Journey To Become A True God - Chapter 1267 - Heavenly Tribulation (3)

Chapter 1267 - Heavenly Tribulation (3)

Chapter 1267 - Heavenly Tribulation (3)

"You mean there is someone who is going through the fifth round of heavenly tribulation" the woman asked Yue Ya.

"Yes, that's a possibility that is currently the case, in history there was only one person who could do this once, that person was a very extraordinary genius, unfortunately he had to be defeated by the heavenly lightning and died on the spot" Yue Ya said to the woman which is in front of it.

Yue Ya explained that this phenomenon happened long ago, there was a genius who was able to trigger the fifth round and had to die because of this.

"Vei, you go and find out the source of this as soon as possible" Yue Ya told the woman in front of her to go and find out the source of this power.

"Alright, I will immediately go and find out the source of all this" Vei Very quickly left, she will immediately go to find out the source of all this trouble.

Yue Ya looked up at the sky in the headdress palace, for the first time the sky in this place turned red like this.

"Rare sight, I wonder who is passing through the fifth round of heavenly tribulation, what kind of person is that" Yue Ya was very curious about this, she wanted to know who could anger the heavens to this extent.

Yue Ya believed only a great genius was capable of this, the more genius a person was, the more difficult the heavenly tribulation they would go through.

"Ye Chen, what are you doing now?" Yue Ya wanted to know what Ye Chen was doing, she had not seen Ye Chen for a long time.

Yue Ya wanted to meet her little man, unfortunately Yue Ya couldn't do that for a while, there were many eyes still watching Yue Ya, if Yue Ya insisted on seeing Ye Chen, she would drag Ye Chen into trouble.

So for the time being Yue Ya couldn't go and see Ye Chen.



In the Sacred Heaven Star Realm.

Dongfang Xiu looked up at the sky, the red sky phenomenon also enveloped the entire Sacred Heaven Star Realm.

"Xun, what happened?" Dongfang Xiu asked Gu Xun what happened.

"Young lady, I don't know what's going on right now, but the entire God Realm is going through the same thing, right now the source of all this is still being investigated." Gu Xun said that he didn't know what was going on, so Gu Xun didn't say anything could give Dongfang Xiu the information she wanted.

"So it's still unknown." Dongfang Xiu nodded, she wanted to know what made things like this.

Dongfang Xiu couldn't help but sigh, now that she was under house arrest, so Dongfang Xiu would no longer be able to leave this place and find out what was going on.

Dongfang Xiu was also curious about this, she also wanted to know what caused this strange phenomenon.



In the Eternal Sun Star Realm.

There was a middle-aged man in golden imperial attire who was sitting on a throne, This man looked up at the sky of the Eternal Sun Star Realm which was now covered in red clouds and raging lightning, This man was Sun Quan, he was the king of the Eternal Sun Star Realm. .

"All of you quickly go and find out the origin of this, quickly find it and report to me" Sun Quan ordered all his men to go and search for the origin of this phenomenon, Sun Quan must be able to find the existence of the origin of this thing.

Just like Yue Ya, Sun Quan also knew what had happened, he knew that this was the fifth round of heavenly tribulation, this was a very rare thing to see.

Sun Quan wanted to recruit this person into the Eternal Sun Star Realm if he managed to survive.

Sun Quan believed that this person must be a great person, it was evident that he could trigger the fifth round of heavenly tribulation, which was extremely difficult for geniuses from all over the God Realm to do.



In the Immortal Profound Sea Realm, when the ruler of the Immortal Profound Sea Realm saw a phenomenon in the sky, the name of the ruler of the Immortal Profound Sea Realm was Hai Wan.

"This phenomenon, this hasn't happened in a long time, it looks like someone managed to trigger the fifth round of heavenly tribulation." Hai Wan already knew what had happened, so he immediately ordered to find out what had happened.

Four of the five great powers of the God Realm had already started moving to find the source of this problem, they had all sent powerhouses to find out the exact location of this matter.

Heavenly Lightning was very powerful, for a time, cultivators would not be able to leave easily, they could be hit by heavenly lightning if they were rash.



In a palace floating in space.

This was a very special palace, not many people were allowed to set foot in this place freely, even if it was a powerful cultivator like Sun Quan, Yue Ya or Hai Wan.

This is a special place that belongs to Saintess Shui Yixian, it is in the Heaven Light Palace.

Heaven Light Palace was the cleanest and brightest place in the God Realm, this place was filled with golden light so no darkness or clouds could penetrate into this place.

However this time was different, red clouds adorned the entire place, this made the light of the Heaven Light Palace dim.

" What's going on here?" a very beautiful woman immediately saw the strange thing that happened, she saw the sky suddenly became shrouded by red clouds.

This beautiful woman is Zhao Yanyan, after practicing together with Shui Yixian for a time, Zhao Yanyan has started to show quite a bit of change, Zhao Yanyan temperament has started to change since the last time, plus her beauty is getting more and more extraordinary.

"Yanyan, looks like your little husband made something big again" Shui Yixian said to Zhao Yanyan, Shui Yixian's tone was still flat and emotionless, in this world only a few could surprise Shui Yixian.

Shui Yixian had the ability to see into the future, so she already knew who this was.

She knew that this was Ye Chen's doing, he was the only person capable of making such an amazing thing.

"Is this my husband's doing?" Zhao Yanyan did not expect that this was Ye Chen's doing.

"Looks like he's going through heavenly tribulation" Nangong Xiang said that Ye Chen was going through heavenly tribulation.

"Will he be okay?" Zhao Yanyan was a little worried about Ye Chen's condition, whether Ye Chen could get through.

"You don't have to worry, this kind of lightning shouldn't be enough to kill him." Shui Yixian told that heavenly lightning would most likely not be able to destroy Ye Chen.

"That person is very tenacious, I believe he can survive all this." Nangong Xiang agreed with what Shui Yixian said, he was very confident that Ye Chen could survive all of this.

"Alright, I will believe sister Yixian's words" Zhao Yanyan will believe Shui Yixian's words.

Zhao Yanyan called Shui Yixian sister, for some reason Shui Yixian asked Zhao Yanyan to call her sister instead of master.

Zhao Yanyan didn't know Shui Yixian's thoughts, Shui Yixian's thoughts were far more complicated than hers, Shui Yixian's thoughts were clearly on another level that Zhao Yanyan had not yet reached.

"Rumble, Rumble, Rumble " the thunder roared even more horribly, it seemed like the fifth round was about to begin.