Journey Of The Bright Immortal - 24 An Oath Under The Heavens

24 An Oath Under The Heavens

However, the Hundred-Eyed Colossal Pegasus had a calm exterior but a hidden ferocious nature, turning it into a fierce stallion in battle. It also specialized in [Eye Techniques], augmenting his battle prowess in mysterious and deadly ways.

As a rare species and variation of the Pegasus, aside from the Wood attunement, it also carried the [Dark and Light True Elements]. A tri-elemental powerful Spirit Beast, capable of shaking worlds.

In this world, the Dark and Light elements couldn't be completely linked to "Holy" or "Cursed" common definitions.

An attribute could be Holy if it carried [Sacred Intent], or it could be [Cursed] if it carried [Profane Intent]. A [Holy Wood] element would be attuned towards good and Beyond Extreme Yang, and a [Cursed Wood] element to Beyond Extreme Yin and evil.

Therefore, Yang by itself would never be considered "Holy" and Yin by itself would never be considered "Cursed", even at their extremes. A Demonic Cultivator could be Extreme Yin but not profane or evil. Only the one that went beyond, reaching the [Profane Intent], would be truly evil.

This Mythical Pegasus took many lives, murdering in revenge. Its Dao Heart already s.h.i.+fted to the Extreme Yin and leaned to the Dark Element, but it never became profane. If Ming Ren could see its current appearance, that once pure white stallion would be surrounded by a baleful aura of darkness.

"I am called Jana in the tongue of Humans. Young man, I wish to form a pact with you." The pegasus sounded once again, giving out its [True Name]. To a Spirit Beast, especially one as high ranked as this one, giving out its True Name was akin to trusting the other party completely.

Ming Ren listened calmly. Although good-natured and amicable, his driven and curious nature could lead him into many troubles, but he never thought of himself as either a saint or a demon driven by greed. How could he not tell Jana wanted him to avenge his master's grievances?

Ming Ren did not fear trouble, but also did not jump into it without thinking. A power at the Upper Realms capable of threatening such an existence, how could he make promises lightly?

He disdained slavery, but also knew in this world of strength, it was unfortunately extremely common.

"I want you to make a vow. If someday you are able to help the descendants of the Sacred Tree Clan and take them under your wing, you shall do so without hesitation! In return, I, Jana, will swear my loyalty to you and even bestow you with my bloodline."

Ming Ren blinked. The pegasus asked him to protect them when he expected to be asked to wipe his enemies out. This alone proved that majestic Spirit Beast had not lost its way in fury and despair.

"Senior, aren't you thinking too highly of me? I, Ming Ren, cannot even protect my own clan. When will I be able to shake the Upper Realms? Senior's enemy is probably a great power."

The Pegasus seemed to nod, "Compared to this small world, yes… the Wind Axe Clan is powerful. However, it matters not. I'm only gambling in you. If you fail, I shall wait for another opportunity. If you succeed… my suffering will come to an end."

Its wish was sincere and from the heart. Somehow, deep inside his soul, Ming Ren felt a small familiarity with this vow. It was as if, somewhere long ago, he had already promised something similar. Was this because of the Bright Scripture?

Ming Ren thought for a bit and then clasped his hands, "I, Ming Ren of the Bright Clan, make an oath to the heavens right now, if I am able to save the Sacred Tree Clan descendants, I shall do so. If I refuse to comply with this vow, may I be condemned by the Heavens!"

"Good!" Jana was br.i.m.m.i.n.g with expectation and happiness. For too long it waited for a chance. Ten years, a hundred years more, even ten thousand, it would be willing to wait.

Its sharp wings made a cut on its body, and several drops of slightly dark red blood flew towards Ming Ren. With a thought of the Pegasus, it completely turned into mist and started to be absorbed by the youth, "Be careful, although I diluted it enough that you should be able to absorb my blood, it is still dangerous."

The blood of a living creature that far surpa.s.sed the limits of mortals. Even if he suppressed its power and gave only a fraction of its true power, it was still not something to be taken lightly.

The youth sat cross-legged and cultivated, completely absorbing the creature's blood and powerful Spirit Energy it emitted. However, Jana didn't know Ming Ren cultivated the One Breath Luminescence Law, an almost peerless supreme-grade law in the Body Tempering Realm.

Being able to discern the secrets inside his body didn't mean all could be seen. Since Ming Ren never used its powers in front of the Pegasus, it was still in the dark.

"This is… Heaven-grade Body Tempering Cultivation Law? Wait, this is almost perfect, could be even said to be supreme grade… As expected, this inheritance of the Bright Clan is too fearful!"

