Journey To Become A True God - Chapter 1273 - Yu Ting Has Been Released

Chapter 1273 - Yu Ting Has Been Released

Chapter 1273 - Yu Ting Has Been Released

On earth today.

Several months have passed since the terrible tragedy, people have started to build the civilization they have, now everyone has started to get to know the cultivation world.

The earth has begun to recover and is starting to become a natural place like ancient times, this makes the pure energy on earth better and better.

People start hand in hand to start a new life, they all start a new better life and try to live a long life.


in above the sky there is someone who is looking at the earth, this person looks at the earth with a very strange look.

This person was wearing a black dress that was very closed, her figure was very difficult for anyone to see.

Despite not knowing the figure of this person, from the curves of her body this person was most likely a woman.

"Interestingly, in a remote place like this, there is an Array created by someone extremely powerful." The woman in black looked at the earth which was currently enveloped by a barrier created by Shui Yixian.

This array aims to anticipate bad people who try to do bad things to the people of earth.

On earth there were countless important people and families of Ye Chen's women, so it would not be strange for Shui Yixian to set up an Array to protect this place from evil people from the God Realm.

"Interesting, I want to know what is protected on this remote planet" This woman wants to know what is protected on a remote planet that is not inhabited by many people.

This woman sneaked into the Array created by Shui Yixian, she easily slipped into the earth.

The Shui Yixian barrier would only activate if someone had malicious intent, as long as this woman didn't do anything malicious, then she wouldn't trigger the Array formation.

This woman started to go to observe what was going on, she saw that this planet was very bad, the people in this place were very weak.

Even with the little strength she had now, this woman could kill them all very easily.

This woman began to fly above the surface of the sky, she began to observe the earth from above.

"This planet is so weak, I wonder what would make someone strong set up an Array to protect this place?' This woman started to wonder about what made Shui Yixian create a barrier in this place, she didn't think there was anything special about this place.

This woman didn't give up, she still went to have a look around this place.

When this woman walked around the country where Ye Chen lived, she found a very strong hatred, this hatred was so strong that it made this woman feel it from a distance.

"This hate is very strong, I want to know who has this kind of hatred" this woman was curious about people who had such strong hatred, in her life she had never seen hatred this strong.

This woman was not a good woman, this woman came from a Heretical Sect in the God Realm, they cultivated forbidden techniques that were neither allowed to be used nor forbidden to use, their existence even being the enemy of all powers in the God Realm.

"I have to see for myself, maybe I can take it as a seed that can become a great weapon for the Sect" This woman wants to see if the owner of this hatred is worthy, if it is, then she will take it as a seed and train it as best as possible.

This woman went towards the source of this very strong hatred, she didn't think long and went to a mountain quite far from the city.

Needless to say, this place was the place where Mu Lanyin sealed Yu Ting in an eternal Ice that would never be able to search for her.

It could be said that Yu Ting would be trapped in this place for the rest of her life and no one would be able to save her.

"so this strong hatred is from this woman" The woman in black looked at Yu Ting, she could feel the hatred that Yu Ting had was intense. very strong.

"I'm curious what makes this woman have such strong hatred" The mysterious woman was very curious about Yu Ting's hatred, this feeling of hatred was really very strong.

The woman in black approached, she began to hold onto the Ice that sealed Yu Ting's body.

"This is the power of the Ice Phoenix." This woman could tell right away that the Ice that sealed Yu Ting's body was the power of the Ice Phoenix.

"It seems that the person who had locked her up was someone with a very good background." This woman guessed that the person who had imprisoned Yu Ting was someone with a very, very good background.

The woman in black began to use her power, this woman's palm began to emit something black, it instantly devoured the Ice that was shackled to Yu Ting's body.

"Crack. . ." The ice that was shackled to Yu Ting shattered, Yu Ting happened to the ground and started coughing, the woman in black clothes had managed to break the ice that sealed Yu Ting's body.

"cough. . ., cough. . ., cough. . .." Yu Ting coughed and shivered with cold, being in the Ice for a long time was extremely cold.

The woman in black waved her hand, she easily warmed Yu Ting's body.

"Who are you?" The freed Yu Ting looked still in a daze, she didn't know who this woman in front of her.

This woman looked very mysterious and very strong, Yu Ting felt a great threat from this woman.

"You don't need to know the name I have, do you want to come with me?" This woman refused to tell Yu Ting her name, she didn't want to tell anyone about her identity.

"So why should I come with you?" Yu Ting asked the woman in black.

"Of course it's because I'm interested in you" this woman said that she was attracted to Yu Ting.

"Attracted to me, what attracted you to me?" Yu Ting wanted to know why this woman was attracted to her.

"That's because of the hatred you have, that kind of hatred is very strong, I'm interested in that thing you have" the woman in black said to Yu Ting.

Yu Ting had no idea what this woman was referring to, this woman was extremely mysterious.

"You must have someone you hate?" asked the woman in black to Yu Ting.

"Of course" Yu Ting nodded, she naturally had hatred towards someone, namely Ye Chen and Ye Chen's women.

"Then come with me, I can give you the power to take revenge for everything that happened to you, I can make you a very strong person" the woman in black said to Yu Ting.

Yu Ting had some doubts about what this woman had to say, for some reason this woman seemed very dangerous and related to something bad.

"Do you really want to stay in this place forever, you know the person who sealed you in this place will definitely come, so if you don't come with me, then you will be confined in this place for the rest of your life" this woman told Yu Ting that Mu Lanyin must have realized that her eternal Ice had been destroyed.

"Alright, I'll come with you" Upon hearing what this woman in front of her said, Yu Ting immediately agreed to come along.

She didn't want to spend the rest of her life in this dark place, she wanted to leave this place and take revenge on Ye Chen and all the Ye Chen women who had locked her up.