Journey Of The Bright Immortal - 3 Bright Immortal

3 Bright Immortal

Most of them would gradually wake up after half an hour, with the most talented ones staying for at most an entire day.

In the Bright Scripture, as long as you had high comprehension, the basic knowledge would keep appearing and you'd enter a state of trance. When you failed to understand something you'd automatically be expelled back to reality.

However, the knowledge there was not progressive enough. At some point, it stagnated and therefore it was a waste of time for the talented ones. The only real positive was that it made clear which members had greater comprehension.

As expected, after half a day, only Ming Qiu, Ming Bo, Ming Lan, and Ming Ren were still in slumber.

"As expected," Elder Ming Zan said, "...Except for Ming Ren. Didn't he last the entire day last time as well?"

The Patriarch nodded, "As expected from Yu Ming's and Ming s.h.i.+'s son. It's a pity his cultivation talent is terrible."

All the Elders nodded. No matter how smart you are, if you can't cultivate there will always be a limit to your achievements.

After a few hours, Ming Bo and Ming Lan woke up at the same time. After an entire day, Ming Qiu woke up. The elders all greeted him with smiles.

However, none of them managed to harvest anything special from the scripture.

"Sigh, a waste of time. I don't understand why the Patriarch wants to keep this trad...uh?' Ming Zan was getting ready to leave when he noticed Ming Ren was still there in the same spot, "...Patriarch!"

The Bright Patriarch immediately fixed his eyes on the remaining young man and worry could be seen all over his face. The Elders were astounded. No one lasted more than a day inside the scripture before.

"Patriarch…?" One of the oldest elders also looked worried, and the others noticed but didn't know why. Wasn't just a matter o time before he woke up?

"...Call Yu Ming here." The Patriarch went over to examine Ming Ren's body, and Ming Zan hurriedly went to call Yu Ming over.

"...Is it?' The oldest elder from before asked the Patriarch, and he nodded, "Heavens!"

All the Elders were lost, but soon Yu Ming came over. Of course, she already knew it was about Ming Ren, and her body swayed with worry, "Patriarch, you called for me?"

The patriarch sighed, "Ren didn't wake up from the scripture."

"Oh, but he will soon, right…? I mean, everyone else has…" Yu Ming felt worry overcome her body.

"There is a chance he might not wake up," the Patriarch added without delay.

Yu Ming almost pa.s.sed out on the spot.

The oldest elder hurried to explain, "It has happened before, during the Patriarch's youth."

"W-what happened to him?' Yu Ming mustered her strength to ask. The elder only shook his head.

"Ren, Ren!!!" Yu Ming kneeled before her son and hugged him tightly. Ming Ren looked like a living doll, devoid of all response. She wept and then looked at the Patriarch in fury.

They all knew what she was thinking. The Bright Scripture was recognized to be nearly useless. If it was so dangerous, why would the Patriarch force the younger generation to go?

The Patriarch kept silent and endured the stares. He made a vow to carry the clan's tradition, a tradition that would only be taught to the next Patriarch. If he were to die before a Patriarch was chosen, the scripture would pa.s.s it on. At this moment, with this mother tears, he completely felt the weight of the burden on his shoulders.


In the scripture, Ming Ren finally woke up back at the Library. He sighed in relief as the familiar sight of books came into view and his eyes shone with pa.s.sion. He already forgot his "death" experience from before.

There were books on formations, pills, acupuncture, medicine, cultivation, and many more. All of them were basic, but last time he could only browse through a few of them. This time his reading speed was much faster!

As he kept reading, his senses were dulled for time. No matter how long it pa.s.sed, for him, it was only a few minutes since he started. He kept reading until the last book was done, without stopping. He felt no need to eat, sleep, or even breath. It was paradise.

After all the books were done, Ming Ren had a smile on his face, expecting to go back to the inner courtyard of the clan right away. But this time it was different. Once again he felt the bright light take away his consciousness, and he woke up at another battlefield.

This time it was a beautiful land with a lot of green and marvelous constructions, somewhat similar to his Bright Clan, only on a much grander scale. He never saw anything like it in his life, not even on the storybooks he loved to read. It was as if that place was the dwelling of the G.o.ds.

The beautiful scenery was soon covered with blood and despair as several armies of cultivators crossed blades and killed each other. On one side, people fought with familiar techniques that he recognized as the Arts of The Bright Clan, only much more powerful than the ones he knew.

On the other side, several different clans attacked. After a great loss of life, the familiar clan was expelled from their ancestral land, and allowed to leave with their lives only, leaving behind treasures and relics.

Ming Ren saw the moment were, on the body of an elder, a familiar image appeared.

