Why the foul language? The middle-aged policeman didnt expect that such a composed lady would suddenly start swearing at him.
I believe that my son wouldnt do such things! Qin Langs mother Xue Ying (XueYingLian)coldly glared at the police officer, In any case, my son is only a suspect, and not anoffender. Dont try to taint him with dirty water! If I find out that you have any acts of abuse towards my son, then I will find a lawyer to sue you! No matter what the cost!
The Xue Ying at that time was like a mother lion fiercely protecting her children!
I seeWith parents like you, then of course there would be children like this. 15 minutes! The middle-aged policeman walked away with a gloomy face.
Mom, thank you for believing in me. Qin Lang smiled.
Idiot son, how can you even smile Xue Ying had a bitter smile on her face, You know youre in a bit of a predicament right?
Son, I also believe that you didnt do anything bad. But, what happened? Qin Langs father Qinan (QinNan) asked.
Qinan was an employee of abiological laboratory atXichuan United, while Xue Ying was a researcher in a scientific research centre. The both of them were fairly busy with their jobs. But, they didnt let their son be too relaxed on his education, nordid theygive too much pressure on Qin Lang, unlike other parents who want their son to have nothing but success in their life. Their only hope for Qin lang was to have a healthy body, and an optimistic and energetic attitude.
When they found out that their son got taken away by the police, Qinan and Xue Ying were so hurried that it felt like their heart was burning. They borrowed a car, and at top speed they rushed over from Anrong City whichwasover a hundred kilometers away.
Dad, mom, to be honest, I dont even know what is happening.
Qin Lang told them the entire story from start to finish, and then he conversely comforted them, Dont worry, I didnt do anything wrong. My path is right so I stand up tall, and nothing will go wrong!
Of course! Qinan nodded and said, Son, dont worry. If you didnt do any bad things, then no one can frame you! Even if we lose our entire family fortune we will fightto the end!
Its fine, perhaps its not that serious. Qin Lang faked a smile. He knew that this was no simple matter, andbecause there were connections between Zhou Ling Ling and Pure Beauty Bay, this was even more complicated.
Time is up! After Qin Lang talked a bit more with his parents, the middle-aged man opened the door with a glum face, and asked Qinan and Xue Ying to leave.
Son! Dont be afraid! Xue Ying was reluctant to leave Qin Lang, and at the instant she turned her body, tears were already falling. To not let Qin Lang see them she quickly walked out of the interrogation room.
Oh the pitiful hearts of all the parents in the world! The policeman sighed, then closed the interrogation room door once again.
The door was just closed, but then the policeman saw a beautywearing a womans suit, with a nicephysique, and overwhelming grace walking over to him, then she smiled and passed her identification over, I am Qin Langs biology teacher and also the schools psychology teacher. I need to understand whether his current mental state is stable or not.
Qin Lang never would have thought that the second time he and Tauro were meeting privately would be in the local police stations interrogation room.
Aunt Tau, thank you for coming to see me. Qin Lang was still slightly smiling, When did you become a psychology teacher?
In front of Tauro, he felt very relaxed, even in the current situation.
Youre welcome. Ive always had the identification for a psychology teacher. Tauro smiled dimly, thentook out the ID and waved in front of Qin Lang, At the entrance of the police station, I met your parents, and they seemed very worried about you.
Whos parents in the world dont worry about their children Qin Lang looked at Tauro while they were separated by the table, Ms. Tau, let me ask you one questionDo you think that I did it?
Qin Lang, I am representing the school to figure out what happened.
Tauro didnt directly answer Qin Langs question. She took out a recorder from her purse, and pressed the recording button, Qin Lang, lets not waste any more time. As the representative of the school, I promise you that I ill look and treat todays incidentimpartially and fair.
Thank you Ms. Tau. Qin Lang thought for a bit, then started to describe the events that happened, This afternoon, around 15 minutes after being asked to stay outside of the classroom by the physics teacher, I saw someone falling from the building. After running over there, I found out that it was Zhou Ling Ling
How did you know the person suiciding was Zhou Ling Ling? Tauro suddenly asked.
