Journey To Become A True God - Chapter 465 - Forced To Flee From The Earth

Chapter 465 - Forced To Flee From The Earth

Chapter 465 - Forced To Flee From The Earth

"Hey-hey weak man why do you look at me with a look like that, do you want to die? "Xui Jin doesn't like the way Ye Chen looks at him.

"I really want to kill you" Ye Chen is currently eager to kill Xui Jin.

Unfortunately at this time Ye Chen was not an opponent for Xui Jin, if Ye Chen forced him to fight then Ye Chen would immediately lose before he could touch Xui Jin.

In addition, at this time Ye Chen could not back down, inevitably Ye Chen had to fight against Xui Jin.

"Hahaha, you who are so weak like that want to kill me? , you make me laugh. "Xui Jin laughed at Ye Chen who wanted to kill himself.

For Xui Jin at this time Ye Chen was very weak, one finger belonging to Xui Jin could easily beat Ye Chen.

Dongfang Xiu who was in Ye Chen's arms started to wake up a little, Dongfang Xiu stretched out her hand towards the necklace on her neck.

When Dongfang Xiu's hand touched the necklace on her neck, the necklace on Dongfang Xiu's neck began to give off a dazzling light.

Xui Jin's gaze turned white when he saw this dazzling light.

This blissful light began to wrap around Ye Chen's body and Dongfang Xiu's body.

This bright light flew towards the sky, Ye Chen and Dongfang Xiu were carried flying away from the earth by this light.

"Damn, you want to run again, I won't let you escape that easily." Xui Jin wouldn't let Ye Chen and Dongfang Xiu escape that easily.

Whatever happens, Xui Jin must catch Dongfang Xiu.

Xui Jin pursued the direction where a bright light carried Ye Chen and Dongfang Xiu away.

Xui Jin used the profound ark he had to catch up with Ye Chen and Dongfang Xiu.




Currently Ye Chen and Dongfang Xiu were in a profound ark that was extremely shiny.

The light that had previously enveloped him and Dongfang Xiu turned out to be a profound ark.

This profound ark flew at high speed leaving planet earth.

"Cough. . ., cough. . ., "Dongfang Xiu who was in Ye Chen's arms spat out blood from her mouth.

Dongfang Xiu's internal organs were badly injured from receiving the fire sword strike from Xui Jin.

Seeing Dongfang Xiu's bad condition, Ye Chen immediately stretched out his hand towards Dongfang Xiu's chest.

Ye Chen started to give the profound energy he had to help the wounds Dongfang Xiu had suffered from getting worse.

Even though Ye Chen had given the profound energy he had to help ease the wounds that Dongfang Xiu was currently suffering from.

The condition of Dongfang Xiu seemed to be getting worse every time, Dongfang Xiu's injuries were too severe so that the usual way could not relieve the injuries suffered by Dongfang Xiu.

Ye Chen stopped giving the profound energy he had to Dongfang Xiu.

Ye Chen took out a set of gold needles from within the storage room of the leaving gate.

Ye Chen intended to do treatment for Dongfang Xiu right now

"Sorry but I have to do this." Ye Chen first apologized to Dongfang Xiu, after that Ye Chen laid Dongfang Xiu on the floor of the profound ark.

The floor in this profound ark is very clean and shiny, so it should be very clean to take a nap (Lol).

Ye Chen started to take off the white ancient dress that Dongfang Xiu was wearing.

After the white Ancient Dress wore by Dongfang Xiu was removed, Dongfang Xiu's half naked body was now visible to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen did not have time to admire Goddess Dongfang Xiu's beautiful body, currently Ye Chen was too focused on saving Dongfang Xiu whose condition was getting worse every second.

Ye Chen started doing treatment for Dongfang Xiu, Ye Chen used gold needles on several acupuncture points that were related to internal organs.

Ye Chen returned to using the profound energy he had to heal Dongfang Xiu's internal organs.

6 hours had passed, Ye Chen continued to provide treatment for Dongfang Xiu.

Ye Chen's profound energy was almost depleted because it was used too much to heal Dongfang Xiu's internal organs.

The wounds that Dongfang Xiu was suffering from are now getting better, fortunately Dongfang Xiu's situation is getting better so that the profound energy released by Ye Chen does not go to waste.

After Dongfang Xiu's condition had improved, Ye Chen stopped doing treatment for Dongfang Xiu.

"Sigh, it's finally over, I'm so tired." Ye Chen was relieved that Dongfang Xiu's situation had improved.

Even though Dongfang Xiu's condition was getting better, Dongfang Xiu was currently still unconscious, Dongfang Xiu was currently still unconscious.

Ye Chen decided to take Dongfang Xiu to the room that was in this profound ark.

When Ye Chen saw Dongfang Xiu who was half naked, Ye Chen was almost nosebleed, Ye Chen could see Dongfang Xiu's very perfect body.

Although this was not the first time Ye Chen had seen Dongfang Xiu's naked body, to Ye Chen this was still very amazing.

Who is the man who would stand to see one of the four beautiful Goddesses in God Realm naked like this.

Ye Chen was sure that there would be no man who could stand to see a beautiful goddess like Dongfang Xiu in this state.

Nangong Xiang was probably a woman of comparable beauty to Dongfang Xiu.

Unfortunately Ye Chen had never seen Nangong Xiang's naked body, Ye Chen's relationship was still just touching and kissing.

Dongfang Xiu's double peak was so perfect, Ye Chen unconsciously stretched out his hand and touched the softest thing in the entire universe.

The feeling of touching this object is so extraordinary, Ye Chen is very grateful to be able to touch this for the third time.

"Giggle, master, if you can't stand it, just bring the beautiful goddess in front of you to the bed." Chu Yuechan giggled at Ye Chen, Chu Yuechan suggested Ye Chen to take Dongfang Xiu to go to bed.

Hearing Chu Yuechan's voice, Ye Chen finally regained consciousness, he immediately pulled back his hand from Dongfang Xiu's soft peak.

"Ehemm, Yuechan, I owe my life to this beautiful goddess, so I can't possibly do something like that to the woman who helped me." Ye Chen coughed lightly at Chu Yuechan.

"Hemm. ., you still don't learn from your past mistakes, if this woman wakes up again, maybe she will take your life. "Chu Yuechan said sarcastically to Ye Chen.

"That won't happen, I really believe that this beautiful goddess won't do anything bad to me." Ye Chen firmly believed that Dongfang Xiu wouldn't do bad things to him.

"It's up to you." Chu Yuechan didn't seem to care anymore about Ye Chen.

Ye Chen carried Dongfang Xiu towards one of the rooms in this profound ark.

When Ye Chen entered one of the rooms in this profound ark, Ye Chen was quite surprised.

The room inside this ark was extremely luxurious, it was even more luxurious than Nangong Xiang's profound ark.

Ye Chen put Dongfang Xiu on the soft bed in this room.

After putting Dongfang Xiu on the bed, Ye Chen took Dongfang Xiu's veil which was currently covered in blood.

Dongfang Xiu's real face at the moment was right in front of Ye Chen.

Dongfang Xiu was very beautiful, Ye Chen couldn't help observing Dongfang Xiu's beautiful face.