King Of Sports - 106 Meddling Pigeons

106 Meddling Pigeons

Tang Yan also took his gaze back from Seo Yeon and s...o...b..eol.

It seemed that after the match was over, he had to leave early.

"Archers come up, the third round is beginning!" At this moment, the referee called the archers.

Tang Yan took up the recurve bow and went on court.

When Kw.a.n.g-seok came on scene, he reached out and patted his chest. Trying to hype himself up.

Dreams were kind but reality was harsh. After the start of the third round, Tang Yan directly destroyed Kw.a.n.g-seok's dreams and psychological defense with two consecutive 10 pointers.

Although Kw.a.n.g-seok's two arrows didn't perform badly, the gap was further opened.

Judging from the current state and strength of both sides, Tang Yan's victory was already a matter of fact.

At this time, the most speechless ones were the two sisters Seo Yeon and s...o...b..eol who had just arrived at the scene. From watching him dominate in a boxing ring to dominating in an archery field.  

Looking at the calm and composed figure on the field, Seo Yeon couldn't help but become fascinated.

At this time a small episode suddenly occurred, some pigeons flew into the venue out of nowhere.

After the development of human city's, all kinds of birds had moved out of the human settlements in order to survive. 

Only the species of pigeons, because of the increase in outdoor food, had become more and more present in human settlements.

The stadium was semi-enclosed and after the pigeons flew in, they didn't go anywhere instead they landed by the targets and flew around seemingly fascinated by them.

This sudden incident was completely unpredictable, and the match had to be interrupted.

As a result, the contestants had to sit on the side of the field to rest, instead of archery they watched as a bunch of staff members tried to chase away the pigeons.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

The audience was crying with laughter watching this scene.

The elusive birds would scattered when chased but then swiftly return.

One particular staff member seemingly fed up, attempted to kick one of the birds only for it to fly away and his powerful kick to miss. 

Missing his connection, his leg carried on forward and he stumbled over. Which attracted a burst of laughter and applause from the audience. 

As for who they were clapping for, that was to be seen.

Eventually under the efforts of the staff, most of the pigeons were eventually temporarily rushed away, but because the stadium was semi-enclosed, it was easy to get them out but it was impossible to keep them out completely.

When the staff members retired, just five minutes later they immediately flew back.

At this time, it was Kw.a.n.g-seok shooting. Under the interference of the pigeons, he actually shot a 7-pointer causing him to swear in anger.

Coming up next Tang Yan frowned, watching the movements of the birds. He adjusted his angle and completely ignored those pigeons, then fired an arrow.



Right to the center of the bullseye, the group of pigeons who were shocked, flew up.

At the end of the third round, Tang Yan's lead was close to 10 points, and there was no suspense in him winning.


In the last round of the game, Tang Yan suddenly had an idea in his mind.

After beating Ang Han Teng, the Singapore team actually appealed to the International Archery Alliance (IAA). The appeal also received support from the South Korean team and with their support, the IAA announced that he couldn't use the chain of arrows in future games. This naturally left him very dissatisfied, but there was no way around it. They had already begun the process to appeal the decision but they didn't expect much. 

Whilst the South Korean team was the only one to openly back the ruling, for it to pa.s.s naturally the other countries must have agreed. 

It was natural, if they could improve their own chances by hindering him, all the better. 

Looking at the group of pigeons in front of him, he had an idea in his heart

With this idea in mind, he immediately began to act.

After the referee announced that it was his turn, he didn't aim at the distant target as before, but aimed directly up into the air.

The audience on the sidelines were puzzled and intrigued. 

They were becoming accustomed to his antics.

"What is he doing?"

Even Seo Yeon and s...o...b..eol were full of curiosity.

Tang Yan aimed into the air for a while, adjusting the angle of his arrow.

When Tang Yan felt that the angle was good, he loosened his hand.


The arrow flew straight into the air.

The eyes of all the audience on the scene followed the arrow.

The weight of the carbon arrows used in the archery compet.i.tion were low, due to this they could only get so much air before beginning to plummet back down.  

The audience watched the arrow soaring up.  

Then begin to plummet, because of the height the arrow got, its momentum on the way back down was great. It began to accelerate.

The group of pigeons adapted to the straight arrows, didn't notice the arrow racing down from the sky on top of their heads.

When they sensed that something was amiss, they instinctevely began to scatter.

But it seemed this time they were too late….


A pigeon that had just flown up, when it noticed the arrow falling straight toward it and in the nick of time dived it to the left barely dodging the brunt of the arrow, the arrow skimmed past and clipped off a feather from it.

And carrying on its path…


Right into the bull's eye!

It pinned the feather to the target.

Tang Yan showed a faint smile.