"Tell me what these four knights, your enemies, are like."
"The three I have talked to are vain and foolish knights, my lord," answered the damsel. "They have no law, and they acknowledge no king. Yet they are very strong, and therefore am I come for Sir Lancelot."
Then Sir Gareth rose up, crying:
"Sir King, give me this adventure."
At this, Sir Kay started up in anger, but Gareth continued:
"My king, you know that I am but your kitchen boy, yet I have grown so strong on your meat and drink that I can overthrow an hundred such knights."
The king looked at him a moment, and said:
"Go, then."
At this all the knights were amazed. The damsel's face flushed with anger.
"Shame, King!" she cried. "I asked you for your chief knight, and you give me a kitchen boy!"
Then, before any one could prevent, she ran from the hall, mounted her horse, and rode out of the city gate. Gareth followed, and at the doorway found a n.o.ble war horse which the king had ordered to be given him. Near by were the two faithful servants who had followed him from his mother's home. They held his armor. Gareth put it on, seized his lance and shield, jumped upon his horse, and rode off joyfully.
Sir Kay, who was watching, said to Sir Lancelot:
"Why does the king send my kitchen lad to fight? I will go after the boy and put him to his pots and pans again."
"Sir Kay, do not attempt to do that," said Sir Lancelot.
"Remember that the king commanded him to go."
But Sir Kay leaped on his horse and followed Gareth.
Meanwhile, Sir Gareth overtook the damsel and said:
"Lady, I am to right your wrong. Lead and I follow."
But she cried:
"Go back! I smell kitchen grease when you are near. Go back! your master has come for you."
Gareth looked behind and saw that Sir Kay was riding up to him.
When Sir Kay was within hearing distance, he shouted:
"Come back with me to the kitchen."
"I will not," said Gareth.
Then Sir Kay rode fiercely at the youth. Gareth, however, struck him from his horse, and then turned to the damsel, saying:
"Lead on; I follow."
She rode for a long time in silence, with Gareth a few paces behind her. At last she stopped and said:
"You have overthrown your master, you kitchen boy, but I do not like you any better for it. I still smell the kitchen grease."
Sir Gareth said, very gently:
"You may speak to me as you will, but I shall not leave you till I have righted your wrong."
"Ah!" she said, scornfully, "you talk like a n.o.ble knight, but you are not one," and she again galloped in front of him.
Presently, as they pa.s.sed a thick wood, a man broke out of it and spoke to them:
"Help! help! they are drowning my lord!"
"Follow! I lead!" shouted Gareth to the damsel, and rushed into the wood. There he found six men trying to drown a seventh.
Gareth attacked them with such vigor that they fled. When the rescued man had recovered, he thanked Gareth warmly.
"I am the lord of the castle yonder," he said, "and these are my enemies. You came in time."
Then he begged Gareth and the lady to stay all night in his castle. They agreed, and he led the way. He took them into his large hall and was about to seat them side by side at a dining table. But the damsel said in scorn:
"This is a kitchen boy, and I will not sit by him."
The lord looked surprised. He took Gareth to another table and sat beside him. After they had eaten, he said:
"You may be a kitchen boy, or the damsel may be out of her mind, but whichever is the case, you are a good fighter and you have saved my life."
The next morning Gareth and the damsel set forth. They rode for a while in silence, and then she said:
"Sir Kitchen Boy, although you are so low, I would like to save your life. Soon we are coming to one who will overthrow you; so turn back."
But Gareth refused. In a little while they came to the first circle of the river. The pa.s.sing-place was spanned by a bridge.
On the farther side of the bridge was a beautiful pavilion, draped in silk of gold and crimson colors. In front of it pa.s.sed a warrior without armor.
"Damsel," he cried, "is this the knight you have brought from Arthur's Court to fight with me?"
"Ah!" she said, "the king scorns you so much that he has sent a kitchen boy to fight with you. Take care that he does not fall on you before you are armed, for he is a knave."
[Ill.u.s.tration: _"Gareth rode at him fiercely"_]
The warrior went inside his tent for his armor, and the damsel said to Gareth:
"Are you afraid?"
"Damsel," he said, "I am not afraid. I would rather fight twenty times than hear you speak so unkindly of me. Yet your cruel words have put strength into my arm. I shall fight well."
Then the knight came forth all in armor, and he said:
"Youth, you are a kitchen boy. Go back to your king; you are not fit to fight with me."