EhThe police officer that was just interrogating me mentioned it. Qin Lang couldnt say that he and Zhaokan went to Pure Beauty Bay right? If he said that, then it would be like With yellow mud on your pants, even if it wasnt crap it becomes crap, and he wouldnt be able to talk himself out of it.
After Qin Lang recounted everything that happened, Tauro asked again, Some people saw you put an unknown object in Zhou Ling Lings mouth. What would that thing be?
Qin Lang nodded, That was my the Chinese medicine pill that my teacher, the Old Chinese Doctor, gave to me. Its very effective towards healing raw injures.
Qin Lang called the Old Poison Guy into Old Chinese Doctor, and that itself was already overpraising him.
What was the Chinese medicine pill called? Tauro continued asking, and it looked like she wasnt that easily convinced.
Hundred Grass Big Return Pill. Qin Langs reactions were pretty fast, converting Hundred Poison Big Return Pill into Hundred Grass Big Return Pill. Although there was only one word of difference, the feeling that you get when you hear it was completely different.
Are you sure? Tauro askedcalmly, Qin Lang, Ill remind you once again. This recording may be used as evidence. Because you are not an adult yet, and the school cares about you, they allowed me to come and understand the situation. Of course, as your teacher, I also care about your current situation.
Thank you for your reminder. Qin Lang said sincerely, Everything I said was the truth! If you dont believe me, then you can wait until Zhou Ling Ling wakes up then ask her. Everything would be revealed then.
The problem is, Zhou Ling Ling is still in the middle of emergency treatments, and there is no way to confirm whether or not she will awaken.
Impossible! Qin Lang said a bit emotionally, When she got on the ambulance her situation was already stable!
Just because of that, we need to understand why you needed to give her the so-called Chinese medicine pill.
Ms. Tau, you dont believe me? Qin Lang felt a bit hurt. He didnt mind other people misunderstanding him or having distorted views, but he really didnt want Tauro to think that he was a criminal.
Tauro turned off the recorder, thenlightly sighed, Lookingfrom my personal perspective, I believe that you arent an offender.
Then thats fine! Qin Lang exhaled as if releasing a heavy burden.
But the important thing is it doesnt matter whether I believe you or not. Tauro added on, From all the evidence right now, it is proving that you are related to Zhou Ling Lings incident. First of all, you are the first person to arrive at the scene. Also, only you know what you gave Zhou Ling Ling to eat. But, the hospital already started analyzing samples of her blood and saliva. When the results are out, then well know if you are lying or not.
Ms. Tau, I really didnt do anything bad!
Qin Lang continued explaining, Think about it. If I really wanted her dead, then I could have not helped the dying. I could have just have been a cold observer. Why would I even risk getting near her? Also, if I wasnt kicked out the classroom by the physics teacher, then I would not have seen this incident.
Your analysis is very logical.
Tauro slightly nodded, but suddenly her tone changed, But looking at a criminals mental perspective, a smart criminal is always very calm after committing a crime, and is also extremely good at exculpating themselves. EspeciallyIf it wasnt the first time doing thosekinds of things!
Qin Lang felt that something was wrong with Tauros tone, and looked at her suspiciously, Ms. Tau, what is the meaning behind that sentence?
Dont misunderstand, I am only speculating the case. Tauro said, Do you know about Zhaojing and Chang Xuemin?
Zhaojing? Chang Xuemin?
Qin Lang shook his head blankly, Who are those two?
They already stopped going to school. They were good students in Seven Mid once, and they were quite beautiful as well. Tauro lightly sighed, Only that they were coerced by people, and walked onto the wrong road.
What is this situation? Qin Langdubiously looked at Tauro, Ms. Tau, you think that those two people were related to me as well? Ms. Tau, Aunt Tau, I swear that I have no connections with them, I can prove it
How are you going to prove it? Tauro looked at Qin Lang in shock.