The Bright Sculpture!

Since it had no aura nor the appearance of a treasure, and it could even blend within the bodies of the clan members, it was not left behind. At that moment, Ming Ren had the final confirmation that this was his Bright Clan!

He was now sure that his Bright Clan was expelled from Upper Realms, with only the Bright Sculpture as their memento. Shame welled up in his throat, followed by a burning rage that wanted to blaze through the skies. The same feeling from before in his bloodline became much stronger.

Everything went bright again, and he was back, but in a different room. There were many more books this time, more advanced ones.

Ming Ren eyes shone with excitement and he forgot all about the same of his clan for that moment. He instantly threw himself on the books before his time to learn was over. He looked like a madman, a book-reading lunatic.

"...When cultivating the Divine Dragon Tyrannical Body, one must not circulate Qi through his third acupoint…"

"...When setting up a One Thousand Lighting Array, one must not use a type three runic flag as the center…"

"...When there is a Qi deviation during the breakthrough to the Spirit Gate Realm due to the excess of Yin energy in a primarily Yin body, Sage Gra.s.s is needed to counter the effects…"

The more he read, the more fascinated he became!

At that moment, "Time" was a nonexistent notion to the young scholar. Once more he was done with all the books and his consciousness faded. This time he was taken to another battlefield but on a much smaller scale. This repeated itself over and over.


On the Bright Clan, many weeks pa.s.sed without Ming Ren waking up. The Patriarch kept sighing, unable to do anything. Yu Ming sent word over to her husband Ming s.h.i.+, but she had no answer and could only weep. She also considered bringing Ming Ren with her back to the Jade Clan, but she felt that they would still be in the same situation.

Over the course of the weeks, the Patriarch invited many experts and medicine masters to try and wake up Ming Ren, to no avail. They all had similar answers. The young man's soul was gone, and only the empty sh.e.l.l of his body still stood there. Not even heavenly level Spirit Herbs could help him.

However, Yu Ming didn't give up. Although Ming Ren didn't eat, his body didn't grow any weaker. It was as if he stopped in time. She grew depressed, and her body weakened.

Ming Qiu became a cultivation madman. He kept thinking that if he were stronger, he somehow would be able to save Ming Ren. Ming Bo and Ming Lan also progressed by leaps and bounds.

One day suddenly an event shocked the Bright Clan. Once news of Ming Ren's slumber reached the other clans, the Patriarchs of the White and Cloud clans visited together with a few experts and their prodigies, Bai Xun and Yun Shufeng. Those two were geniuses that had a bright future, but unexpectedly they were friends of Ming Ren!

Bai Xun wept loudly and his brotherhood inspired many. He had to be dragged away by his father because he could not bear to leave his brother behind. He vowed to save him, even if he had to tear the heavens apart.

Yun Shufeng didn't weep the same way as her friend, but she clasped her hands and prayed for his return in silence. Unlike Bai Xun, she wasn't allowed to be herself or cry in front of others. She left right away but cried alone many times after that.

This was only the beginning of the storm for the Bright Clan.


Ming Ren lost count of how many books he had. The flashbacks kept appearing, and they all had something in common: every time it appeared it followed a member of the Bright Clan.

Soon all the books were gone and thousands of cultivation laws had appeared. To progress, he had to cultivate each one of them and experience their flaws. Once he was done with one, his entire cultivation would be reset.

He never had so much fun in his life before.

The same happened with formations, pills, and everything else. Only by experiencing and learning he could advance. Finally, he landed in a room full of Arts.

At that point, the flashbacks changed into real battlegrounds. To pa.s.s, Ming Ren had to fight his way through many battles and enemies, from humans to other races.

Reaching one last room, he found a single Art, [Divine Bright Eyes]. Every time he tried to learn he felt his eyes were pierced by a thousand needles, and the pain only grew stronger. He exhausted every other way to try and leave but had no choice.

To pa.s.s that trial, he had to endure the pain.

How many years did it take?

Since he had no sense of time, he couldn't possibly know. If he knew, he might have gone crazy. At last, a bright light could be seen from his eyes, and soon it looked like it could see through every secret in the world.

It was as if his eyes contained the eternity of the Heavenly Dao.

The myriad of miracles.

The soul of all living things.

The Secret Realm opened itself to him and he finally understood its purpose.

The Bright Scripture was born to train the Bright Immortal, the one that would bring the Bright Clan back to the Upper Realms and to the Apex of The Heavens.

And it chose him.

After it fulfilled its purpose, Ming Ren's consciousness was finally sent back to his body.

But the Bright Clan he left behind was not the same that he came back to.