Journey To Become A True God - Chapter 965 - Get 150,000 Score

Chapter 965 - Get 150,000 Score

Chapter 965 - Get 150,000 Score

Magical Beasts began to struggle against Ye Chen, it could be seen that they were unable to win against Ye Chen.

When Ye Chen finished killing Magical Beasts, another Magical Beast came here, this Magical Beast also looked much stronger than before.

Ye Chen now understands what happened, it turns out that the Training Door has its own level, as long as Ye Chen manages to defeat the Magical Beast, then he will automatically advance to the Next level and the enemy Ye Chen faces will become even stronger.

Ye Chen wanted to see how strong the Magical Beasts were in this place, that's why Ye Chen started to continuously kill the hordes of Magical Beasts that were currently approaching him.



Meanwhile outside the Training Door, one by one the participants began to fall, most of them unable to withstand the attacks of the hordes of Magical Beasts that were attacking them.

The Magical Beast horde is too difficult to deal with, not all participants can survive the Magical Beast horde attack.

The participants who had fallen immediately saw the score they had managed to get, it could be seen that they only got hundreds of scores, this was still far enough if they wanted to pass this third test.

Seeing the score they got, the participants felt very desperate, they had failed this last test, that meant they would not be able to enter the Nine Immortals Peak.

They had no choice but to do it again one day.

In the sky Mu Xueying and Luo Tian watched the course of this third test, they were observing every participant who failed in the Training Door Trial.

"They're so weak, they've only lost for a few minutes like that" Luo Tian mocked the contestants who failed very quickly.

According to Luo Tian, these people were so weak, they were not worthy to join the Nine Immortals Peak Sect.

Luo Tian was a person who had set a record high in History, so it was not surprising that Luo Tian could be arrogant and underestimate the participants.

"Just because your score is the highest, you can be this arrogant and underestimate those rookies, it's possible for those rookies to pass your score" Mu Xueying said to Luo Tian.

Mu Xueying didn't really like Luo Tian's attitude, Luo Tian underestimated these rookies too much just because they were still weak.

"Hahaha, that's really funny, They are just weak beginners, it's impossible for them to pass the score I made" Luo Tian couldn't believe that any rookie participant could surpass the score he had made in the past.

Until now in this Sect no one had ever been able to pass the Score made by Luo Tian.

It could be said that Luo Tian was invincible by anyone until now.

Mu Xueying hates Luo Tian more and more, this man is quite arrogant, he boasts everything he has in front of Mu Xueying, this feels quite annoying to Mu Xueying.

"We'll see." Mu Xueying said to Luo Tian to see what would happen next.

"Alright, I'll take a look, as long as you accompany me here, I'll be happy to stay here." Luo Tian didn't mind watching the exam as long as Mu Xueying was beside him.

Actually Luo Tian didn't care about the tests that these rookies were taking, all Luo Tian wanted was be to beside Mu Xueying.

It was an honor for Luo Tian to be close to Mu Xueying.

Mu Xueying didn't want to get too close to Luo Tian, she tried to keep the distance she had from Luo Tian.

Gong Senye is currently looking at the fallen contestants, they are all really disappointing Gong Senye, it seems that this year there is no great talent that Gong Senye can find.

Even though Gong Senye originally hoped that he could find a talent among tens of thousands of people, he didn't expect that everything was so normal, they weren't worthy to enter his eyes.

If Gong Senye could find such a great talent, then Gong Senye would get a great reward from the Sect, this was something Gong Senye had wanted from the start.

As time went on, there were a lot of participants who fell from the Training Door Trial, while there were also dozens of participants who managed to get the required score, so they were still considered to have passed this third test.

the participants who failed did not leave immediately, they recovered the profound energy they had used in the Training Door Trial.

All of these participants want to see who has passed this third test.

"Hey Look, the top name on the monument shifted?" one of the participants informed that Luo Tian's name on the monument had shifted.

Gong Senye and the people who were here immediately looked at the monument, when they looked at the monument they saw an empty name that managed to pass the score that Luo Tian had once earned.

The score that this mysterious person got rose very quickly in just a few minutes the mysterious person's score had hit 150,000.

This was quite surprising for the participants who saw this, they couldn't believe that anyone could get a score of 150,000.

They themselves couldn't even afford to get a Score of 5,000how could this guy hit a Score of 150,000 so easily.

Gong Senye's eyes lit up when he saw that there was someone who managed to score 150,000, this was clearly a genius far stronger than Luo Tian.

Gong Senye must not miss this opportunity, he must know who this person has scored 150,000.

Unfortunately this person didn't write his name at the beginning, this made Gong Senye not know who the person who managed to get this 150,000 Score was.



"Impossible, how could that happen" Luo Tian couldn't believe what he just saw, he couldn't believe that his score was so easily passed by an unknown newbie.

Whereas previously Luo Tian was very confident that no one would be able to pass his score, unexpectedly in just a matter of minutes Luo Tian had to swallow his words again so painfully.

Luo Tian immediately looked at Mu Xueying, from now on Mu Xueying would definitely underestimate him because of this incident.

this was really very embarrassing for Luo Tian, Luo Tian felt that someone was slapping his face right now.

This time Luo Tian was really very annoyed, he wanted to find out who had passed his score so easily.

On the other side, Mu Xueying take a long breath when she saw the Score that managed to surpass Luo Tian, it was clear that this must be Ye Chen, only Ye Chen could do this kind of crazy thing.

"Even though I told you to keep your power a secret, why are you being so careless and exposing your power?" Mu Xueying was furious when she saw the unruly Ye Chen.

Whereas previously Mu Xueying had warned Ye Chen not to be too flashy, but Ye Chen didn't listen to his words and did something reckless like this.

After all this is over, Mu Xueying might have to take Ye Chen away from this place, Mu Xueying will scold Ye Chen completely.

It doesn't matter if Mu Xueying scolds Ye Chen all the way, Mu Xueying is Ye Chen's woman, it's a wife's duty to scold her husband who can't be controlled :).