Journey Of The Bright Immortal - 15 Granting An Opportunity - One

15 Granting An Opportunity - One

"Then, we will accept your kindness!" The Elder and the others joined Ming Ren. Little Fu was already stuffing himself with the stew.

The flavor of the b.l.o.o.d.y stew was something they never tasted before. Not too strong, not too mild, just right. They could feel spirit energy revitalizing and nouris.h.i.+ng their bodies and soul.

Ordinarily, this would be impossible with just the spices Ming Ren received. When he collected those herbs before, many were used in pill recipes, but also used in the culinary arts. Some, despite being common, had special hidden effects to the body of a cultivator.

Among them, there was an extremely common and ordinary herb called [Worker's Gra.s.s]. Its seed was widely used by common people for porridge, hence the name.

While a Spirit Beast's flesh, blood, and core had their values accepted to cultivators because of its direct and immediate effect, and herbs recognized by the Way of Pills and their usefulness, Culinary Arts were not widely accepted as beneficial and regarded as secondary to cultivators.

This stemmed from the fact that certain mixtures and reagents can decrease the effects and purity of the raw material. Besides, as cultivators grew older and reached new heights, things like eating became less and less important and more of a habit than a physiological need.

But Ming Ren had time inside the scripture and knew how powerful the Culinary Arts could be. Some powerful Spirit Beast materials needed to be made into pills before ingested, but cooking could also do the job. The worker's gra.s.s had only a small effect on common people, but to cultivator's, when combined to Spirit Beasts blood and flesh, it had the remarkable ability to help clear the body of impurities and hasten the opening of the meridians.

Besides the [Worker's Gra.s.s], Ming Ren also used [Starflower], another common herb without much value. However, it had a great effect on a cultivator of the peak of the Body Tempering Realm.

Starflower was often used in the upper realms as a cheap and effective way to create a Body Tempering Realm breakthrough pill, but in the lower realms, it was an unknown herb.

Ming Ren didn't have a pill cauldron nor was able to use Spirit Energy, so he could only use it in cooking. Although somewhat of a reduced effect, it would still bring great benefits to anyone that ate it.

Breaking through from the Body Tempering Realm to the Spirit Sea Realm consisted of two requirements: one, to form a complete Spirit Sea and be able to emit Spirit Energy outside the body; two, to sense True Elements and Rare Energies. While one was able to break through even without sensing any True Elements or Rare energies, he could only be considered a common talent.

However, the biggest reason a cultivator could not progress to the next step was being unable to form a complete Spirit Sea. This was extremely common with low-grade cultivation laws and low perception cultivators. The Starflower herb helped solidify the Spirit Sea to those unable to do so and, in extreme cases, to form a pseudo-Spirit Sea, allowing him to forcefully reach the next realm.

Before, with a single glance, Ming Ren knew the Elder was stuck in the peak of the ninth layer and unable to break through for a long time, at least 20 years. Next time he tried to do so, it would be much easier. Little Fu and the rest also benefitted greatly from this.

"Young man, this is truly marvelous!" The elder praised.

"Brother, we're from the Forest Clan in Redwater Town, why don't you join our clan?" Little Fu asked.

Elder, Lin Shu, Others: "..."

The Forest Clan was only a sixth-ranked influence in a small town. If someone was talented, why would they join their clan and not one of the bigger ones? Even if cooking wasn't considered important to cultivators, those at the Body Tempering Realm only lived around 80 years, while those at the Spirit Sea Realm 150 years. It was not enough time for them to forego the pleasures of eating.

"Brother, you have to come… My father is the Patriarch, if I can eat this food every day I will never complain about training!" Little Fu blinked his eyes and tilted his head trying to be cute.

Elder, Lin Shu, Ming Ren, others: '...You're not even trying to hide your true intentions!!!'

"Brother, the world is vast, full of mysteries and things to see. I plan to roam, I do not wish to settle down just yet," Ming Ren refused politely.

Little Fu was about to insist when the other young man with the greatsword went ahead first.

"Brother, my name is Lin Yin, your sword skill before was truly marvelous!" Although Ming Ren held back it was still a superb sword art.

Lin Shu, green haired girl and Elder all nodded. Ming Ren smiled and thanked them for the praise.

"Brother, whether to compare notes with me on the Way of the Sword?" This Lin Yi was a Way of the Sword fanatic. Unlike Little Fu, he was extremely dedicated. Too bad his cultivation was lacking, at eighteen years old he only reached the 7th layer of the Body Tempering Realm.

Ming Ren nodded, "As long as Elder isn't opposed to it. Oh, right, Elder, that jade from before was…?" He glanced both at the Elder and green haired girl.

"Oh, I'm a Beast Summoner, Little Red is my pet summon!" The green haired girl added happily.

"I've never heard of Beast Summoners using Jade to summon spirit beasts," Ming Ren questioned.

