeling that her words were on a verge of corruption.
(Her amazement was almost as if she’s entering a new faith)
Eleanor giggled in my head.
Somehow, from the look of it, she really does seems so…
Not that I feel bad about it though.
We still have 2 more days for chinese new year so… Happy Chinese New Year everyone (?)