Journey To Become A True God - Chapter 1197 - Existence Has Been Discovered By The Enemy

Chapter 1197 - Existence Has Been Discovered By The Enemy

Chapter 1197 - Existence Has Been Discovered By The Enemy

"Gahhh" The boss robber started to release his profound strength, lightning began to envelop this person's body.

As lightning emerged from the body of the robber boss, the surroundings became extremely dark, black clouds began to fill the sky around this place.

"kid, I will make you regret for daring to make this old man angry." The robber boss said that he would make Ye Chen regret for making him angry.

In his heart, Ye Chen laughed when he heard what his enemy said, he laughed when he heard what this person said.

It seemed that Ye Chen had to let that person know who he was, otherwise how could he be called Ye Chen.

This person had dared to have bad thoughts on Li Jingyi and Qiao Xin, Ye Chen would definitely make this person battered.

The robber boss advanced towards Ye Chen, he stretched out his left hand and made a pose like a spear.


Split lightning spea

r" the boss of the robber's hand began to be enveloped by a thunderbolt, this lightning looked very long and sharp like a spear that could pierce and split anything in front of it.

The robber boss aimed his attack at Ye Chen, aiming to split Ye Chen's body into two pieces.

Ye Chen also extended his hand, Ye Chen's wrist began to be covered by very thick ice.

Ye Chen intended to use this to fend off attacks coming from his enemy.

"Boom. . ." The robber boss and Ye Chen's attacks met, the moment these two attacks met, the ground that the two of them stepped on shook and started to crumble downwards.

A crater began to appear between the two, this crater was getting deeper and deeper, even the area around the two continued to widen and eroded inward.

Everyone nearby immediately retreated, they were trying to save themselves.

"Jingyi, hurry and save them." Qiao Xin invited Li Jingyi to save the captives who were near the battle.

Li Jingyi nodded, she along with Qiao Xin rushed to save those in need.

Meanwhile, Ye Chen and the robber boss continued to face off, the two of them still facing each other.

The two of them faced each other, they both showed the strength they possessed.

"Damn, that's tough." The boss robber sensed that Ye Chen's defense was extremely strong, making it difficult for him to break through.

"Is this only the best thing you can do" Ye Chen said to the robber boss.

"Damn it, I can still do better." The boss robber amplified his attack, the lightning that enveloped his hand became bigger and bigger.

Even though he had strengthened his attack, the raid boss still couldn't break through Ye Chen's Ice defense, he was still unable to do that.

"You are too weak, let me show you the strength I have." Ye Chen felt that this person was weak, he only had an arrogance.


Frost Nova"

Ye Chen's used

Frost Nova

to freeze the enemy in front of him, instantly the enemy in front of Ye Chen instantly turned into an Ice statue.

The robber boss froze in midair, he turned into an Ice statue that could no longer move.

"This is very easy." Ye Chen felt that this enemy was very easy.

"Husband, are you okay?" Li Jingyi immediately asked Ye Chen how he was, she wanted to know if Ye Chen was okay or not.

Li Jingyi wanted to know Ye Chen's condition, if Ye Chen had an injury, then Li Jingyi wanted to heal it.

"I'm fine, this person won't hurt me" Ye Chen said to Li Jingyi.

This robber boss wouldn't be able to hurt him, so Li Jingyi didn't have to worry about this matter.

"Wife, what actually happened, why did these people attack you?" Ye Chen asked why these people attacked this place.

"We don't know either, something like this never happened." Qiao Xin answered Ye Chen's question.

In this place almost never happened anything like this, it was the first time something like this happened in this place.

"what is it that made them attack this place, let's find out about it" Ye Chen wanted to find out the reason these people attacked this place.

Ye Chen freed the boss from the robbers, when Ye Chen released this person, he was shivering with cold.

"Why did you attack this place?" Ye Chen didn't want to waste his time, he immediately asked why this person attacked this place.

"That, I was ordered by someone to do this" the robber boss told Ye Chen that he was ordered by someone to attack this place.

" Who is that ?" Ye Chen immediately asked who had ordered to attack this place, Ye Chen became more and more curious about this.

"I don't know about that matter, for sure the two of them look very strong and very mysterious" said the robber boss to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen raised his eyebrows, he started to think who it is, what do they want, are they looking for something in this place?

Ye Chen turned his attention towards Li Jingyi and Qiao Xin, could it be that this person was looking for one of the two?

Right now all Ye Chen could think of was that this person was looking for something in this place, otherwise why would he pay these people to attack all the houses in this place, there must be something.

"Is that all the information you have, the information is useless" Ye Chen said to the robber boss.

"I don't have anything else, please let me go." The robber boss told Ye Chen to let him go.

"Let go of you?, after what you tried to do to my wife, you want me to let you go?, you must be joking with me" Ye Chen said to the robber boss under his feet.

"Please, ancestor, please spare me, I won't dare look for trouble with you anymore." The robber boss said to Ye Chen.

"I won't believe the mouth of a villain like you, I'd rather just crush you" Ye Chen didn't believe the words of a villain, the words of a criminal definitely can't be trusted.

Ye Chen kicked the raid boss, himself using his full strength when doing this.

The robber boss was flown very far away by Ye Chen, he was flown out of the city towards the horizon.



Meanwhile in the distance, there were two people watching what was happening, these two people being Kung Pei and Kung Pan, both of whom were currently looking at Ye Chen who was in the distance.

"It seems that he is indeed the person we have been looking for." Kung Pei looked at Ye Chen, he could confirm that Ye Chen was the person they had been looking for all along.

"It seems the information I got is correct, the person we are looking for does live around this place," said Kung Pan to Kung Pei.

Kung Pan had obtained information about Ye Chen, after a long search, he finally found the person they had been looking for.

"I will immediately send this news to the higher-ups, they will be very happy," said Kung Pei to Kung Pan.

"Hurry up, let the organization know about this matter" Kung Pan ordered Kung Pei to immediately give this news to the Code Breaker organization.

It seems that Ye Chen has been found, the Code Breaker organization will start to look for trouble with Ye Chen and try to get the Solar Stone from Ye Chen's hands.

"let's go" Kung pan invites Kung Pei to leave, their mission is finished here.