King Of Sports - 224 Dirty News 1

224 Dirty News 1

It was much more real and b.l.o.o.d.y than in the movies. 

"Why are you still stood over there staring, come over and help." Tang Yan turned his head and yelled at the crowd. 

Tang Yan's bark, startled the crowd and it instictevly sent those in the crowd into action as they came over and helped up the police officers.

At which time, the screech of police sirens could be heard in the distance, three police cruisers could be seen pulling up to reinforce the scene.

Tang Yan, after teaching the group of thugs a lesson, had planned to leave discreetly, but after he helped up one of the officers who had been beaten, the cop actually latched on to him and wouldn't let him go.

After the new batch of officers arrived on scene, they were taken aback looking around and after questioning the onlookers, they found out that Tang Yan was the main man and naturally they wouldn't let him leave so easily, he was 'invited' by the officers back to the police station to fill out some reports. 

Of course, he cooperated, he had been on the right side anyway so he didn't have much to fear. After the officers realized his ident.i.ty, they called for another unit to escort him to the police station whilst they stayed and cleared the scene.


Yanxing City, Yuecheng District, Public Security Bureau.

Song Dahai the senior reporter for a major Yanxing newspaper and his intern Zhan Mengyang were sat parked opposite a police station.

"Brother Dahai, is it really okay for us to squat here like this?" Zhan Mengyang hadn't been at the newspaper for long, he was meant to be learning under Song Dahai, but so far all they had done was squatt outside a police station for days, Zhan Mengyang was beginning to feel doubtful about Song Dahai's methods.

"Mengyang, as a reporter, in addition to having a sensitive nose for stories, the most important thing is having patience. What's been the main story for the last couple of days?" 

"The Swimming Champions.h.i.+ps?" Zhan Mengyang replied. 

"Exactly! Our cities become the spot to be! Think about all the stars and celebrities that will be pa.s.sing through. And what sells more than celebrity scandals!" 

"If you came to Yanxing, where else are you gonna go to party and enjoy yourself but the Yuecheng District, the city centre. And where do you think all those stars that get into incidents will be sent?" Song Dahai said teaching his ways.

"That's genius, Brother Dahai! Why didn't I think of that?" Zhan Mengyang said, scratching his head impressed.

"If you did, I would be suprised. You're just out of school." Song Dahai chuckled, he looked to the door of the Public Security Bureau and lit a cigarette. 

Despite what he had said, there had been no movement at the station for the past few days. It seemed the National Swimming Champions.h.i.+ps were too lowkey and placid. He began to consider whether they should withdraw and try another trick…..

When a policecar drove into the station and caught his attention.

He took out his binoculars and looked over, then immediately pushed Zhan Mengyang beside him, and shouted, "Camera!"

Zhan Mengyang immediately brought out a Canon camera and adjusted the focus. 

After the police car stopped, a figure stepped out the car, looked around, then followed the police into the police station.

"My G.o.d, that's Tang Yan?!" Zhan Mengyang screamed incredulously looking down at the pictures he had taken.

"Hahaha, we've struck gold this time, the main star of the show!" Song Dahai called, excitement clear on his face as well. He could easily say that in terms of popularity, Tang Yan was easily the main attraction for the National Swimming Champions.h.i.+ps. He had been one of the biggest sports stars in China last year and was easily on his way to becoming a household name. 

Song Dahai didn't expect out of everyone to see him. This was gonna be absolutely huge news!

"Hahaha, I can already see the headline, [Rising Star or Rising Felon]." Song Dahai celebrated. 

"But Brother Dahai, I don't think Tang Yan was wearing handcuffs….yeah he doesn't have handcuffs in the photos. Could he be here for something else?" Zhan Mengyang asked doubtfully. 

"It doesn't matter we can crop out his hands! Plus what else could he be here for, the swimming compet.i.tion starts tomorrow!"


"Enough, why are you thinking so much, do you know what's the most important thing about the news? Clicks, sales and intrest! We'll report what we saw and if it's otherwise he can clarify!" Song Dahai looked angry.

Zhan Mengyang replied "Ok" seeing his expression and sat back. 


Because there many involved, it took longer than expected to finish filling out the report.

By the time everything had been sorted and Tang Yan was let go, it was almost 12 o'clock in the evening.

The result from the police investigation revealed that the drunk driver wasn't actually a gang leader, the guy had borrowed his brother-in-law's car and gotten drunk before getting pulled over at the sobriety checkpoint, and the thugs/guys who had called him boss and attacked the police were just some local ruffians who worked for him at his construction site. 

a.s.sault on a policeman was a serious crime, and he would be in for a h.e.l.l of a morning when he woke up sober. 

However, Tang Yan could care less about that currently, he just wanted to get back to his hotel and sleep this ruckus of a day off. After he was allowed to go, he found a taxi back to his hotel.

Because he had a race tomorrow, he sent a text message to Shen Qing after returning to the hotel to explain the situation and went to bed.

But whilst he was sleeping, the Internet exploded:

[Tang Yan suspected of drunk driving] 

[Swimming star stays at Yuecheng District Public Security Bureau for 3 hours!]

[Champion of the World Champions.h.i.+ps, the king of the new generation of swimmers, is his premature fame good or bad? Has Tang Yan already become complacent?] 

[ Rising Star or Rising Felon?]