This Cultivation Law allowed Ming Ren to exploit the senior's blood to the limit, extracting everything he could. He circulated the Spirit Energy, strengthening his meridians, purifying, and tempering his body. Suddenly, the shackles of the fifth layer were broken through.

Sixth Layer Of the Body Tempering realm!

But it still didn't stop there.

The peak of the Sixth Layer!

"Incredible!" What kind of Spirit Energy Ming Ren needed to break through? A lot more than any common cultivator. Its law needed a tyrannical amount of energy, but he still reached the peak of the next realm.

Besides, he could feel the changes in his eyes and especially in the [Bright Eyes] Technique. The Pegasus bloodline matched extremely well with his Dragon Light Divine Physique and his Unique Soul.

As for the Dragon Light Divine Physique, there was no need to reveal it. Although Jana didn't seem greedy for power, Ming Ren wasn't completely sure it would never fall into temptation. What if something in Ming Ren's body was able to help him break through and achieve his vengeance? Would he be able to hold back?

Ming Ren knew too well ambition laid dormant in all things under the heavens. Only a few would be able to resist the enticement of greater power.

"Good!" Jana was sure it made the right choice. This heaven-defying peerless talent barely took a few minutes to cultivate and already broke through. And not only that, the tempering done by that law was extremely tyrannical. It would bring envy even to those top-ranked influences.

This youth's perception was extremely high. Ming Ren noticed he could keep cultivating and another breakthrough would be possible in a few hours but chose not to. Although the Spirit Energy in this place was abundant, it was something that would instead be harmful to the body in the long run, unless someone was at least in the Spirit Gate Realm.

How could this youth have matured to this extent? This place was special, its Spirit Energy fully integrated with the [Holy Wood] attribute. Only those with an innate attunement to the True Wood attribute would be able to absorb the energy freely, and even so it would still be dangerous.

All of this was because of his master, the Sacred Warrior Tree.

"However, you must remember. Before the Sacred Tree Clan is saved I cannot leave this place for any reason. Therefore, I will not be able to help." In this condition, he would not budge. If he left and something happened to his master's descendants because of it, how could it repent?

Ming Ren nodded, "Senior, outside situation, how?"

While the formation clearly isolated the inside for any external influence, if Jana was willing to he would still be able to sense everything in the forest. However, there was no need for him to do so, and therefore it hadn't done it much in thousands of years. Last time, when the Spirit Beasts came in by mistake, he sensed the forest but didn't find anything strange.

Jana stealthily extended his Divine Sense and frowned soon after, "These many Spirit Beasts hunting in the forest? Is this what you were running from?"

One of those beasts, a very strong one for its realm, stood still outside in front of the spot the formation opened last time.

Ming Ren nodded once more, "Indeed. A frenzied Spirit Beast led the hunt. However, I felt it was strange."

"What was?"

"The timing, the execution, was too perfect. If a Spirit Beast became frenzied it wouldn't have the mind to plan it that far. All escapes were cut off from the outer perimeter to deep inside as if the Spirit Beast wanted everyone to run further in. Even if it was an unusual two-core Queen Spirit Beast, would its intelligence reach this realm?" Ming Ren questioned.

"Heh. You are correct. It indeed isn't capable of such fine strategy," Jana said.

"That means…" Ming Ren conjectured.

"It seems you already know. That beast… is not a wild one, but a tamed beast!" Jana cleared Ming Ren's suspicions.

A tamed Spirit Beast with two-cores and at the fourth layer of the Spirit Sea Realm? Only a peerless Beast Taming talent would be able to do so, or at least someone at the Spirit Gate Realm.

Then, the reason the Spirit Beast sat outside waiting for Ming Ren's group, even without understanding completely where they went to, is that it was unable to disregard the command of its owner.

"Not only that but… there are several other Spirit Beasts like that one throughout the forest. And they all are particularly strong," Jana completed.

Ming Ren felt his head hurt. They could only leave through that same spot. This place was not suitable for them to stay too long due to its unusual Spirit Energy and Senior Jana's baleful aura.

So someone was controlling the Spirit Beasts and making them lead the others. But what was their goal? To kill a few hunters or a specific one?

Ming Ren shook his head. That would be a waste of the tamed beasts. To gather cultivators blood to some evil purpose? This might be possible but this method was too bold and open, devil cultivators are usually in hidden organizations, too afraid of being exposed.

After this type of events appears, the neighboring clans would be informed and send an appropriate team to deal with the matter. The City Lord's of the neighboring cities would also do so. By this point, the beasts would be eliminated completely.

So why would someone trade a powerful tamed Spirit Beast for a few loose cultivators?


Ming Ren suddenly thought of a possibility...

They wanted the Clans to send their people in!