Journey To Become A True God - Chapter 2889 start to free the territory from monsters

Chapter 2889 start to free the territory from monsters

Chapter 2889 start to free the territory from monsters

"We haven't seen each other for quite a while," Chu Yinxu said.

"That's absolutely true" Chu Quexi agreed, they hadn't seen each other for a long time.

And when they met, a terrifying aura occurred, they seemed to be enemies who didn't get along.

"This situation is different from what I imagined" Ye Chen felt that the current situation was different from what he imagined.

Who would have thought that the two of them would become like this.

"You two, please calm down" Ye Chen said to Chu Quexi and Chu Yinxu.

Ye Chen told the two of them to be calmer and not to do anything bad that could harm them.

They didn't listen to what Ye Chen said, they were both focused on their battle.

"hey Yuechan" Ye Chen said to Chu Yuechan.

"That's your business" Chu Yuechan said.

Chu Yuechan didn't want to interfere and gave this matter to Ye Chen.

"no way, you have to help me" Ye Chen said to Chu Yuechan.

"No" Chu Yuechan refused, she didn't want to get involved in this matter, a pure fairy from a first cla.s.s n.o.ble family, Chu Yuechan didn't want to get involved because it was troublesome.

"You two, please calm down and let's return to our discussion," said Ye Chen.

Ye Chen asked Chu Quexi and Chu Yinxu to be calmer.

Chu Quexi and Chu Yinxu looked towards Ye Chen.

"Okay, let's talk about the previous matter." Chu Quexi and Chu Yinxu finally agreed.

After that they sat down and discussed what they would do.

"So?" Chu Yinxu asked Ye Chen.

"It seems she agrees with our plan" said Ye Chen.

"agreed, how do you persuade this woman" Chu Yinxu asked Ye Chen, she wanted to know how Ye Chen persuaded Chu Quexi who was unreasonable.

There was no way Chu Quexi would just surrender to Ye Chen and cooperate with Ye Chen.

Is it possible that Chu Quexi wants to frame Ye Chen, if that's the case, then Chu Yinxu will not allow that.

"You definitely won't just believe me," said Chu Quexi.

Chu Quexi knew that Chu Yinxu would not easily believe her.

"Of course, there's no way I would just believe you." Chu Yinxu said that she would not easily believe Chu Quexi.

"I thought, you never change," said Chu Quexi.

"but I am serious about cooperating, it is because he has saved me and seen my body, so I want him to take responsibility properly" Chu Quexi said.

Chu Quexi hugged Ye Chen, which of course made Chu Yinxu angry.

Chu Yinxu didn't expect that Ye Chen and Chu Quexi's relations.h.i.+p would become like that, To be honest, she felt angry when she saw how Chu Quexi was so intimate with Ye Chen.

"Stop doing that," Chu Yinxu said.

Chu Yinxu told Chu Quexi to stop doing that.

"What's wrong?, Are you jealous?" Chu Quexi said.

Chu Quexi realized that Chu Yinxu was interested in Ye Chen.

"It seems like we have to resolve this our way" Chu Yinxu said.

"Okay" Chu Quexi got up, they would solve this problem using their own methods.

Chu Quexi and Chu Yinxu came out, they started fighting outside and resolved their problems.

"they fought" Chu Yuechan said.

"That's right" Ye Chen saw the battle of Chu Quexi and Chu Yinxu, the two of them fought outside the city and made a huge impact of destruction.

"You won't stop them" Chu Yuechan asked Ye Chen.

"No way, they saw me, no need to stop them" said Ye Chen.

Ye Chen saw that they were getting along, so there was no need to stop them.

"It's up to you, take care of them, they are very troublesome," said Chu Yuechan.

Chu Yuechan said to Ye Chen, she felt dizzy and didn't want to get involved in Chu Quexi and Chu Yinxu's battle.

"I will try it" Ye Chen said that he would try.

The two fought for 30 minutes, after a long battle, they both returned in pretty good condition.

"are you guys finished" Ye Chen said to Chu Quexi and Chu Yinxu.

"That's it" Chu Quexi and Chu Yinxu said that they were done, they had made an agreement.

"Okay, then let's discuss the previous thing, I will tell you some arrays that can be used to accelerate growth" said Ye Chen.

"That's very good, the problem is that there are some places that haven't been liberated," said Chu Quexi.

"What does it mean?" Ye Chen asked Chu Quexi.

"Here there are some places that belong to powerful monsters and are their territory, if we want to use them, we have to defeat them and seize the territory," said Chu Quexi.

"Then I will help you liberate that area" Ye Chen said to Chu Quexi and Chu Yinxu.

"Then let's go" With that Chu Quexi took Ye Chen away, meanwhile Chu Yinxu followed and didn't want to be outdone.

Chu Yuechan was left alone, she could only sigh at what happened.

"It seems like he is liked by those two fairies" Chu Ning'er came in and said to Chu Yuechan.

"That's absolutely true, master is too popular" Chu Yuechan said.

"is big sister Yuechan jealous" Chu Ning'er said.

"that's not possible . . ." Chu Yuechan smiled wryly, it looked terrible and made Chu Ning'er retreat.

Chu Ning'er just misp.r.o.nounced a word, it seemed like she had just made Chu Yuechan angry.

"no one can s.n.a.t.c.h it from me" Chu Yuechan said to Chu Ning'er.

"I understand, no one can s.n.a.t.c.h it from you" Chu Ning'er said.

To make Chu Yuechan not angry anymore, she had to say these things to make Chu Yuechan happy.

"It seems that master has succeeded, it will be an advantage for us if the fairy race is willing to cooperate" said Chu Yuechan.

"That's absolutely true" Chu Ning'er said.

Ye Chen had managed to convince two people in high positions, so everything would be easy to do.

Now just finis.h.i.+ng everything, Chu Yuechan and the others could relax and enjoy the day in the fairy city.

Ye Chen, Chu Quexi and Chu Yinxu arrived at a forest that was still dense and looked unkempt.

"There lives a white lightning wolf here, it's quite troublesome, but we can solve it and ask nicely" said Chu Yinxu.

"let's lather him out" Ye Chen used an attack and showered the forest with several lightning bolts.

Ye Chen's greeting was a little extreme, it seemed like the white lightning wolf would be angry with Ye Chen.

"Auuuuuuu. . ." the white lightning wolf came out, he came to Ye Chen, Chu Quexi and Chu Yinxu.

"Stupid Fairy, you dare to intrude on my territory, I will destroy you," said the white lightning wolf.

"Boom. . ." a terrifying pressure emerged, this pressure was so strong and so great.

This pressure did not belong to Ye Chen, it belonged to Chu Quexi and Chu Yinxu.

"Did he just say that we are stupid fairies?" Chu Quexi said to Chu Yinxu.

"This little wolf, he wants to die." Chu Yinxu was also angry with the white lightning wolf.

Chu Quexi and Chu Yinxu were completely enraged when they were called stupid, it seemed like they were going to handle the white lightning wolf.

"We will take care of it." Chu Quexi and Chu Yinxu said that they would take care of the white lightning wolf.

"Go ahead" said Ye Chen.