Kidnapped Dragons - Chapter 99: Lair Amusement Park (2)

Chapter 99: Lair Amusement Park (2)

Jean-Luc Wenger, the secretary of Simon Abkarian, was a superhuman in his late eighties with a blanched hair. He heaved out a sigh as deep wrinkles appeared near his lips.

So you directly sent them the address.

This old superhuman was always worried about his master Simon, the representative of Superhuman Without Border (SWB).

What could possibly happen?

I heard that demon hunter was very strong. To an overwhelming level amongst the unofficial rankers.

Apparently, yes.

Simon Abkarian was an extremely ambitious man. Despite being in his forties, he seeked strength like a young child and moved his tongue like an old politician. Such characteristics of his amplified even more as he rose to be the saviour of France after a meritorious service during the war at a young age.

Wouldnt the Association be in my hands sometime soon?

The words he spoke of during a drinking-bout a few years ago, was etched into Jean-Lucs brain.

Didnt that BM say he was stronger than himself? There must be some circumstances if a person that strong had been hiding his identity.

Circumstances as in?

Perhaps something that cant be shared. Like a catastrophe-ranked demon that betrayed its comrades, or possibly another returnee.

Oh no, you cant be saying that for real, Jean-Luc.

Simon! BM is very transparent. Hes a strong-willed person who shared the responsibility despite having no interest in the merits.

I know that much as well. Hes most likely not telling a lie.

And yet, you gave them such a first impression? It will come back to bite us over and over again.

He was referring to Simons rudeness, but he merely shook his head.

Who am I, Wenger.

I am the representative of SWB, a VVIP of the Association, the Hero of Gallia.

A sense of authority dripped from his voice.

I requested for the address, and yet BM apparently gave me the address of another spokesperson. In that case, whos the one that started the bad first impression?

Simon gave a crooked smile.

Well, it doesnt really matter what the first impression is. BM said he was an individual, right.

He did.

Lets say he really is awesome. Hes still by himself isnt he? Even if he can fly or whatever, can he do what he wants to after ignoring the Grand Natural Society, the SWB and the Association?

In fact I couldnt understand why BM and Li Hwa were acting like that. Whats so great about a person whose name we dont even know that theyre revering him so much? Well, I guess both of them are also a bunch of fools with nothing but strength. They dont know its the end once they get pulled into the opponents pace.

He had been living for dozens of years in the battlefield after the New Era, but the old man couldnt give a straightforward answer to this situation. An unprecedented existence had appeared and there was no historical evidence that could be referred back on.

However, the man still had his instincts.

Perhaps that might not be the end.

Demon hunter.

BM explained the power level of that person as unfathomable. And yet he didnt move for personal gains nor did he belong to an organisation.

Power was given to those that strongly seeked it, and thus the strong always desired for something repeatedly. An existence like that person who deviated from the logic of power was the paradox itself.

An alarm bell was going off in Jean-Lucs head. The old man felt ominous for some reason.

Jean-Luc. Youre wise but always worried. Ahh, look. Theres Crow finally coming back.

The spirit beast fluttered its wings across. The letter was still on its ankle.

A frown appeared on Simons face as he opened the letter. On top of the address written down, there was a red cross casually scribbled across.

Simon gave an exaggerated smile in a sarcastic admiration. He licked his lips with the tip of his tongue.

Do you see this! How rude could they be.

Rejection was one thing, but disregarding him like this was unacceptable that was usually the case for all ambitious people.

Emotionally, Simon infuriatingly wrote the next letter. The content was as follows.

[Last Chance]

[Little Red Door, 60 Rue Charlot, 75003 Paris, France]

Ill give you your last chance.


Now, Crow. Off you go.


Here is the Set Menu A that youve ordered.

Along with curry, a roasted chicken and several noodles were placed on the table.

Should we wash our hands?

While Bom and Gyeoul were wiping their hands with a wet tissue, Yu Jitae sliced the chicken into small pieces and placed them on Gyeouls plate. She, who had been excited throughout the entire day, was now holding a chopstick in each hand while disintegrating the chicken.

So, like, Bom. Where did Yeorum and Kaeul go?

Ah, they both have something to do.

That little friend, is her name Gyeoul?


Hohh. I thought that might be the case. But seriously, the power of DNA is amazing. Shes so pretty. Uhahahat!

It was now clear why Myung Yongha always laughed the way he did. Professor Myung Jong laughed heartily and blinked his eyes at Gyeoul while saying, Ururung! Ororong!.

She gave a slight frown at Myung Jong, before turning back to the chicken.

Hahat! Father. You cant do it like that.

Oh, okay?

Watch me.

Then, Myung Yongha went Ddork! Ddork! and clicked his tongue. But once again, Gyeoul frowned without saying anything.

Youre being silly, honey.


You too, father. The babys scared.

Urgh, I wasnt that bad

Only after hearing a mouthful from the wife did the father and son restrain themselves. Soon, Myung Yongha sent a subtle gaze to Yu Jitae.

Do you recognise me?

Of course.

Hahat, I never even imagined I would meet you here.

Myung Yonghas party consisted of Professor Myung Jong, Myung Yongha himself, his wife and his two sons. The lady wearing a straw hat appeared healthier than before and unlike when they met at the Lake of Life, she didnt cough either.

Looking back at the previous iterations, she would have died but this time she was alive. The Regressor had saved her.

However, he only thought to himself, Is that so. He didnt really feel anything apart from that.

He turned his gaze over to the side. There was a child staring blankly at Gyeoul.

