King Of Sports - 35 With Ease

35 With Ease

This was also the reason why viewers preferred to watch individual matches compared to team compet.i.tions.

A total of 16 teams partic.i.p.ated in the team compet.i.tion, while the individual compet.i.tion was 64 archers.

Compared with the team compet.i.tion, Tang Yan was even more dominant in the individual compet.i.tion. He encountered little to no resistance in the qualifiers.

The other stars of the champions.h.i.+p Cao Yan, Han Tianfu, and Qiu Tian also came to perform.

After losing the team compet.i.tion yesterday they were looking for blood.

Before the next round, Cao Yan spoke directly and explained his desire to defeat Tang Yan and educate him.

Although Han Tianfu and Qiu Tian didn't directly express their feelings, you could see from their dignified looks during training before the game that they would never easily admit defeat.

In contrast, Tang Yan was in the most relaxed state of mind, this kind of relaxation stemmed from self-confidence in his own strength, he felt like no one nationally could challenge him any longer.

The individual compet.i.tion also attracted a large audience. The stadium was packed full of people. After watching the team compet.i.tion yesterday many swarmed over.

This was the same as when Liu Xiang made a breakthrough on the 110-meter hurdles. When a sport that was originally a weak sport gained a top-level athlete, it instantly gained a lot of attention.

In particular, this time the athlete was only 18 years old.

This time, the single-arrow alternation system was used in the knockout round, that is, archers would alternately shoot one arrow each.

They had 30 seconds for each arrow.

Tang Yan was first in qualifying and he naturally became one of the first archers to appear.

His opponent was Zheng Zhun from Hu Jian, a young player with great talent and potential.

Like Tang Yan, Zheng Zhun was only 18 years old. In the qualifiers, he managed to the win by one point. He was expected to compete for a place in the Youth Olympic Games. It was quite lucky that he made it past the first round but he was unfortunate to run into Tang Yan.

Tang Yan had it easy, eliminating his opponent in 3 minutes and easily advancing to the next round.

In the second and third round, Tang Yan performance was exactly the same as that of the first round. A discerning eye could see that he didn't use a lot of effort, but he still easily eliminated his opponents.

Tang Yan's relaxed and freehand style charmed the audience and filled them with a sense of expectation.

After the third round, the quarter-finals began.

Tang Yan, Qiu Tian, ​​Han Tianfu, Cao Yan, Dong Jie, Ning Yuyu and other famous players all successfully broke into the quarterfinals.

Tang Yan's opponent in the fourth round was Dong Jie.

The two famous archers of Zhejiang both entered the quarter-finals, but they actually encountered each other in the first round. Song Feng, who was on the sidelines, felt a little dumbfounded.

But all this, in fact, had been destined since after the qualifying rankings.

The audience and the head coaches of the other provinces even thought that Dong Jie would give up selectively and send Tang Yan to the semi-finals.

But after the start of the game, they found out that this was not the case.

Dong Jie's play was as good as in yesterday's team compet.i.tion. The first eight arrows shot totaled 74 points, which was quite similar to Tang Yan.

This kind of display motivated Tang Yan to shoot earnestly. Under the gaze of the audience, he shot 78 points eliminating Dong Jie.

After the game, the two hugged, which attracted a cheer from the audience.

After eliminating Dong Jie, Tang Yan successfully broke into the semi-finals of this year's National Archery Champions.h.i.+p. As long as he won another round, he would break into the top three and secure his place for the Youth Olympics.

And his opponent in the semi-finals was Cao Yan.

In the team qualifiers, the two people had a similar direct contest. Tang Yan had shot 661 points with 72 arrows. He crushed Cao Yan with an advantage of nearly 20 points. Now they met again in the semi-finals.

Cao Yan was eager to re-prove himself this game.

Under the instruction of the referee, the two entered the arena for the compet.i.tion.

Cao Yan paced it to the arena, then turned to look at Tang Yan.

Tang Yan's expression was relaxed. After experiencing the game with Dong Jie, he didn't only become focused, but returned to the ease of the start.

Cao Yan's brows wrinkled up.

After the referee signaled, the two people's duel followed.

The audience at the scene were all looking forward to it. Because of Cao Yan's arrogance, they were looking forward to how Tang Yan would respond.

Tang Yan shot first.

After the referee signaled, he pulled the arrow out of the arrow pot and directly applied it to the string.



One fluid movement.

There was a burst of excited cheering at the scene.

10 points!

Tang Yan's first arrow gave Cao Yan pressure.

Cao Yan's brow wrinkled unconsciously.

Tang Yan only took less than 10 seconds. After he shot, it was Cao Yan's go.

Cao Yan adjusted his breathing and settled his mind. After the bow-string was pre-pulled, he took aim for a while before he shot.


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9 points.

After seeing his score, he made a fist in front of him.

9 points and 10 points, the difference wasn't large.

Tang Yan's second arrow was still a series of skilled technical moves, still completing the action within 10 seconds, seemingly not even aiming.



Another 10 pointer!

The scene was tense as everyone watched in excitement.

Cao Yan took a deep breath and then walked quickly to the arena.

He constantly comforted himself in his heart. After adjusting his breathing, he aimed at the target and let his whole person calm down and let go.



9 points!

Another 9 pointer!.

Two 9-pointers, he had already achieved his best. He didn't believe that Tang Yan could shoot three 10-pointers and he was only behind by 2 points. With 12-rounds, he still had a chance to catch up.

Tang Yan came up for his third arrow.

This time he obviously adjusted his speed of shooting. Although he gained 70% of Li Guang's ability to increase his strength, it was not a simple matter to shoot consecutive 10 pointers.

After adjusting the angle, he held his breath and let the arrow and the target lie on a parabolic trajectory, and then he let go.


The arrow made a burst of sound.


A m.u.f.fled sound, the scene was followed by a burst of cheers.

Song Feng stood up, applauding.

10 points!

It was a 10 pointer!