Journey To Become A True God - Chapter 383 - Destroying Frozen Ice Sect's Formation Array

Chapter 383 - Destroying Frozen Ice Sect's Formation Array

Chapter 383 - Destroying Frozen Ice Sect's Formation Array

A huge explosion occurred as hundreds of green swords smashed into the Frozen Ice Sect's barrier array formation.

Several women from the Frozen Ice Sect who were on guard immediately retreated backwards, they immediately flashed a warning that the Sect was currently under attack.

When the sound of warning sounded within the Frozen Ice Sect, all the women who were currently in cultivation immediately scattered out.

They all immediately headed towards the sect entrance gate.

Even Mu Lanyin and Qing Cheng who were in the room immediately came out, both of them wanted to know what was going on.

Mu Lanyin and Qing Cheng immediately went towards the sect entrance gate, the two wanted to see what was currently happening, why the sect's warning sign sounded.

Mu Lanyin and Qing Cheng finally arrived in front of the sect gates, when they arrived in front of the sect gates, they saw countless women from the Frozen Ice Sect who had gathered here.

Mu Lanyin and Qing Cheng saw what was outside the Formation array, what was outside the Array Formation made Mu Lanyin and Qing Cheng shocked.

At this moment Mu Lanyin and Qing Cheng saw tens or perhaps hundreds of people who were outside the Formation array.

These people were of course from the Seventh Sword Sect, it seemed that the explosion just now was made by the people from the Seventh Sword Sect.

Mu Lanyin and Qing Cheng didn't expect that the Seventh Sword Sect would move this fast to attack the Frozen Ice Sect.

Qing Cheng tried to use the purple butterfly inheritance she had, she intended to enter one of the minds of the people from the Seventh Sword Sect.

Qing Cheng's purple butterfly inheritance easily entered one of the minds of the people from the Seventh Sword Sect.

She easily found out what the Seventh Sword Sect was planning.

Qing Cheng finally knew what the Seventh Sword Sect was up to.

"Sister, currently behind the Seventh Sword Sect there is a strong backer, they are currently behind that dark cloud." Qing Cheng told Mu Lanyin that behind the clouds there were supporters from the Seventh Sword Sect.

Qing Cheng guessed that the people behind the clouds were quite strong.

"Are you sure that the Seventh Sword Sect has a strong backing? " Mu Lanyin asked Qing Cheng.

Qing Cheng nodded to Mu Lanyin, "I myself don't know what level their cultivation base is, for sure this backer is most likely from the legendary Kunlun holy land.

Qing Cheng didn't know the true strength of the people inside the Golden Profound Ark, she knew that these strong people came from the Kunlun Holy Land.

Mu Lanyin was quite surprised to find that the Seventh Sword Sect now has such strong support, the Kunlun holy land is quite a legendary place, many ancestral records say that there lived the strongest cultivators in this world.

Mu Lanyin didn't understand why the people from the Kunlun Holy Land helped the Seventh Sword Sect attack her sect, Mu Lanyin was eager to know what the people from the Kunlun Holy Land wanted.

"Sister, you better contact Ye Chen as soon as possible by using a long-distance transmission stone, I'm afraid we won't be able to fight against the people who come from the Kunlun holy land." Qing Cheng told Mu Lanyin to use the long distance transmission stone, Qing Cheng wanted Mu Lanyin sent a message To Ye Chen for help.

To be honest, Qing Cheng wasn't afraid of the Seventh Sword Sect at all, what he was afraid of was the people who were currently behind the clouds, she felt that the people up there were very dangerous.

This time Mu Lanyin agreed with Qing Cheng's proposal, if what Qing Cheng said was true, then they are currently in very serious trouble.

The people from the Kunlun Holy Land were definitely not weak cultivators.

Mu Lanyin took out a stone the size of a marble, Mu Lanyin closed her eyes. "Ye Chen, I need your help, right now my sect is being attacked by lots of very strong people, I need your help." Mu Lanyin sent a message to Ye Chen.

she hoped that Ye Chen could come here as soon as possible.

"Sect master, what's going on." The Four Frozen Fairies finally arrived behind Mu Lanyin, they immediately asked the Sect what had happened.

"The sect is currently being attacked by the Seventh Sword Sect, you better go back and rest, let me handle this matter." Mu Lanyin told Four Frozen Fairies to come back and rest.

The current state of the Four Frozen Fairies still hasn't fully recovered, they still can't fight.

"No, if the sect is in trouble, then we will help." All of the Four Frozen Fairy members shook their heads, they all refused to go back and rest.

in this state how could the Four Frozen Fairy be.

All of the Four Frozen Fairy members wanted to help protect the sect from the Seventh Sword Sect's attacks.

Qing Cheng smiled when she saw the determination possessed by the Four Frozen Fairies, the Frozen Ice Sect is very fortunate to have such a great woman.

Currently, neither the Four Frozen Fairies nor the women from the Frozen Ice Sect found the existence of Qing Cheng who was the sect master of the Cherry Blossom Sect.

This was because Qing Cheng was wearing clothes from the Frozen Ice Sect and a white veil covering her face, Qing Cheng's current appearance could make her mingle with women from the Frozen Ice Sect.

Mu Lanyin really didn't want the Four Frozen Fairies to force themselves to fight, she didn't want anything bad to happen to the four of them.

"Booooommm" A huge explosion occurred again

Just as Mu Lanyin wanted to send the Four Frozen Fairies back, the Seventh Sword Sect again attacked the barrier Array of the Frozen Ice Sect.

"Damn, this Array formation is so powerful." Jian Yan cursed the Frozen Ice Sect's Barrier Array Formation.

The Array Formation that the Frozen Ice Sect possessed was too strong, the combined attacks launched by everyone from the Seventh Sword Sect were unable to make the Array Formation budge in the slightest.

all of the women who were currently inside the Array Formation felt relieved.

This Array Formation was strong enough to withstand the combined attacks launched by the people from the Seventh Sword Sect.

This is the Array Formation left behind by the first ancestor who founded the Frozen Ice Sect, even though it is thousands of years old, this Array is still very strong to withstand attacks from enemies who intend to attack the sect.

As long as they were within this Array Formation, then they would be quite safe.

Currently on top of the Gold Profound Ark.

"Hemmm, I didn't expect that a small sect like this would have such a complex and intricate Array formation, it seems that the person who made this array is a genius." Ren Lie praised the Frozen Ice Sect's Array formation.

The Frozen Ice Sect's Array Formation was extremely complex and intricate, Ren Lie himself had never seen an Array like this one.

Ren Lie had to admit that this barrier array formation was extremely powerful, he firmly believed that the people from the Seventh Sword Sect would not be able to destroy the array formation in front of them.

If it continued like this then the spectacle would become very tedious, Ren Lie decided to help the people from the Seventh Sword Sect destroy the Frozen Ice Sect's Array formation.

Ren Lie Snapping his fingers, when Ren Lie snapped his fingers, lightning began to rumble, the black clouds around Ren Lie were enveloped by flashes of lightning.