King Of Sports - 64 Running From The Beauty

64 Running From The Beauty

He didn't expect Tang Yan to take down the gang leader in just three simple moves.

And at this time, he saw the other thugs laid way side on the ground knocked cleanly out and the shock in his eyes grew even stronger.

That is to say, Tang Yan an archer, had tidied up all the thugs....

And he, a boxer, was turned over by just one of them...

"Get up! Why are you still lying on the ground?!" Just as Lu Yun was feeling confused, Tang Yan said pulling him up from the ground.

"You..." Lu Yun was pulled up and looked at Tang Yan like a monster.

"We need to leave...first. These people seem like an organized group, and there will definitely be others." Tang Yan didn't let Lu Yun finish and directly urged him forward.

Lu Yun put away his shocked gaze, nodded hard and then looked over at the woman.

"We'll go to the main road, it should be safe there with the crowds." Tang Yan said.

The woman nodded hard and then moved unconsciously.

Tang Yan noticed that she had no shoes on, they should have fallen off whilst she was running.

He didn't say any nonsense, and took off his trainers and gave them directly to her: "The shoes are a bit big, but there is nothing else anyway, we have to hurry."

The woman looked at Tang Yan with amazement, but Tang Yan had turned away, she quickly pulled on the trainers and tied the laces up.

The three sprinted along the road, fearing that there would be other people chasing them. They ran for a while and soon ended up along the main road.

There were a lot of vehicles and people coming and going along the road. They should be safe in such a big crowd.

Tang Yan was originally prepared to stop a taxi, but before he reached out to hail one, a phone rang.

After Tang Yan and Lu Yun turned back to face her, the woman smiled and took out a phone from her pocket.

Tang Yan and Lu Yun looked at each other and the expression on their faces were dumbfounded.

This woman, whose shoes were lost, still had her phone.

The woman took the call and had the conversation in Korean.

Tang Yan could understand English but he didn't understand Korean but looking at the woman's expression, it must be the sister she mentioned before.

Sure enough, when the woman finished the phone call, she smiled and said to them: "Great, my sister is on the way to pick me up!"

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"That's good." Lu Yun sighed with relief, and turned to talk to Tang Yan but turned around and found that Tang Yan had reached out to stop a taxi.

"What are you doing?" Lu Yun shouted at Tang Yan puzzled.

Tang Yan didn't pay attention to Lu Yun, waiting for a taxi to stop and when one did after a round of negotiating the price, he beckoned Lu Yun over.

Lu Yun took a look at Tang Yan and then looked back at the woman. After laughing, he followed after the fast-moving Tang Yan.

When he came up to him, he followed up and asked: "Brother, what are you doing, she said her sister..."

"Do you think that group of thugs were normal? Do you think this girls ident.i.ty will be normal? If what happened is exposed, what do you think will happen. Trust me, we don't need that kind of trouble coming for us." Tang Yan said as he opened the car door and prepared to get in the taxi.

Lu Yun didn't say anything and he got in the taxi after pausing for a moment in thought.

The woman was shocked looking at Tang Yan and Lu Yun.

They really just hailed a taxi and got in without a word.

Tang Yan called for the driver to go and they directly drove away before her eyes.

The woman didn't have time to call for them, she hurriedly took out her phone and hurriedly took a photo of the back of the taxi.

Tang Yan and Lu Yun's taxi had just left.

When a short while, four blacked out cars came from the end of the road. Their speed was fast and they stopped directly in front of the woman.

The car had just stopped, when a lady jumped out with a look of panic.

If Tang Yan was still there, he would have been shocked, because the person who came down from the car at this time turned out to be one of the hottest female artists from Korea, Yin Xinhui.


"Tang Yan, have you ever done boxing? No, have you ever studied martial arts?" After getting in the taxi, Lu Yun lost his interest in the woman. In contrast, Tang Yan's strength was more interesting to him.

"Well, I....did a few lessons when I was younger plus I always liked to watch boxing and martial art compet.i.tions." Tang Yan said and he suddenly found that although the system gave him abilities it was a struggle to explain them.

"Ah? Oh" Lu Yun didn't ask further, Chinese martial arts, even boxing was very popular in the late 1900's but in the 21st century it's popularity had gradually weakened, whilst some martial arts techniques had been pa.s.sed down. Many were kept secret as family heirlooms.

He just thought that Tang Yan didn't want to disclose how he learnt to fight, he felt he probably had a reason for this.

When Tang Yan saw that Lu Yun let it go so easily, he was at ease.

Arriving back to the Olympic Village, the two tossed around for a while but tired they quickly fell asleep directly.


When Tang Yan woke up the next day, Lu Yun had gone out.

He went out early every morning for a run.

Tang Yan got up and washed, then he went down for breakfast.

He didn't expect to run into Zheng Zhun and Li Haoze when he was closing his door.

"Brother Tang!" Seeing Tang Yan, Li Haoze shouted.

Since Tang Yan took double gold, Zheng Zhun and Li Haoze began to treat him with respect and like their older brother.

"Your also going for breakfast?" Tang Yan closed his door and said with a smile.

"Yes." Li Haoze and Zheng Zhun both smiled and walked over to him.

"Let's go together then." Tang Yan smiled and nodded.

"Right, did you guys see the news?" At this moment, Zheng Zhun said looking at his phone.

"News, what news?" Tang Yan said looking at Zheng Zhun with doubt. He still felt sleepy, and his phone was back in his room charging.

" this." Zheng Zhun said as he handed the phone to Tang Yan and said, "Someone saved Yin Xinhui's sister yesterday from being kidnapped!"

Tang Yan had tuned out Zheng Zhun at this point and his eyes were already wide.

Because at the beginning of the news article, there was a photo of the taxi which he got back yesterday.

Along side it was the headline:

Two unknown hero's save the sister of famous Korean actress Yin Xinhui.

Beneath the t.i.tle was a quote from the Weibo of Yin Xinhui.