King Of Sports - 180 You're Not You When You're Hungry

180 You're Not You When You're Hungry

Seeing the familiar brand, Tang Yan suddenly felt inexplicably hungry.

Taking note of Tang Yan's expression, Zhuang Jiajie followed up and said, "This is a relatively well-known chocolate brand in the United States. It sells very well in China. Of course, it's not comparable to those well know-brand but it's a fast-growing brand. Since they are expanding into China, their advertising budget is fairly substantial, the advert they proposed is creative and seems creative. It's said that this idea has existed for a long time, but they lacked a suitable spokesperson."

"They are marketing Snickers as a high-calorie chocolate. Their advertising point is its ability to quickly replenish energy. The slogan for the campaign is "You're Not You When You're Hungry".

"The idea is to have someone doing one of your sports, swimming, archery, boxing. So for example he's having sparring match but is struggling about to lose but then all of a sudden during a break he's given a Snickers bar, takes a bite and transforms into you and goes on to defeat his opponent." Zhuang Jiajie explained while clicking through the powerpoint, maybe it was because of the interest shown by Tang Yan, he introduced the ad concept in great detail.

"How much is the endors.e.m.e.nt fee?" Tang Yan asked.

"¥16 million for three years, only ¥1 million more than Hoyt Archery would give." Zhuang Jiajie said.

"Yeah it's a bit low, relatively speaking." Tang Yan said.

"Yeah that's why I put them last, but they said they could shoot a series of advertis.e.m.e.nts, an individual ad for each sport although I don't know if you will be involved in other sports in the future, if you took it on for archery, swimming and boxing it would be a great fit. Especially since it's a well known international brand."

"Hmm, then it doesn't matter if it's less money, but you have to renegotiate the contract length, try lower it from 3 years to 2 years. After 2 years, my value will have soared." Tang Yan said confidently.

Zhuang Jiajie didn't seem too surprised by Tang Yan's self-confidence. He nodded and said, "I thought so as well,  the time period is too long."

Tang Yan nodded. Zhuang Jiajie chose mainly contracts with a short period of one year or two years. 

"Well you should discuss the details of the contract, and when it is finally negotiated, send it to me to review." Tang Yan instructed.

"Okay, it should only take a few days to renegotiate." Zhuang Jiajie said with a smile, seeing that their first endors.e.m.e.nt deal was close to being signed, he was in a good mood.

He had reason to be in a good mood as well. His income as an agent was based on securing contracts and getting a cut as commision. The percentage take for domestic agents was much higher than that of foreign countries. If they signed the contract, he was set to take home hundreds of thousands.

After discussing a few more details, Zhuang Jiajie took the opportunity to remind Tang Yan that he should post more on his Weibo, before he left.

When Zhuang Jiajie left, Tang Yan took his phone and looked at his Weibo thoughtfully.

Because he was so busy, after creating his Weibo account, Zhuang Jiajie had basically been operating and running it for him. As a result instead of feeling like a personal Weibo account, it was shaping up to feel like an official Weibo information centre for Tang Yan news. Fan interaction was very limited and gave off a corporate feel. 

He hadn't paid enough attention to this before but this wasn't the path he wanted to take and Zhuang Jiajie's reminder came timely.

Thinking of this, he opened Weibo and found a photo he took with Sun Yang from his photo alb.u.m and attached the caption: 1500 meters tomorrow, between Sun Yang and I, who do you think will win gold?

After editing the caption, he uploaded it and sent it out.

As soon as the post went up, the comments surged in from dozens at the beginning, to several hundred, to thousands. Tang Yan's Weibo engagement rate proved itself extremely high.

◘ "Wow, Tang Yan actually made a proper post? Finally! Ps: Edit, I was so excited, I forgot to see what was posted!"

◘ "Haha, choosing between you and Sun Yang, what an impossible question! Just draw and get two gold medals and add it to the collection. If you get enough medals maybe you can summon a dragon!"

↪ "Draw my a.s.s, what do you think the camera's are there for? Plus why only get gold when you can get gold and silver and c.o.c.klblock others. Hahah if only we had another swimmer we could get a trifecta!"

↪ "...Okay, I was wrong, then, Tang Yan day, win and summon the dragon!"

↪ "Ah! The sting on your faces is gonna be painful if Sun Yang or Tang Yan don't win!"

↪ "Bullsh*t, what sting, Tang Yan, the king of freestyle, will crush everyone!"

↪ "But Sun Yang defeated Tang Yan at the national champions.h.i.+ps and broke the Asian record.

↪ "Yeah it's hard to say, who will win."

Tang Yan looked through a few comments, liking and replying to a few before heading to sleep.


The World Aquatics Champions.h.i.+ps entered the 8th day, which was also the last compet.i.tion day of the swimming events. On this compet.i.tion day, there were a total of 7 events for the evening finals,  the schedule was tight.

It was going to be a challenging day for Tang Yan, he not only had the 1500m race but also had to represent the national team in the 4X100-meter medley relay, it was gonna be a high-intensity day.

Many of his fans even suggested that he give up one of them on Weibo.

Tang Yan didn't pay much attention to this. On one hand, it was due to his self-confidence after upgrading Zhang Shun's powers. On the other hand, since he had made it so far, he didn't have any reason to give up at the last moment.

For the 1500 meter and the 4x100 meter medley relay, he would go all out.

Because it was the weekend, the occupancy rate at the Sports Center was unprecedentedly high, and even the aisle was full of spectators. KT boards with slogans supporting Tang Yan could be seen everywhere. Because of the success of Tang Yan and the Chinese swimming team so far, interest in the sport was soaring.

This sudden increase in audience members drew the attention of the organizing committee, and the number of security personnel at the scene doubled.

It was against this background that the eighth day of World Champions.h.i.+ps officially kicked off.

Tang Yan appeared in the 1500m freestyle group stages.