"Indeed, that jade is a little special, but only a low-grade treasure. Our clan got it by chance while exploring the Thousand Gates Secret Realm," the elder added. By this point, they pretty much already trusted Ming Ren. He befriended them all by their stomachs.

Thousand Gates Secret Realm!

Ming Ren was extremely curious about the place. It was full of mysteries, opportunities, and dangers, but even Spirit Gate Cultivators would face death there, let alone him at the Body Tempering Realm.

Ming Ren was in a dilemma. He truly liked this Forest Clan party, but he had to be careful about telling them the value of the Jade and the potential of a Spirit Beast Oracle. If the clan was careless and tried to find more information about it, disaster might strike. Treasures bring calamity.

On the other hand, it was unlikely that anyone would ever find out about its value if they kept quiet about it, but they also would never be able to explore its potential.

In the end, he decided against meddling with the Forest Clan's fate. When he had enough power, if they met again, he would consider it as fate and help them. After all the food was gone the fire was left barely visible so as not to leave them in complete darkness.

Ming Ren and Lin Yin chatted about the Way of The Sword, and not only the latter but everyone in the party that used a sword, including the green haired girl, learned from it. The group then talked about random things until it was time to sleep. They would get up at sunrise.

Little Fu was the first to sleep soundly. Lin Shu, Lin Yin, and the green haired girl also slept. Ming Ren sat a bit further from the group in a lotus position and shut his eyes, cultivating.

The Elder had the guard s.h.i.+ft. He waited until the others slept and approached Ming Ren, "You are from the Bright Clan!"

Ming Ren wasn't surprised, so he opened his eyes and nodded. He already deducted this Elder sensed something.

"When I saw the Sword Art earlier I thought I made a mistake, since it was not the Bright Sword Art. But I remember the Bright Clan had a youth called Ming Ren that fell into a coma ten years ago. Although I don't know the details and the reason you still look so young, that should be you, right?" The Elder didn't have his guard up, puzzling Ming Ren.

If he knew he was from the Bright Clan he obviously knew the clan was expelled, maybe even that they had a secret bounty on their heads. But he didn't seem to have any evil intention.

"Indeed, I am Ming Ren, from the Bright Clan!"

The Elder nodded and sat near Ming Ren, "You can be at ease. The Bright and Forest Clan's always had a good relations.h.i.+p. We often traded spirit herbs for pills. There are two reasons I know about you. The first one… you look just like your father!"

Ming Ren eyes shone, "Elder knows my father?"

"Indeed, we are from the same generation after all. We often hunted together in this forest, but his talent was always above mine. I've been stuck in this realm for so long!" His eyes were full of sadness and regret.

"What about the second reason?" Ming Ren asked.

"That Little Fu's mother… is from the Bright Clan! Your father's younger cousin. Naturally, she heard of what happened to you and I happened to hear about it as well," the Elder added. Cultivators often had an exceptional memory.

Ming Ren nearly fainted. That shameless and lazy Little Fu was related to him? Ah, those clans! He had way too many relatives to know about everyone, especially the ones that married outside.

"Hahaha, he might be shameless and lazy, but his talent is quite good and his heart is in the right place," how could the Elder not know what Ming Ren was thinking?

"When the Bright Clan fell, some people naturally came to our Forest Clan for help and a place to stay," the Elder added. Seeing that Ming Ren's eyes were full of hope, he shook his head, "I'm sorry, we were powerless to protect them. They were all taken. Even Little Fu's mother…"

Ming Ren's aura was about to explode again, but this time he was much more composed, " whom?"

"They had the Overlord's token, that's all we know. The Patriarch… could not oppose it! He even wanted to throw down his position, but Little Fu's mother stopped him. The whole Forest Clan would have perished otherwise," the Patriarch sighed.

Silver Clan! Brave Clan! Cloud Clan! Even if the Royal Family is in the way! Someday they will all pay!

The Elder sensed Ming Ren's anger, "Young man… what are you going to do now? Last I heard you were in custody of the Cloud Clan," it was not difficult to understand Ming Ren was there hiding. Did the Cloud Clan release him or did he somehow escape after waking up?

Before, it was said he was only at the 4th layer, but the young man before him was at the peak of the 5th layer, so no one would expect him to be in that forest alone, "I would like to bring you to the Forest Clan, if possible, but… Alas, I'm not capable of making such a heavy decision alone."

Ming Ren shook his head, "I thank elder for your kindness, but there are things I must do."

The Elder sighed, "I will tell the Patriarch about you once we go back. Perhaps he will think of something."

Ming Ren hesitated for a bit and then looked straight to the Elder. The kind and welcoming air surrounding him was gone. He had an authority that should only be present at an expert, "Elder, do you want your Clan to rise?

To stand proud and not fear any other clan?

Do you want a chance at changing your destiny, and possibly the entire Forest Clan?

I, Ming Ren, make an oath to the heavens. Right now, at this moment, if you trust me, this chance will be yours to grasp."