King Of Sports - 20 Clouded Mind

20 Clouded Mind

"Haha... putting up a brave face are we. You really think your something don't you."


"Huh...What are you on about"

"I will shoot 690 points"

"Haha way to boast, who the h.e.l.l do you think you are, can you even shoot 600 points." The taunting look on Pan Yu's face became even stronger.

Tang Yan shrugged, a sharp glint flas.h.i.+ng in his eyes as he and said with a small smirk: "You wanted to see my abilities right okay then I'll show you."

"You talent haha you !" Pan Yu also let out a small smirk before quickly hiding it. He said in a instigating tone:

"Do you dare make a bet with me. If you can shoot 690 points, actually no if you can shoot 670 points, I will call you master and I will obey your orders but if you lose..."

His voice was full of malice: "You have quit the archery team? Do you dare?"

Tang Yan's level was known to him. During training he had achieved scores of around 640-650 points. It was a decent score for a newbie but it was far from threatening to him. He said lowerd it 670 points in fear that Tang Yan wouldn't agree.

Tang Yan couldn't help but chuckle.

"What? Don't you dare?" Pan Yu said coldly.

"Don't you think these conditions are unfair?" Tang Yan looked at Pan Yu and asked.

"What do you want?"

"I win, you leave." Tang Yan said unceremoniously.

"Fine!" said Pan Yu, gnas.h.i.+ng his teeth.

As long as Tang Yan withdrew from the provincial team, he had absolute confidence that Tang Yan wouldn't be able to partic.i.p.ate in professional archery in this life.

At the bet between Pan Yu and Tang Yan, Song Feng didn't interfere, seeing Tang Yan's att.i.tude he showed an expression full of interest.

He wanted to know what gave Tang Yan, a newcomer, such confidence.

Although he had already asked Tang Yan to take charge of the newcomers training, it was because he had shown potentially and it was also a way of encouraging the newcomers.

As for whether Tang Yan could actually shoot 670 points he was just as curious to find out as everyone else.

He had heard a lot things about this kid from Li Lao and the rest but then again they had praised Li Cunde as well now look how that had turned out.

This was a good opportunity to see what this kid was actually made of.

This unexpected conflict had filled the hall with the smell of gunpowder.

And perhaps it was because of this invisible pressure but many of the newcomers shooting before Tang Yan faltered performing much worse than expected.

In the first two sets rookies the best result was only 600 points, which was much lower than requirements.

As the second group of archers came down, they couldn't help but shake their heads in frustration. With this kind of score, they knew going to the national trials was no impossible.

Song Feng also had gloomy face, although he knew that these newcomers were shooting under pressure, but archery was a sport that relied on psychological fort.i.tude, you needed to be able to hold your nerve.

After the second group, was the last group which Tang Yan was in.

Tang Yan didn't look at the people around him. Instead he walked towards the target with other newcomers, he took up the bow and the arrow. Adjusted his stance his right leg slightly tilted forward, then took a deep breath in before slowly realesing it.

When everyone was ready, they began at the referee's instructions.

The eyes of everyone in the training hall, including Song Fengs, were locked on Tang Yan.

In Tang Yan's eyes however there was only the archery target. During this period of training, whether it was adjusting his shooting angle for 70 meters or the continuity of his movements, he had made big improvements.

He nocked the arrow, drew back the bowstring and aimed.


The moment he let go, the arrow flew out like a sharp blade piercing the void, it flew straight towards the target.


Straight on the bullseye!

10 points!

Everyone sucked a cold breath.

Pan Yu's face was incredible.

Song Feng had a bright smile on his face.

"Bother Pan, this kid is just lucky, one 10 pointer doesn't mean anything." Sun Ji said seeing Pan Yu's face become ugly.

When he heard Sun Ji's words, Pan Yu began to calm down with realisation.


Yes, luck. That must be it, this kid just got lucky


9 points

Tang Yan's second arrow shot, 9 ring.

Seeing it was a 9 pointer, Pan Yu and the old archers subconsciously let out a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, the first arrow was just good luck, now the second arrow was a 9 pointer, the following would an 8 then probably a 7 pointer.

"See Brother Pan, like I said this kid got lucky. He thought he could win by reallying luck. Actually..."


Sun Ji's voice hadn't even fallen when, Tang Yan's third arrow had been shot, his words came to an abrupt end, and his face was filled with unbelievable.

10 points!

It turned out to be a 10 pointer!

Pan Yu's face became very ugly, three arrows and two were 10 pointers, he couldn't believe a rookie could do this.

"This kid has been hiding his skills." Dong Jie couldn't help but muttered under his breath, even he who was training with him, had never seen Tang Yan shoot at this sort of level.

"Interesting." Song Fengs interest was piqued, he had a faint hunch that Tang Yan's performance today would certainly shock him.

Tang Yan took another deep breath, this was make or break time. It was time to reveal all he had and secure his place.

He took up another arrow.


The arrow soared straight at the target.


10 points!

Another 10 pointer!

"How....this is 70 meters..." Sun Ji's face was filled with disbelief.

This was no longer a matter of luck. But strength and skill.

Pan Yu's body trembled involuntarily, and his face was pale. He suddenly remembered the arrow that Tang Yan had that night. The angle and strength control was almost perfect. At that time, he should've know, but arrogance and anger had clouded his judgement making him overlook this.


Bonus Chapters (Sunday):

Two bonus chapters if ranked Top 50

Five bonus chapters if ranked Top 20