It was Myung Yonghas son. Was his name Myung Jun-il?

The child wasnt focused on his meal and his eyes remained stuck on Gyeoul.


And when Gyeoul turned towards him, he hurriedly devoured his bread. He looked exactly like Gyeoul when she was looking at himself.

Congratulations on your second child.

Ah, yes. His names Junhyuk.


After that, Myung Yongha stayed quiet and focused on feeding the child.Ahuh, dude, this is spicy. Ahoo!


When Professor Myung Jong fanned his mouth with his hand, Gyeoul showed interest. The Yu household was good at eating spicy food and didnt find it painful so she was intrigued by Myung Jongs reaction.

Wearing a bright smile, Gyeoul fanned her own mouth with a small hand. Seeing that, a flower bloomed on Professor Myung Jongs face.

Why are you copying me?


Do you think its spicy as well? Nn? Uhahaha!

For some reason, Myung Yonghas son also carefully copied Gyeoul and waved his hand.

That was roughly how the meal continued.

It was time to have ice cream as a dessert after the meal. Myung Yongha called Yu Jitae separately and asked if he could have a private chat together. Outside the cafeteria was a bench and the two males stood near it.

Its nothing serious and I just wanted to say thank you very much.

For what?

Do you know who I am, Mister Jitae?

Of course.

Haha, you might be confused but in fact

He began talking about the things that happened with a composed voice. He talked about his wife who had been exposed to an ancient virus and how her condition worsened as the due date of her pregnancy approached.

That was when he came across Yu Jitae as well as some medicine given by BM. He said it was honestly hard to see which of the two had been effective, but something like that wasnt important.

Im extremely, grateful.

The strongest superhuman of Korea one of the greatest magicians worldwide. Myung Yongha the Druid of Regeneration, gave a deep bow and thanked Yu Jitae.

Its fine.

Im sincerely grateful. You are my benefactor.

Please raise your head. The kids might see it.

Yu Jitaes goodwill had been on a simple whim. He was certain that Myung Yonghas wife would have no impact on the future and was giving compensation because he ate the mushroom that Myung Yongha had grown with care.

The pained expression of Myung Yongha of the previous iterations flashed in front of his eyes, but he still didnt feel much about it.

Thanks to you, were thinking of having a third as well. Hahat!

Thats good news.

He was just curious whether he would finally be able to have a daughter or not.

By the way.

Myung Yonghas voice got softer.

Do you, by any chance, have an alias that youre working under?

No, I dont.

Are you registered in the Association?


So I assume you dont have any official records either.

That is the case.

His gaze became more profound.

Mister Yu Jitae, ah, is that your real name?


I am quite confident in my ability to discern other superhumans with my eyes. That brings me to the next point.

Since his expression was overly serious, Yu Jitae realised what his offer would be.

From the world rankers, there are a few friends gathered in order to drive the demons away from this world.

Well, nowadays the objective is slightly changed, and we spend half the time playing around but

He awkwardly smiled before returning to his serious tone.

There are several famous superhumans as well. We sometimes host banquets to build friendship and exchange information. Its kind of a secret so I cant really tell you their actual names but


If youre okay, would you like to attend our banquet?

Instead of talking about the organisation itself, he was offering him to participate in the banquet.

Unfortunately, this wasnt an innocent offer.

If he did go there, the members of the Grand Natural Society would first try to check whether Yu Jitae was evil or not. And after the verification, they would turn him into a member.

Like it had always been in the previous iterations.

Thanks for your words, but Im okay.

Ah, there are lots of good superhumans there. I swear on my name.

Im not interested in a social meeting of superhumans.

Is that so

He sounded regretful but the light was still in his eyes. Myung Yongha didnt give up.

If my offer had been too sudden, you can slowly think about it. We dont know how the worlds going to change and we have to group together when we can.

I have some circumstances that stop me.

Its not something huge. You can just come and see it. Mister Jitae is a good person as well right?

Why do you think that?


Myung Yongha was about to continue, but closed his mouth.

The fact that Yu Jitae was good-natured was proven by Yu Bom, the girl who carried mother nature itself. A guardian of a child like that meant that he couldnt be an evil person.

At least thats what he strongly believed based on the circumstantial evidences.

I wish you didnt pay too much attention to me.

Mister Jitae is

Before he could continue any further, Yu Jitae cut him off.

I dont have that much of a good opinion on the Grand Natural Society.

Astonished, Myung Yonghas eyes widened. He wasnt expecting the organisations name to come out from his mouth.

However, the superhuman in front of him was unfathomably strong and Myung Yonghas brain worked fast.

He instantaneously changed his line of thought.

Then does that mean Mister Jitae is against the Society.

His voice was a level deeper.

There was no longer a kind and amiable superhuman. Wearing a calm and prudent expression, he gave off the aura of a soldier.

But the Regressor replied indifferently.

A hundred people have a hundred thoughts. The flag of an organisation cannot substitute the thoughts of an individual.

Even though they had gathered under the pretext of defending humanity, not all of them wanted to protect humanity.

Is it because you dont find me reliable enough?

Yu Jitae shook his head.

I can trust you.

However, there were those that he couldnt.


Simons spirit beast, Crow, came flying but was unable to knock on the window as it always did. It did smack its head on the wall but the sound it created was a thud and not a knock.

Jean-Luc Wenger doubted his own eyes. Something red exploded and had wetted the window.

Soon, the old man looked around in astonishment.


The crows neck had been snapped.

A letter was inside its mouth.