Journey To Become A True God - Chapter 532 - Special Military Headquarters

Chapter 532 - Special Military Headquarters

Chapter 532 - Special Military Headquarters

all the news about Ye Chen and Feng Xue disappeared from this world, the military power was really strong, they very quickly erased all the news in the media.

They did it so cleanly, hardly a trace was left.

Ye Chen was very happy to know this, the matter was resolved very easily, now no one else dared to make bad news about Feng Xue.

If anyone dared to make bad news about Feng Xue and Ye Chen, then these people's accounts would be frozen for a while.

this can prevent irresponsible people from making the problem even more difficult.

Since the problem was over Ye Chen decided to return to cultivation within the fairy gate, he wanted to become even stronger as soon as possible.

Feng Xue is currently with Zhao Yanyan, it looks like Zhao Yanyan is very happy when Feng Xue is in this villa.

when Zhao Yanyan was happy that Ye Chen was also happy to see her.

Zhao Yanyan invited Feng Xue to sing a few songs together, it was quite rare for Zhao Yanyan to be able to sing with the idol she liked.

Feng Xue quite liked singing with Zhao Yanyan, not only was Zhao Yanyan 's musical instrument good, Zhao Yanyan's voice was also quite melodious.

Zhao Yanyan almost has everything to become a star, she is beautiful, smart, has a good voice, can play musical instruments very well and there are still many advantages that Zhao Yanyan has.

With all that Zhao Yanyan currently had, Feng Xue firmly believed that Zhao Yanyan could become a very big star in the entire world.

Unfortunately Zhao Yanyan didn't have any interest in such matters, she felt that her current life was pretty good, she was enjoying living together with Ye Chen and the other women in this villa.

At night, Su Yuya actually came to Ye Chen's villa, she was greeted quite warmly by all of Ye Chen's women.

Feng Xue was again shocked when she found out about this, it was unexpected that Su Yuya also became Ye Chen's woman, it seemed that Feng Xue had underestimated Ye Chen he really gathered all the beautiful women in this world.




Meanwhile in a room that was quite nice, Yu Ting looked at her cellphone, Yu Ting looked very upset when she found out that the news of the scandal carried out by Ye Chen and Feng Xue had suddenly disappeared from the media around the world.

Even though Yu Ting had taken great pains to add fuel to this matter so that Feng Xue's fans would hunt down Ye Chen, unfortunately all the news that was written was lost somewhere.

"Damn, Ye Chen must have a strong person behind him, otherwise there is no way the news will disappear like this." Yu Ting was very sure that Ye Chen had someone strong enough behind him.

Yu Ting estimated that the person behind Ye Chen had no weak influence, if that person could get rid of news like this so easily, that person would certainly have very strong influence in this country.

"Looks like I have to find another way to deal with Ye Chen." Yu Ting looked very annoyed once again, she failed to get revenge on Ye Chen yet again.

"Miss, are you not asleep yet?" Suddenly a middle-aged man entered Yu Ting's room, this middle-aged man was only wearing an underwear when he entered Yu Ting's room.

Yu Ting looked at the middle-aged man who had just entered her room.

This middle-aged man was quite a wealthy businessman in this city, Yu Ting had just conquered this middle-aged man and made him her loyal servant.

With the charm that Yu Ting has, of course she can easily control people at will, any man who Yu Ting wants will not be able to run from her grasp.

"Come here and lick my feet." Yu Ting told a middle-aged man to come up to her and lick her legs.

This middle aged man could not go against the orders coming from Yu Ting, he went and knelt in front of Yu Ting, this middle aged man started to lick Yu Ting's legs.

Yu Ting smiled when she saw the man in front of her serving her like this "Ye Chen just wait, soon I'll definitely make you kneel under my feet" Yu Ting couldn't wait to make Ye Chen kneel under her feet.




The days quickly changed.

When morning came, a helicopter suddenly descended in front of Ye Chen's villa gate.

This helicopter is a helicopter belonging to the army, last night Su Wansen again contacted Su Mengxin and told her that he had prepared a transportation for Ye Chen and Su Mengxin to go to the capital.

Su Mengxin originally rejected her grandfather's good intentions, however now that Ye Chen and Su Mengxin were cultivators, they could easily go to the capital by flying.

Unfortunately Su Wansen continued to force Su Mengxin, in the end, finally because of Su Wansen's insistence, Su Mengxin wanted to use the transportation provided by her grandfather.

Last night Su Mengxin already told this to Ye Chen, therefore Ye Chen Su Mengxin was waiting for the helicopter right in front of the villa gate entrance.

There was a female soldier who got out of the helicopter, Ye Chen still clearly remembered this woman, this woman was the woman who had picked up Su Mengxin when she was kidnapped.

If I'm not mistaken this woman is a member of the Dragon army.

"Greetings, Miss Mengxin, I was assigned by the general Su to pick up both of you. "This woman saluted Su Mengxin, she introduced herself that she was sent here by Su Wansen.

Su Mengxin just nodded at this woman, "please take us to Grandpa's place." Su Mengxin asked the female soldiers to take the two of them to where Su Wansen was.

"okey, please both of you get in." The female soldiers ordered Ye Chen and Su Mengxin to get into the helicopter.

Ye Chen and Su Mengxin immediately got into the helicopter, after the two of them entered, the helicopter immediately flew out of the Golden Eagle district and headed towards the capital city.

On the way to the capital, Ye Chen and Su Mengxin chatted very casually, while the female soldiers were silent and listened to the conversation that Ye Chen and Su Mengxin had.

In just a few hours this helicopter had passed the capital.

Ye Chen felt a little strange when they passed the capital, actually where Ye Chen and Su Mengxin were going by this helicopter.

"We just passed through the capital, right? ,Where are we actually going?" Asked Ye Chen to the female soldier in front of him.

The female soldier nodded at Ye Chen. "We are going to the special military base near the capital, General Su is currently there." This woman told Ye Chen that they were going to a special military base near the capital.

This base is a forbidden zone where no one can enter freely, people who want to enter this military base must have special permission, otherwise they will be labeled as the enemy who is breaking

It was for this reason that Su Wansen insisted on Su Mengxin and Ye Chen to use the transportation he had prepared.

A few moments later the helicopter arrived at the military base which was said by the female soldiers.