Just The Two Of Us In This Vast World - Chapter 1.02

Chapter 1.02

Chapter 1 — The boundary line, the marriage between a girl and a wolf . Part 2

“Good evening, Lady with eyes like the night . ”

In a low tone, the wolf spoke up .

“It’s dangerous to walk alone on a night as dark as this one . If you wish so, I could escort you home . ”

He was literally an escort wolf1 .

As weird as it might seem for a wolf to be speaking, I didn’t find it strange at all .

Probably because that pure white fur looked otherworldly enough, s.h.i.+ning like a blade .

It made me think that a wolf who could speak wasn’t that much of a rare occurrence .

The fur of the prideful yet composed wolf shone like silver, reflecting off the city lights .

If anything, it was beautiful .

I closed my eyes for a second, before opening them again . Then, I answered him with a slick smile .

“Thanks for the offer, fine wolf . But I’ll be alright, my house isn’t that far from here . ”

That was a lie . It would still take around half an hour to get home, but I couldn’t just blindly trust this wolf


“Also, I don’t think it’d be nice to ask so much from a gentleman that I just met . ”

I moved my left hand closer to my lips and smiled more . This scene was so fake, an act filled with false sympathy, and yet it was still slightly fun .

“That’s too bad . ” His mouth twisted a bit making his fangs visible: he was smiling . “You will have to excuse me as you are a finer lady than what your young appearance suggests . ”

“Thank you, but this is only a facade . The true me is a much crueler woman . ”

That was no lie .

“How unusual, I never knew a woman could be this charming . ” He seemed to have…shrugged . The root of his front legs moved a bit .

I parted my left hand a bit from my lips so that they were visible and relaxed my hand, almost as if inviting him .

“I notice you seem used to this sort of behavior . ”

“I hear that a lot, that I have a straightforward character . ”

I answered nonchalantly, just as usual .

I smiled slightly . He did so as well, both

both of us hiding our true emotions .

I licked my lips, the wind brus.h.i.+ng past my hair and clouding my view .

The wolf seemed to have something to say to me again .

“Would you like to marry me?”

It took me a few seconds to fully comprehend what he had asked, and when I did, I could feel my cheeks burning red . I covered my cheek with my left hand and looked away, letting the wind blow my hair over my face, hiding it .

We just met, and even so, he unexpectedly proposed to me .

Moreover, he’s a wolf, and yet he understands our language . He couldn’t be real…not part of the reality I knew, at least .

Yet why—why was my heart racing so much?

Fate—I drove that clichéd word out of my brain as soon as it surfaced .

Logic stated doubt, instinct whispered acceptance . The deepest part of my soul was attracted to this wolf .

Almost as if my shadow had spoken to me, like a half of me had returned to me, or as though I had found another self at the other end of the world, sharing a sympathy that wasn’t quite sympathy .

In the

In the end, where lies the other self that isn’t me?

I’m here .

Be it an illusion, be it reality, it was here .

A presentiment, antic.i.p.ation for something, almost like an augury that said something would change . That the world around me was about to change .

A slightly stronger wind blew, rustling through the leaves of the forest . Like a m.u.f.fled cry, like the lamentations of a person, it enveloped me .

“What will happen if I refuse?” Recovering from the earlier shock, I asked this, trying to buy some time .

Truth be told, I had no intention to refuse .

“I’ll take you by force . ”

He looked up, slightly worried but still smiling .

His gaze wavered, uneasy for an instant .

It was then that I grasped my skirt and gracefully bowed forward, my long hair sliding forward silently, forming arcs as it swayed .

“In that case, I’ll gladly accept . ”

The silver wolf let out a sigh of relief .

“That’s a relief . Well then, let me guide you to my residence . ”

“I think you are forgetting something really important before that . ”

He looked back at me, a hint of strangeness in his face .

face . That reaction looked similar to how a puppy would act if it suddenly grew big and it was strangely cute .

With my lips still tilted into a smile, I drove my hair away and bent forward .

I placed my red lips on the wolf’s, who still was clueless about what was happening .

For only an instant, as gentle as the wind, with a bit of formality and a bit of affection involved .

“I’m Tsukagi Saki . I might be incompetent but bear with me, Pure White Wolf-san . ”

“Now this is a surprise . ” His gaze danced about as he desperately searched for words .

He looked at the still-smiling me and let out a sigh of bewilderment mixed with a bitter smile .

“I’m Moon Eater . ”

1 . Escort wolf (送り狼): “gentleman” who escorts a woman home, only to make a pa.s.s at her .

឵឵឵឵ .

Also, I’ve realized this novel is being copied to novel aggregator sites like lightnovelgate which we are not affiliated with, if you are reading this on isohungrytls . com, then you’re in the right place, if not, you might prefer to come over here, thanks for your support .